Something has to work

My name is Bill. I'd like to not be big anymore.

My entire family is large and I'm well on my way being large also. Recently bought some summer clothes and when I got home not one damn piece fit me. Somehow that's the straw that broke the camel's back, which is sad. I've been right on the cusp of working out and eating right for the better part of a decade. I did sports in high school and lifted weights until my last day in the school. Haven't seriously touched one weight or done any real exercise since. That was 1997 when I was 178 pounds and very much in shape. Not having a real reliable scale at home just yet, I step on the ones I have at work (in a chemical plant - they're everywhere.). According to the scales here that are calibrated once a month, but are somehow still dirty rotten liars, I'm right around 280 pounds, which disgusts me.

Being a married father of four children, I have to do better.

You guys have this stuff down, or so it seems. I've controlled my eating for one week, and I feel pretty good. I've joked with my wife all week about why I haven't woken up skinny yet. She chuckles to humor me. so far I'm trying portion control of non-garbage foods. A cup of Cheerios with milk and a banana for breakfast instead of skipping or eating mass amounts of eggs and bacon. Grabbing a carrot instead of Doritos. Baby steps, I suppose. Thinking about starting some sort of exercise regimen this week. Been doing two miles a day for a couple days now and that works out pretty well.

I look forward to seeing what you all have on here and using it as inspiration for my own goals. For that, I thank you.


  • Blueseraphchaos
    Blueseraphchaos Posts: 843 Member
    Good luck to you! I started on this journey for real awhile back when i stepped on my scale and realized i was heavier than I'd ever been. I decided right then that something had to change. I fell into some bad eating habits when i started dating my fiance, but I've been trying very hard to break them. I was on medication that also made it extremely difficult to lose weight, but I'm trying to work around that.

    I have an elliptical that i run on (15 minutes a day right now, i aim for 4 days a week). I'm on my feet all day at work, but i generally work only 3-4 days a week and i try to work out on those days too, but sometimes it just depends on how much energy i have. the more i work out, the more energy i have, which is a big plus. I really only eat one big meal a day (and i don't track stuff on here in the proper meal category, but i do track it all, haha), i try to keep my portions under control. I do splurge on a few hundred calories once or twice a week (i tend to follow the idea that a deficit over a week will still end up the same as a steady deficit every day, and occasionally i like to treat myself so i don't feel completely deprived.)

    I have been weighing in every day, and I'm always satisfied to see the number at least not go up from day to day, lol. All i drink is water, which leaves me free to eat all my calories. I find i can eat almost all the veggies i want, except for corn and potatoes, which helps with feeling sated plus getting all the vitamins and minerals i need. But I'm not a big fan of most vegetables so i have found that certain dips that i can make at home, like a dash of honey mixed with brown mustard or a bit of sour cream with spices, can be a low-calorie way to eat more veggies for me. I like to roast veggies with a tiny bit of olive oil, sea salt, and pepper, too.
    Soup is a great way to cram a ton of low-calorie veggies into a meal, too.

    I do try to avoid foods that are high-calorie but low-volume, like bread, candy, etc. I limit my intake of other high-calorie foods like nuts and grains, but i don't avoid them completely because i don't eat much meat and I'm always coming in low in potassium, iron, and calcium on my tracker. I have a lot of work to do still....I'd like to lose all the weight i gained after i had my second son and got put on medication that wreaked havoc on my body. I too, look forward to any support and inspiration i find on here.
  • moleskined
    moleskined Posts: 3 Member
    Good luck, Bill.

    The first few weeks are pretty rough, in my experience. My body was still demanding "PHATAZZ PIZZAS AND PIE NAOW!11" for weeks after I began, but eased off after the first month or so. The important thing is to record everything to the best of your ability, but not to worry about being a little over or under every now and then.

    Also, every few weeks or so, eat your maintenance or a little over in whatever foods you like. It keeps you from going crazy.

