Will I ever be happy with my weight?

kaleas Posts: 200
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support
I know everyone struggles with this. Today is one of those days.

I have no right to look in the mirror and be disgusted with my body. At 22, 127 pounds and 5'5, I know I'm no where near an unhealthy weight. I bike everywhere. Exercise daily. Try to eat right.

And yet I'm never happy with my body. All I can see is too much chunk on my thighs. A stomach that is never as flat as I'd like. An *kitten* that's too big to be on a white girl. I keep thinking, if only I can lose 5 more pounds. If only I can lose 10 more pounds. Then maybe I'll be prettier. If I can tone up more and wear those little bootie shorts from American Eagle, maybe I'll be prettier.

I'm tired of thinking like that. Some days are better than others. But most, I'm so disgusted by how muscular of a build I have. How much extra I carry on my hips. I'm afraid because I know that if I get depressed and angry at myself enough, I'll stop eating. I know that if I stop going out, stop socializing, drinking, eating out, all this weight would go away.

So why are we always so disgusted with ourselves? What are we striving for?


  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    It's human nature; we strive for perfection....but it's not reality. There will always be something about ourselves we aren't happy with. If you get to the point where you're happy with your weight, you will find something else you think needs "fixed". It really is an endless cycle...sadly.
  • Ellensays
    Ellensays Posts: 10 Member
    You can be happy with it (or at least accept it) but it might require professional help.

    Your size is very small as it is and it seems like you know that losing a few more pounds isn't really going to make you happy. I'm sorry I don't know what the advice to give is but you're not alone. Lots of people of all different sizes feel that way.
  • Anita0769
    Anita0769 Posts: 5 Member
    I have been working really hard and still feel that I have such a long way to go. I found an old picture of myself and my husband - well I say old it was only 6 years ago and I looked so good. Had weigh in today and good news I have managed to shed a bit more but more importantly my body fat has reduced by 1%. Keep going it will be worth it but only for you dont do it for anyone else. I also like going out but keep it to now and then but easy for me to say as im 42.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I will be happy when I weight nothing.
  • Plumpqt
    Plumpqt Posts: 156
    I blame the media and advertising. We are bombarded with images of waffer thin women that are called sexy and we see them at very young ages. It sad and being a mother of 2 girls I pray to God that I have taught them different and that it actually sticks. You are beautiful never let anyone or anything make you believe different.
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    We both know that cute shorts from American Eagle aren't what make you pretty. It's YOU who are pretty. Stop focusing on your faults, seriously, and remember that you're strong and healthy.

    Easier said than done, I know. It's very hard. But fake it till you make it!
  • haldeman5
    haldeman5 Posts: 121 Member
    I worry about the same thing! everyone alwasy says how good I look and I just don't see it! I still have quite a ways to go to get to were you are but I worry I will feel like you do:-( keep your head up!!!
  • shaheerahs
    shaheerahs Posts: 79 Member
    I dunno, I don't think I've ever looked in the mirror and been disgusted. We all have things we need to work on, nobody is perfect.

    You gotta learn to love yourself the way you are. Instead of looking in the mirror and picking out the parts you don't like, pick out the ones you do.
  • Schraudt814
    Schraudt814 Posts: 496 Member
    I blame the media and advertising. We are bombarded with images of waffer thin women that are called sexy and we see them at very young ages. It sad and being a mother of 2 girls I pray to God that I have taught them different and that it actually sticks. You are beautiful never let anyone or anything make you believe different.

    I agree- It's crazy how many tiny little girls/women are used to portray sexy...and then they're airbrushed! I think you need to spend some time on yourself- not physically but learning to love yourself. You are beautiful! I wish I could make everyone proud of their curves!
  • I can totally relate to you on this, 100%. These thoughts, coupled with my weight loss, spurred me into an eating disorder. For me, it's about control and emotions. I can't seem to deal with my emotions or have any control over things around me, so I focus it all on my body...something that I can change(to an extent).

    For others it may just be they believe that perfect is truly achievable and since they aren't, they hate themselves. Maybe some of us have had terrible experiences growing, kids, school, puberty and we're still in the same mindset as we were back then. Heck, it could just be for superficial reasons...desiring to be "hot" and "sexy" and to gain the approval of their peers.

    Comparing ourselves to other people doesn't make it any better...not by a long shot. Yet it's the most common bad habit females have. I know I do it all the time. "If I could just look like ___ I'd be happier" I hear that all day. I nitpick at every part of my body. I hate my shape and I think if I just lose enough weight it won't matter...I'll be as thin as all the other girls...as all the artists and actresses...

