weight gain despite diet and gym cardio? HELP!!!

I have been doing the slimming world 'diet' (which I previously did and lost 24 lb in 8 wks) and also joined the gym and stil I see nothing but gains on the scales :(
I've cut out all junk foods, eating 3 meals a day which are a third veg / salad. I have been doing cardio at the gym 3 to 4 times a week, 40 mins a session. This is mainly treadmill, crosstrainer, exercise bike etc in the hop of burning fat.

What am I doing wrong? Is this normal or happend to anyone else? Any knowlege or advice greatly appreicated.

Thankyou in advance :)


  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    How many calories per day do you consume, all combined between food/drink/cooking oils/condiments/etc.?

    How long have you been at it, and what amount of gain? The reason I ask this: its normal for weight to fluctuate based on sodium, stress, hormones etc. (water weight) and if you're looking at a time frame less than 3-4 weeks then you may just need a little patience. But if you don't know how many calories you are consuming, start tracking that.
  • I was told to have around 1300 cals a day by a weight loss program, and yes it will only have been 3 weeks monday coming. Thanks for your advice :)
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    What are your stats? Height, weight and etc.

    Remember weight loss is not linear, it's more like a bumpy road. You can be doing everything right and your body weight could be fluctuating based on many outside factors include water weight. Focus on the long term results and use measurements other than the scale. If you are looking better in the mirror and if your clothes are fitting better than you are doing something right.

    The scale is a tool to aide you in your weight loss journey, not a report card.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    I was told to have around 1300 cals a day by a weight loss program, and yes it will only have been 3 weeks monday coming. Thanks for your advice :)

    That's what you were told...how many are you actually consuming? How are you counting?

    Weight loss = calories in < calories spent.
  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
    Exercise does not help people lose weight, unless they are eating at an appropriate calorie deficit.

    How many calories are you eating per day and how confident are you in the accuracy of that knowledge?
  • bravesgirl981
    bravesgirl981 Posts: 7 Member
    Cardio is good; I do that and strength training; 20 to 30 minutes of my time is spent on strength training and doing my circuit. Adding that has been imperative to my weight loss. If you are already doing strength training and still not getting anywhere, it maybe time to add more weights. Calorie counting is so important as well. Be as accurate as you can.
  • stephe1987
    stephe1987 Posts: 406 Member
    Make sure you are accurately counting your calories eaten and calories burned. Remember that MFP often underestimates food and overestimates exercise. So only eat back 1/2 your exercise calories to make sure you don't go over your daily goal.

    Also remember that unless it's been a month it could be water retention during different parts of your monthly cycle (especially ovulation and menstruation).
  • Have you ever had your thyroid tested? this was happening to me and turns out I have an underactive thyroid. They say I will level off after about a month of meds
  • KingRat79
    KingRat79 Posts: 125 Member
    1)first thing is to work out how many calories you need, everyone is different dependent on individual factors including hight, actively level and lifestyle. don't get to bogged down in this as you will never be able to get it 100% accurate. on-line calculators can give you a good average idea .

    2)weigh everything you eat and drink and record this. don't guess. as you will probably get it wrong.

    3)eat 10% below your daily calorie needs. eat exactly this amount no more no less for 2 weeks.

    4)After 2 weeks re-assess where you are and your calorific needs. be scientific and change one thing at a time that weigh you know what is being effective and what is not, you can. the key is to understand your calorific needs and how your food consumption actually compares to this.

    5)be honest with yourself