Looking for 5'5"-5'8" & 20+ Ibs to lose

Looking for 5'5"-5'8" awesome ladies (and gents if you'd like to join) who have 20+ Ibs to lose. I need more people with similar stats as me! :)

I figured that if I'm going to add people, the chances of motivating each other would be better if we had similar stats because we both would have the same or similar goals. Seems logical, right? I'm not picky. If you're nowhere near the height or goal weight loss, feel free to add... the more the merrier, yes? :wink: :happy:

And yes, I understand that the male counterpart of the population will most likely have different results than the females. But if you're a guy and you want more buddy on your newsfeed who might occasionally post some cheesy joke of the day, then you know what to do.


  • svandever101585
    svandever101585 Posts: 188 Member
    I am 5 ft 8 and have about 35 lbs left to lose. I have already lost 75 and I started insanity today. You can add me if you would like. I am always looking for new friends.
  • Fittykitty11
    Fittykitty11 Posts: 124
    I'm 5'7" and while I don't typically rely on the scale for my progress, I am aiming at about 10-15 pounds loss.
  • BTOH
    BTOH Posts: 2
    5'7" Looking to loose 18 but would be thrilled with 20lbs.
  • mkchris
    mkchris Posts: 35 Member
    I'm 5'7" and want to lose 50lbs, (at 202 now) I lost 10 lbs at the beginning of the year and gained it back. Just started up again yesterday.
  • Kitten2629
    Kitten2629 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I have 33 lbs to lose, but sadly only 5'3 lol
  • TansieEye
    TansieEye Posts: 25
    I'm 5'5", have about 12 pounds more to lose. Lost ten w/ MFP. :) Add if you lie. I diary every day, skate 60-90 minutes 6 times a week.
  • summerbrunette23
    summerbrunette23 Posts: 23 Member
    If any of you lovely ladies didn't add me, I already sent you the request! :) and for those of you who did, thank you! I gladly accepted! :D
  • pleasepleaseno
    pleasepleaseno Posts: 166 Member
    5'6" 20 pounds to lose
  • feedmedonuts
    feedmedonuts Posts: 241 Member
    5'5", 150lbs. Would be thrilled to lose 20lbs. However I am pregnant so I'm going to have a lot more than 20lbs to lose after December!
  • cpollack710
    Hi! I'm 5'8" with 40+ to lose, or hoping to lose. I just re-started this... I'd love to be added as your friend as I don't have any on here.
  • MissMissle
    MissMissle Posts: 293 Member
    5"5" had 30 pounds to lose...15 left and Ive been stuck at the same number for a MONTH! feel free to add me...in need of some new ideas of what to change up!
  • Sweetie_darling
    Sweetie_darling Posts: 123 Member

    I'm 5"4, but I shall stand on my tip toes! 41lb to lose.

    Weight loss is slow going this time around, so need friend to motivate and keep me motivated :)

  • flamedic
    flamedic Posts: 18 Member
    I'm 5'5'' and have bout 70 to lose!
  • tor331
    tor331 Posts: 6 Member
    5'4" and 20 lbs to lose!
  • zainab411
    zainab411 Posts: 51 Member
    Hey I'm 5'6 and losing an extra 20 pounds would be a dream come true.
  • lemon629
    lemon629 Posts: 501 Member
    5'8" and looking to lose approximately 20 pounds. (My ticker is set to 10 because it seems less daunting and I want to re-assess at 160-- perhaps at that point I'll be happy with just 5 more or will want to lose 15 more.)
  • carafes
    carafes Posts: 36 Member
    Good Morning, I am 5'5 and I have atleast 30 lbs to lose. I have been tracking for about 2 months and I am working with the Venus Index system. I have lost about 10 lbs so far and I can see my body changing and my clothes fitting differently.
    I have always been too self conscious to reach out or if I am honest too stubborn with the 'knowledge' that I can do it on my own. I have tried the weight loss journey for what feels like my whole life but go up and down. I am at a better place in my head and heart and am truly committing to myself and my well being!

    What in reality I know is that I cannot or do not what to continue on my own! I'd love to add to a community where people SUPPORT and believe in one another! To build one another with positive and support!!
  • ataylorgardner
    ataylorgardner Posts: 203 Member
    I am 5'7 and have around 20 more pounds to lose. i have recently come back to mfp. I would love the help to stay on track and hopefully I can help others stay on track too :)
  • mk82gt
    mk82gt Posts: 4
    I'm 5'6 and would like to lose around 25lbs. I have been tracking my food intake for about a month now. Started running again (at least once a week but would like to go 3x), bought a Fitbit, and now trying to get my husband to show me some weight exercises so I can get into that as well. Thinking of buying an Aria scale today so I can also keep track of my bodyfat %.

    I think for me logging everything and seeing stats, comparing info and seeing increases and decreases helps me a lot to stay active and eat healthy.

    You can all add me if you want :-)
  • Vune
    Vune Posts: 673 Member
    I'm 5'6.5" with about 20 lbs to lose. I just hit my hundredth day mark, and i plan on at least a hundred more, barring natural disaster/apocalypse.