    I hate to see other people(who look perfectly fine to me) struggling with this mentality. Chances are that they have many people that envy their body. I'm certain that there are tons of people(including me) that would love to look like you do and to be as healthy and happy looking as you are. :)

    I'm strating to notice that the more time I spend looking at my body, trying my best to have an outsider's perspective, it's easier to see things that I *do* like. Getting over the fear of seeing your body and all it's flaws will lead to acceptance. there will always be bad days, but they come and go like everything else.

    Look look fantastic and *very* in shape. I'm sure that there are 3-5 things that you can list that you like, or are satisified with, about your body. It doesn't have to be purely visual, either. It could be related to how much you can do or how strong part of your body is. Try it! :p

    Not sure if I helped at all. I'm struggling through this same mentality all the time and I'm not sure if I can. But, to not try is to automatically fail. There's more wrong with how I see my body than what may(seem to be) wrong with the body itself.

    Ugh...rambling again
  • I can totally relate to you on this, 100%. These thoughts, coupled with my weight loss, spurred me into an eating disorder. For me, it's about control and emotions. I can't seem to deal with my emotions or have any control over things around me, so I focus it all on my body...something that I can change(to an extent).

    For others it may just be they believe that perfect is truly achievable and since they aren't, they hate themselves. Maybe some of us have had terrible experiences growing, kids, school, puberty and we're still in the same mindset as we were back then. Heck, it could just be for superficial reasons...desiring to be "hot" and "sexy" and to gain the approval of their peers.

    Comparing ourselves to other people doesn't make it any better...not by a long shot. Yet it's the most common bad habit females have. I know I do it all the time. "If I could just look like ___ I'd be happier" I hear that all day. I nitpick at every part of my body. I hate my shape and I think if I just lose enough weight it won't matter...I'll be as thin as all the other girls...as all the artists and actresses...

    I hate to see other people(who look perfectly fine to me) struggling with this mentality. Chances are that they have many people that envy their body. I'm certain that there are tons of people(including me) that would love to look like you do and to be as healthy and happy looking as you are. :)

    I'm strating to notice that the more time I spend looking at my body, trying my best to have an outsider's perspective, it's easier to see things that I *do* like. Getting over the fear of seeing your body and all it's flaws will lead to acceptance. there will always be bad days, but they come and go like everything else.

    Look look fantastic and *very* in shape. I'm sure that there are 3-5 things that you can list that you like, or are satisified with, about your body. It doesn't have to be purely visual, either. It could be related to how much you can do or how strong part of your body is. Try it! :p

    Not sure if I helped at all. I'm struggling through this same mentality all the time and I'm not sure if I can. But, to not try is to automatically fail. There's more wrong with how I see my body than what may(seem to be) wrong with the body itself.

    Ugh...rambling again
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    I think everyone has bad days...
    But that being said, you are right: Your weight is very healthy! and you sound very active too! I know what you mean about hating your body, I used to be there. But thinking that way is dangerous, it can lead to serious problems like an eating disorder. It happened to me, I developed bulimia and other unhealthy habits. I highly recommend going to a therapist that specializes in body image issues if this is more than a bad day type thing.

    If it is any consolation I think you look great!
    I know everyone struggles with this. Today is one of those days.

    I have no right to look in the mirror and be disgusted with my body. At 22, 127 pounds and 5'5, I know I'm no where near an unhealthy weight. I bike everywhere. Exercise daily. Try to eat right.

    And yet I'm never happy with my body. All I can see is too much chunk on my thighs. A stomach that is never as flat as I'd like. An *kitten* that's too big to be on a white girl. I keep thinking, if only I can lose 5 more pounds. If only I can lose 10 more pounds. Then maybe I'll be prettier. If I can tone up more and wear those little bootie shorts from American Eagle, maybe I'll be prettier.

    I'm tired of thinking like that. Some days are better than others. But most, I'm so disgusted by how muscular of a build I have. How much extra I carry on my hips. I'm afraid because I know that if I get depressed and angry at myself enough, I'll stop eating. I know that if I stop going out, stop socializing, drinking, eating out, all this weight would go away.

    So why are we always so disgusted with ourselves? What are we striving for?
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    I think everyone has bad days...
    But that being said, you are right: Your weight is very healthy! and you sound very active too! I know what you mean about hating your body, I used to be there. But thinking that way is dangerous, it can lead to serious problems like an eating disorder. It happened to me, I developed bulimia and other unhealthy habits. I highly recommend going to a therapist that specializes in body image issues if this is more than a bad day type thing.

    If it is any consolation I think you look great!
    I know everyone struggles with this. Today is one of those days.

