25 lbs. lighter and no one has noticed



  • maybeazure
    maybeazure Posts: 301 Member
    I remember how discouraging that was. It seemed like it took people forever to notice. But eventually they will. And actually maybe some people have already, but they want to be absolutely sure. Also, some people will never say anything...maybe they worry that it's insulting to mention it or something. But it won't be long before everyone is able to see it.
  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    The bigger you are, the more you have to lose before people will notice. My sister is 5'3", started at 230 & is down to 195; I can just now barely tell a difference.

    This is true. I'm 5'3" - started out at 343, and that is HUGE for that height. No one started saying anything to me until I hit the 260s or so.
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    Yeah nobody noticed with me at first till I made a point of telling practically everyone. Because I'm the shy and retiring type like that :blushing:

    As other folk have stated people may not want to comment. Or sometimes they are just so busy with what's going on in their own lives they just plain old don't notice. Great loss btw OP.
  • CarolinkaCjj
    CarolinkaCjj Posts: 622 Member
    Eventually (soon) someone will notice. Probably one of your close friends who sees you every day. Thank them graciously. Then they will notice again.
    Someone else will ask "is that a new haircut? a new outfit? you look different" - if they are a good friend say "why no, but I have lost some weight"
    I am not shy when people ask if I have lost weight - I shout it from the rooftops. My friends know I do not tire of hearing of how much better I look.
  • PennyVonDread
    PennyVonDread Posts: 432 Member
    I lost 50 pounds and people are only now starting to double take and "wait a minute- are you getting smaller?" Um. Yup. I will say it's not something I ever advertised I was doing because I consider my weight personal business.

    There was a study I read that mentions you will notice your weight loss first, followed by immediate family/close friends, and then way later by coworkers, acquaintances, etc. Just keep at it and give it time.
  • Luciu5
    Luciu5 Posts: 15
    Nobody is going to comment until it's so blatantly obvious that it would be impossible not to notice. Weight is such a touchy subject that nobody wants to screw up on a comment like that. Also, if I'm reading your ticker right, you have 150 lbs to lose still? The more fat you have to lose the more you need to lose for it to be noticeable. Someone very thin can drop 5 lbs and it be very noticeable. Someone extremely morbidly obese could drop 50 lbs and it hardly be noticeable.
  • maureenrh
    maureenrh Posts: 1
    I totally understand how you feel! Even though we are really losing weight for ourselves, it just feels so good to have others notice and say something. I'm feeling really good right now and fitting into smaller clothes and I keep thinking the same thing...someone's going to notice...but you know what?....even though no one has, I still know! You have to feel so much better having lost what you have lost, so pat yourself on the back, congratulate yourself in the mirror...and keep on going! :)
  • Agatefairy
    Agatefairy Posts: 153 Member
    I'm 5'11.5" and I've lost about 17 pounds so far and only a few people in my life have actually noticed. I have come to the realization that I must take pictures of myself to track my own progress and not rely on others to give me props for my weight-loss. i haven't gone down a pant-size or anything. I think once you start having to wear much smaller clothes and lose inches-it's difficult for people to notice. Also take your measurements! That's another great way to track progress, but I'm also biting the bullet and taking photos of myself as motivation.
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    I lost close on 50lbs before people started to comment - some apparently noticed a bit earlier, some did not say anything because they thought I might have medical issues.... but eventually it became so obvious that people had to start asking about it....

    Even now - after 110lbs lost I meet people that has not seen me in a while, and they will say weird things like "you cut your hair", or "you changed the colour of your hair" - they know something is different - but if they had not seen me in years they cant put their finger on it.

    As others have said - do this for yourself - for your health, for the energy and new found love of life you will get - and stop worrying about other people...... the accolades will come, but honestly the other benefits are so much more positive and worthwhile....

    And congrats on the 25lb's - keep on going - it is soooo worth it!!
  • droxeene
    droxeene Posts: 43 Member
    It took about 50 pounds before people noticed/commented for me (I'm 5'10") but after 10 pounds I could tell the difference in the way my clothes fit & that's what was exciting for me!
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    Are you doing it for yourself or other people?


    I know it sounds douche-y, but 'tis truth. Most people are so wrapped up in their own drama they barely notice others exist, let alone lost weight. This is about you anyway, so fck 'em.
  • jasminecoco
    jasminecoco Posts: 50 Member
    Then keep losing more until they notice!
    Also, it's better to get fit rather than just losing weight because your whole spirit looks better so they are sure that you are healthily losing weight instead of being sick...

    I didn't lose anything but I got fit and people noticed. so it's not all about weight ;)
  • Archon2
    Archon2 Posts: 462 Member
    I agree with everyone in that a lot of people probably notice something, but to actually say, "Hey! You lost some weight! Looks good!" also implies a lot negative thoughts, like that you look better now means that you looked worse when heavier, or that you were too overweight, etc, etc. Only if you make a *massive difference then would some people feel comfortable making some kind of comment, like, "have you been working out or something?" :)

    I think only very close friends and family would feel comfortable making ongoing supportive comments about what they notice if they openly knew you were working on a diet.

    *not to diminish 25lbs of good progress! Pick up a 25 lb turkey in the supermarket or something and you will see how much of an accomplishment that is! Good work! :)
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member

    *not to diminish 25lbs of good progress! Pick up a 25 lb turkey in the supermarket or something and you will see how much of an accomplishment that is! Good work! :)

    I was just thinking of this yesterday when I picked up two pounds of deli meat. One pound is not a small amount for sure.
  • servicedograiser
    servicedograiser Posts: 38 Member
    I had a dear childhood friend who when I asked if she had noticed I had lost a lot of weight recently, replied I never focused on your weight before why would I now? I concede I still weight more than I did as a 4 or 9 or 15 year old. (Smile)
  • spacelump
    spacelump Posts: 233 Member
    I had a dear childhood friend who when I asked if she had noticed I had lost a lot of weight recently, replied I never focused on your weight before why would I now? I concede I still weight more than I did as a 4 or 9 or 15 year old. (Smile)

    I love her response. :) Quality friend, you have there.
  • Phoenix__Rising
    Phoenix__Rising Posts: 9,981 Member
    I would guess it's an awkward thing to them to mention.
    Gratz on your loss! :drinker:
  • ehodgdend4
    ehodgdend4 Posts: 27 Member
    Im 5' 11"m and ive lost 26lb and the only people that have noticed any weight lost are my clothes, they dont fit for crap now
  • ShmareParks
    ShmareParks Posts: 88 Member
    Same. 25 down, nobody can tell.

    Seriously fat, I am. lol.

    ^^^^^^ This rhymes.
  • BozGirl
    BozGirl Posts: 333 Member
    Soooo I've lost almost 25 lbs. and no one has really noticed. People I haven't seen since before I started weight haven't noticed. People I see every day haven't notice. It's discouraging. I have a lot of weight to lose but I thought 25 lbs. would be more noticeable.

    I am also tall--I'm 5'9"--and it took an entire year and 40 pounds for people to start asking if I lost weight. I promise that people will start to notice as you keep losing. You're doing great, 25 pounds is a great loss!