    If you did weights once, I recommend doing it again. You'll probably have an easier time of it than I did, as I never touched a dumbbell until last August. Years ago I did try running and cycling (hated it), but it always made me ravenous and caused me to fall off the wagon a few times.
  • Blueseraphchaos
    Blueseraphchaos Posts: 843 Member
    I agree with doing exercise you used to do. If you liked out then, chances are good you'll like it now too and you'll find it easier to stick with. It took a lot of trial and error for me to find something that didn't hurt my lame ankle and that i enjoyed enough to stick with. In my case, hop on elliptical, turn on music, turn off brain, lol
  • KayJaMikel
    KayJaMikel Posts: 341 Member
    Hi Bill. Welcome. I am still new here so really don't suggest anything yet, but wanted to say good luck and my hubby's name is Bill so your post grabbed my attention.
  • scb515
    scb515 Posts: 133 Member
    Sounds like you've found your motivation, Bill! Way to go.

    I follow a calorie restricted diet - ideally I should look at all the nutritional information, but I dom't have time for that, so I count calories only. Obviously I don't binge on food that I know is high in fat, but I'm only tracking calories accurately.

    I've started going to the gym - the first time was a killer. But getting back into exercise does get easier. You just need to hold onto that motivation and plod on at your own pace. Take comfort in how other people have lost lots of weight, but don't try to race against anyone. Keep taking baby steps and the results will show in due course.

    Oh, and if you have a bad day - doesn't matter. Just get back on the diet wagon straight after.

    Good luck in achieving your goals!
  • klogsdon212014
    klogsdon212014 Posts: 1 Member
    HI....I started after having CABG 3 years ago...that was a wake up call! I found it easy at first to be focused but frustrated by my own unrealistic expectations (i.e., after 1 week of "healthy eating" not to see results!). Now, I practice consistency (still easier said than done) in both eating and exercise. One thing that has worked for me: when I want that 3rd cup of coffee in the am or that after lunch chocolate/sweet, I go for a 10-12 minute walk around our office building. That generally gets me re-motivated to stick with what I know is good for me. If I do still want that 3rd cuppa or candy, I do get it though (not perfect!!).
  • RevivingTheRabbit
    Hi Bill and everyone :-)
    This is my second time here in under a year... slipped off the wagon at the end of last year due to surgery which I used as an excuse to be lazy for too long, then I had bouts of illness (endometriosis) which killed off exercise for even longer. In that time I've gained 3 kilos (8lbs) so body is even more rippled with bulges of fatty fat fat and unhealthyness.
    A big challenge is that I spend most evenings on the couch as my husband sleeps early. We have good friends but they're too far away to go for a walk with... left to my own devices I drink the wine and nibbles

    Now.... here I am, asking for moral support, and hoping to give y'all some too!
  • Beachtreasures
    Beachtreasures Posts: 143 Member
    You are certainly in the right place. Everyone you touch here understands the hard work and dedication it takes to make a healthy life style change. There are highs and lows, as you know, but you can do this!

    A few months ago, I was so disgusted with myself and where I had ended up. Hmmm, if I had only stayed on plan I would be X. Well I hit bottom and realized that I needed to change. The logging keeps me accountable and I decided to make a fresh start at a new gym. So far so good! I hired a personal trainer; he keeps me motivated and kicks my butt every now and then. I have a super supportive husband who is always ready to sacrifice for me to get my workout in or plan my meals.

    I wish you the very best on your journey! Remember that this is a life style change and you are doing this to be healthy and live a long life, it's not just about being thin!

    Take care!
  • Miss8616
    Miss8616 Posts: 2
    Hi everyone,
    Bill, my husband and I also have 4 kids so I completely understand wanting to be fit while parenting them and ensuring we are doing our best to have good health. I never had a weight problem until my metabolism changed at 24 - wow that sucked. At this point i look pregnant...and trust me I'm not. I need to lose the weight so i can have more energy and be more active. I LOVE adventure and it is hard to have adventures when you are low on energy and hungry. I'm new to myfitnesspal but I have heard good things. I'm also excited about using my fitbit again and starting to get some movement in.