    I have no right to look in the mirror and be disgusted with my body. At 22, 127 pounds and 5'5, I know I'm no where near an unhealthy weight. I bike everywhere. Exercise daily. Try to eat right.

    And yet I'm never happy with my body. All I can see is too much chunk on my thighs. A stomach that is never as flat as I'd like. An *kitten* that's too big to be on a white girl. I keep thinking, if only I can lose 5 more pounds. If only I can lose 10 more pounds. Then maybe I'll be prettier. If I can tone up more and wear those little bootie shorts from American Eagle, maybe I'll be prettier.

    I'm tired of thinking like that. Some days are better than others. But most, I'm so disgusted by how muscular of a build I have. How much extra I carry on my hips. I'm afraid because I know that if I get depressed and angry at myself enough, I'll stop eating. I know that if I stop going out, stop socializing, drinking, eating out, all this weight would go away.

    So why are we always so disgusted with ourselves? What are we striving for?
  • volfan22
    volfan22 Posts: 149 Member
    Only you can answer that question really. What are you expectations? If you are unhappy with a part of your body - then ask yourself what you want it to look like and work on it. Once you achieve success in that area - try another. Don't overwhelm yourself with perfection - as with any mountain - take it one step at a time. You definitely have the drive and you don't seem to be too far off - you can do this fairly easily.

    Research your problem areas, target exercises and diet that specifically focus on your needs and give it a try.

    Good luck to you - I hope your day gets better! It's Monday, after all! :0)
  • kaleas
    kaleas Posts: 200
    Thanks so much everyone for all of the support. It really means a lot!

    I think a lot of it has to do with control, you know? Your weight and what you feed your body are one of the few things that you have total control over. I see some of the success others have had, or what others look like, and feel as if I'm failing to, well, "control" myself properly. I failed to have the will power to say no to that treat, that drink, or to say yes to exercising.

    It is a long, up hill battle. I just need to remember to look in the mirror on these days and instead appreciate what my body can do for me. These muscles power my bike so I can get places. They allow me to walk and hike and enjoy life. I shouldn't look at them in dissatisfaction. Those skinny models, they make look good in photos, and god knows what Photoshop can do, but I'd still out run them!
  • Thanks so much everyone for all of the support. It really means a lot!

    I think a lot of it has to do with control, you know? Your weight and what you feed your body are one of the few things that you have total control over. I see some of the success others have had, or what others look like, and feel as if I'm failing to, well, "control" myself properly. I failed to have the will power to say no to that treat, that drink, or to say yes to exercising.

    It is a long, up hill battle. I just need to remember to look in the mirror on these days and instead appreciate what my body can do for me. These muscles power my bike so I can get places. They allow me to walk and hike and enjoy life. I shouldn't look at them in dissatisfaction. Those skinny models, they make look good in photos, and god knows what Photoshop can do, but I'd still out run them!

    Hell yeah! You've got it! ^_^
  • I know this thread was posted years ago, but I'm happy to have found it. I started my weight loss journey after a trip to Israel 2 years ago. After returning from the trip and seeing photos of myself in a bikini, I knew I needed to lose some weight and fat. I was 140lbs at 5"5. I immediately started counting my calories and obsessing over Myfitnesspal. I lost weight fast. I was restricting to about 700 calories a day and I dropped down to the lowest of 113. I still did NOT feel satisfied. I then started to up my calories and eat clean, but ended up being so unhappy with the fact that I was 125lbs (I looked toned) and started counting calories again. at a plateau, I discovered IIFYM where you focus on macronutrients and I paid for a plan for me. This winter I went off my birth control, stuck to my macros to a tee and even gave myself a treat once a week and consistently every single Sunday weigh in I was 118lbs and so happy. 2 months ago I went to ireland, and got home and was 125lbs which ruined me. I am not counting calories again and am at 122lbs. But last night I have come to a conclusion. Do I want to live the rest of my life like this? Obsessing over numbers? NO. I am going to stop counting calories. Focus on when I'm full. Portion control. Working out etc. I need to get a good relationship with food back in my life and start to feel confident again. No woman will ever be 100% satisfied, but it's worth a try :)
  • You are beautiful and physically fit. Now, it's time for you to make the inner you beautiful as well. To do this, it's simple - look for the postings where folks are struggling and offer words of encouragement. You'll feel like you're making a difference in other people's lives and you won't feel so disgusted about your weight. You'll look in the mirror and see a beautiful person who does wonderful things for other people.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Will I ever be happy with my weight?

    It is a simple choice. If you think you can, or you cannot, you are right.
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