Regained Weight & Renewed Efforts - Question

Hi there,

I spent several years losing the 27 pounds I had gained. That seems like a small amount to lose, but being an insulin dependent diabetic, it took a long time to lose it. I struggle with binge eating and recent events have lead me to regain probably close to 20 of the 27 pounds I lost. I am re-dedicating myself to my weight loss plan and efforts starting tomorrow morning. My question is, do you think I should weigh in tomorrow morning and measure, so I can document my starting point? I'm concerned that seeing those numbers is going to be very upsetting. It's one thing to know it without confirming the number... But if I don't weigh in and measure, then I won't know how much progress I'm making along the way. I'm feeling very torn and wondering what you would do if you were or have been in my situation? Thank you!


  • Amy101975
    Amy101975 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi, I would definitely take the measurements so that you can clearly see your progress. Facing the music also provides the extra push and motivation.

    Just my two cents! Kudos to you for getting back on track!
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    Can you get your SO/BF/BFF to do the measurements, record the weight and take a few pics with out you seeing the numbers etc.
    That way when you are ready to do a follow up, you can ask to see the difference.
    It gives you a reference with out it being in your face and driving the angst.
  • swanfam4
    swanfam4 Posts: 41 Member
    Can you get your SO/BF/BFF to do the measurements, record the weight and take a few pics with out you seeing the numbers etc.
    That way when you are ready to do a follow up, you can ask to see the difference.
    It gives you a reference with out it being in your face and driving the angst.

    I think this is really smart!
  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    I'm a T1 also...I gained weight after having my 3rd (only gained 28 while pg, then gained more after he was born.

    It was hard facing those numbers at first, but the more I saw them, the stronger my resolve was to change them. Also, the more i saw the number going down, the better I felt. But omg, it took for. ev. er.