Lose weight and get fit without giving up wine?

I may be crazy, but I think I'd actually rather exercise twice a day so I could enjoy a couple of glasses of red wine in the evening! I'm not actually doing that at the moment. I'm exercising 6 times a week with whole body training and Pilates, and counting calories and carbs and fat. I've lost some fat, gained some muscle, and lost a few pounds. The scale is moving slowly but surely. I'd like to see it move more quickly, and keep saying I'm going to change my habit of enjoying a couple of glasses of wine in the evening. This morning I thought I'd give it up, but tonight I had a beef fillet, and red wine is SO good with steak. So good, I decided to enjoy a second glass after dinner. I am at least limiting it to two. Used to have 3. Anybody with me?


  • hiraethed
    hiraethed Posts: 26 Member
    Alcohol is completely empty calories. Alcohol is actually the only molecule other than proteins, carbs and fats that humans can acquire energy from. It's the only macronutrient we don't need to live! Everyone has a vice (sometimes I really can't say no to chocolate) but you should definitely limit it as much as possible. Try replacing it with something healthier or slowly weening yourself off of it.
  • rustmary714
    rustmary714 Posts: 7 Member
    Heck yeah!!!! Dieting isn't about cutting out a drink or food it is eating and drinking in moderation!!!!! I have really tried to just cut down to lower calories and walking, I have lost 9 lbs, and still have beer or wine! The thing I noticed that will put lbs on me is POTATO CHIPS!!!! I love them, but every time I eat them I seem to go way off track, so I am being very careful, but wine is good for your heart -so- drink up!
  • michelle_816
    michelle_816 Posts: 621 Member
    You certainly can lose weight while enjoying that wine. And while I do not agree with completely cutting it out of your diet (I believe everything is good in moderation), I think it may be beneficial to cut back.
    On steak nights, have that glass or two. But make sure it fits in your calories. If you are continuously exceeding your daily calories after exercise with that extra glass of wine, then you need to readjust things in your diary so that it can fit. Or, drink that one glass a bit more slowly. Savor it with your meal while leaving a few sips for dessert!
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    Not giving up wine. Or beer. Or bourbon. Fck that.
  • Fsunami
    Fsunami Posts: 241 Member
    Or check out the calorie burn for lawn mowing (seriously). 75 minutes of that Saturday burned almost 1000 calories. Sure gave me the freedom to enjoy those Heiniekin lights that night....
  • monikabenoit
    monikabenoit Posts: 43 Member
    Anyone ever read 4 Hour Body by Tim Ferris? Basically, he describes a diet plan a variation of the "Slow Carb Diet" that consists of cutting out all fruits, all dairy, all grains, all white/starchy foods six days a week. On the seventh day you get cheat day and eat whatever you want. Anyways, he claims drinking red wine in the evening won't effect weight loss and that it is ok to do as long as you stick to the diet otherwise. I have not tried his method. Personally, once a week I may fit a glass of red wine into my caloric intake but I prefer to use up my extra calories on chocolate LOL that's just me!
  • IllustratedxGirl
    IllustratedxGirl Posts: 240 Member
    Oh man.. I had the same problem during my journey.. I loooove having two glasses of red wine a night :):)

    But, I decided losing weight and getting to eat more food is more important (or at least I keep telling myself that anyways haha)

    I went over a month without drinking, spent one night drinking lots of free champagne (logged everything too), and now I am back to not drinking. I feel amazing, and it's a lot easier now than it was in the beginning. Plus, I love getting to eat more food :)
  • 053069
    053069 Posts: 52 Member
    Maybe it is time for a reevaluation of your priorities: to enjoy two glasses of wine for 2 hours or give up on that and feel good all the time. On the other hand you can work out to make it up for as much wine as you wish. I cannot tell "yes, you can drink" or "forget about it". It is about your age, your weight, your lifestyle, your metabolism and not at last your goals.
    I have noticed once you loose weight for the same exercise you burn less calories, so i cannot advise of what exercise you should do and for how long.
    When there is a will, there is a way . Good luck and spend your calories wisely ...
  • 053069
    053069 Posts: 52 Member
    "The scale is moving slowly but surely. I'd like to see it move more quickly, and keep saying I'm going to change my habit of enjoying a couple of glasses of wine in the evening. " - you said.

    We recently had an HSE moment at work where topic was about food to avoid before going to bed. Here is what they are saying about wine:

    ***There’s a general belief that copious amounts of alcohol puts you into a deep daze and produces great sleep, but that’s not fully accurate. While alcohol does help you get to sleep, it doesn’t lead to long-lasting and refreshing rest.

    Alcohol actually interferes with the restorative functions of sleep, often paving the way for shallow sleep and several awakenings throughout the night. On top of that, people who regularly use alcohol to fall asleep develop a dependency on it, which creates a frustrating cycle.

    If you’re aiming for a deep, peaceful sleep, alcohol is to be avoided.***

    Source: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2012/04/13/10-foods-to-avoid-before-bed/