HI there!

denise309 Posts: 39
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi Everyone
I will start off by saying I have always been overweight, and believed I could never be the skinny girl I see EVERYDAY until I saw all the AMAZING picturs on this site...WOW is all I can say

I am Denise 35...soon to be 36, I work as an RN on the 7p=7a shift, I have 2 kids who are both in schoold and 2 years ago had a bout of depression and lost 15 lbs without trying but put it and then some back on...I am guessing I am around 190 or so, too scared to get on the scale...and at 5'4", its too much, TOO MUC!!!! So Tuesday I decided the time is NOW...I have been eating better since then and will attempt the scale tomrrow am

Looking forward to a GREAT weight loss journey here!



  • Hey Denise!!! Glad to have you here!!!! You can do it! Just stay focused!!!! Cant wait to hear your success story!!!! We are all here for the same reason!!! Happy Dieting and Good Luck!!!
    - Dusty
  • lastchance2010
    lastchance2010 Posts: 494 Member
    Welcome and best of luck to ya!!!
  • Hey Denise, nice to meet you and glad to have you here. I am new to this site also but I love it! It is easy to use and the members here are all so supportive! I am an LPN and recently moved to NC to be closer to my family. I am currently looking for work but in the meantime I get the chance to spend time with my 19 month old grand daughter...Whew now theres a work out! LOL! Good luck on your journey.
  • hi denise
    i just started to and im trying to figure it out . i will tell you a little about my self.. im 22 and im a cashier. waiting to pay my car off and loan off before i start school. im going to try and start next and get my lpn's. my mother was a lpn and i always love helping people.

    i really dont know how my weight got this far out of hand. I'm 5'3 and let just say i cleared 200 lbs, but i am starting with a new me.. new year. i got really sick and tired of all the cute clothes being in normal size..the dont make alot cute plus size clothes..

    i bought the jillian micheals 30 day shred.. i started on the 1st but kinda fell off this couple days....but starting today... im done with the excuess ..i can do this.. for my own life's sake.

    start over day 1 level 1...begin..

    let me know how you do with your goal.. i am ruting for you

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