lower back pain and neck stiffness

Hi all, although im not new to the site i just lurked and logged occasionally, but ive realised how much support and information i can get from you guys so jumping in with both feet and asking for help.

I am not very fit at all and ive started on 30 day shred as its only 20 mins, Even before i started this i have had lower back pain and put it down to too much sitting and being inactive. My question is will my back pain and neck ache disappear as i get stronger?, if i can get my back stronger and more flexible? what are the best exercised to do this? and lastly is it normal for my neck and lower back to feel like they are making crunching noises when i turn my head or tense up my Butt?

any advice appreciated :)



  • carisone
    carisone Posts: 31 Member
    I am by no means an expert, but I have suffered with back pain and been treated for it several times and I learned that it is all about your core. Loose stomach muscles mean your back muscles do all the hard work when you are bending and this is what can cause the pain ( in my case anyway). Strengthen your core and you will see an improvement. Dot be afraid to do the modified movements on an exercise to protect your back whilst you get stronger. Good luck! :)
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I don't want to freak you out, but I had some similar symptoms and ended up needing to have brain surgery. Have you seen a doctor for this?
  • wissabear
    wissabear Posts: 62 Member
    When I had back and neck pain I went and saw a chiropractor. In addition to the adjustments and massage he did to make my pain go away, I was given exercises to keep it form coming back again. I highly recommend it!
  • hobnobler
    hobnobler Posts: 20 Member
    thanks for the replies, I think you could be right about my core affecting my back, i am slowly working on them. As for my neck ache which has steadily got worse for a month or two maybe i might see a doctor just to be sure. :/ I did have a brain scan about 2 years ago which was all clear so hopefully its nothing worrying.
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    i usually get back (and other muscle pains) when i am dehydrated. bad posture does it as well :wink:
    Just a thought.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    thanks for the replies, I think you could be right about my core affecting my back, i am slowly working on them. As for my neck ache which has steadily got worse for a month or two maybe i might see a doctor just to be sure. :/ I did have a brain scan about 2 years ago which was all clear so hopefully its nothing worrying.

    Good to know, they may need to do a cervical spine MRI as well to rule things out.
  • steve0820
    steve0820 Posts: 510 Member
    With proper form and technique, you can certainly strengthen your back properly. I had a back injury a few years ago, that took 1 year to recover from.

    In my experience, and from what I've seen from other people, a lot of lower back issues, aren't actually lower back issues. If you have a weak core, hamstrings and glutes, it will hinder your lower back and cause issues. I would start with strengthening those areas as well, as well as your lower back.

    Here are some exercises that worked for me:

    Glute bridge
    Good mornings
    Camel stretch
  • jjplato
    jjplato Posts: 155 Member
    I had lower back pain about ten years ago, and it turned out I had a bulging disk. Physical therapy helped, to some extent, but what really made the difference for me was stretching -- particularly muscles that stretched the gluteal muscles and hamstrings. I had an excellent sports medicine physician who explained that as you get older, your core muscles weaken and your butt and hamstring muscles tend to tighten, and this can pull your lower spine slightly out of alignment.

    The two most effective stretches for me were the figure-four stretch and simply bending over to touch my toes and holding it for a count of 30. If my back stiffened up during the day, I would do one or both of these and it would relieve the pain and stiffness immediately. I still stretch every day (and I do a lot of core exercises), and my back almost never bothers me.

    That having been said, there are many potential causes for back and neck pain. Your best bet is to see a doctor and have it diagnosed.
  • hobnobler
    hobnobler Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you all for excellent advise im going to look into all those different exercises and techniques, while i wait for a doctors appointment which will take a few weeks at my surgery gggrrr i will continue to stretch and exercise trying not to do any damage just in case as i dont want the Dr to put it down to a strain through exercise.