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  • jenna40_2go
    jenna40_2go Posts: 101
    That's what's hard I really truely want this. I keep having set backs.

    Yep. I said I "really wanted to lose" for years too, but I was just talking the talk. It takes discipline and forming new habits to begin to walk the walk. Eating gluten when you know it causes you pain is just one example. Determine what your setbacks are and then work to get them out of your way.

    When you are ready to lose the weight, you will. It will be your purpose. It will be important enough that you will no longer let excuses get in your way.

    This was me until this time around. I can't eat all the crap without having my sugar go up and down. After having 5 sugar episodes in one week ( sugar bottomed out and leaves me shaky and nauseous) I made up my mind, it's now or never. I don't want to be on insulin. I don't want to scare my kids anymore and I really really don't want them feeding me Orange juice to pop it back up quickly when I can maintain it by eating properly and losing weight.

    When your ready it will be your mission in life. I don't mean that you will become this person that's says no I can't have that, you will become this person that says if I have that it has to fit my day and if it doesn't I have to workout more or harder. Good luck and please feel free to add me if you want some motivation or just someone who has been in the same situation.
  • cherrilovee
    cherrilovee Posts: 194 Member
    As long as you have the right motivation, it's really not hard. Make some good friends on here and you can figure it all out real quick!
  • One thing that made all the difference in being successful is asking myself what is more important?
    1. to eat this _____(put whatever food you are holding) right now or
    2. to look the way i want for a) summer b) my sexy partner c)boys and girls in general or onlookers.

    Sometimes I needed the instant gratification and ate; but many times I decided that I did not want to give up looking good for 5 minutes of chewing.

    We have this choice every time we eat. I try to make this a conscious choice before anything goes in my mouth.
  • Joseph236
    Joseph236 Posts: 11
    Hey Lizzie I hope you will be fine!
    I can understand your pain because getting fat for a women is a biggest threat!
    But now in today's world getting fat for a man is also a bi deal!
    I use to do strict diet for the first week but after that again i switch back to my old eating habits
    What should i do i am really tense