New mum (uk) looking for mummy friends to help on my journey

Hi all! I'm 32 and from North East England.I had my second child 7 weeks ago and I need to start to shed the extra pounds. I've tipped the scales at 208!!!!!!! OMG.. I can't believe I weigh that much. I was hoping to find some other mummy friends who could help to motivate me ...goodness I need it!

Any takers?!


  • hmorrish
    hmorrish Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, I'm a new mum too, my little boy is 5 weeks old and i really need to loose the baby weight. I'm the same weight as you where when you posted. Are you still looking for new friends to motivate you? If so I could do with some motivation too :smile: forgot to say I live in Wales
  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    I'm not a new mom, but I have 3 kids... 8 months, 4 in 2 weeks, and 5 years old, and I weigh more than you do :laugh:
  • Faydra25
    Faydra25 Posts: 1
    Hi, I just had my third child 7 weeks ago. I have 2 sons who are 4 and 22 months. I am from the states, Minnesota in particular and would love to find some friends to motivate me on here! I am sort of a hippie, a little sarcastic, very generous and open. I am breast feeding and have had lots of differing opinions on how many calories I should be eating as well so I'm kinda playing around with it. I weigh about 186. I started tracking last Wednesday and I was 188 then. So I guess I'm headed in the right direction! I have no clue how to really do any of the community part on here but would love to learn! I'm hoping to get back down to the 140'-150's. I don't have any huge goals of 120. I love cookies too much :)
    Feel free to chat with me any time, any one!
  • GidgetWannaBe
    GidgetWannaBe Posts: 20 Member
    Mom of three in the States. Gained too much weight five years ago during my last pregnancy and just kept going up from there til I was just shy of 200 lbs. Feel free to add me. We can do this!
  • chocolate30
    chocolate30 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi all I am a new mum too. I think it is important that we can call on people who are in the same situation. My LO is 7 weeks and 6 days. He is my first and I am breastfeeding atm. So my calories are very high as it is only recommended that I lose no more than 1 lbs per week. I have put myself to maintain but I want to eat more health than I have been doing. :smile:
  • IWillBeSlim35
    IWillBeSlim35 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi, welcome :)
    I'm 36 and not a new mum, I have three girls 15, 11 and 3.
    7lb down, 4 stone to go.
    This site is fab, makes things just a little bit easier.
    Feel free to add me.

    Stay strong, you CAN do this!
  • kellee1988
    kellee1988 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm 26 my daughter is almost 5. Been on MTP for almost 2 years on and off. Basically I'm lacking motivation at present so started back up. 31 lbs down so far although it has taken me a while to get it off I have maintained for quite a while and I'm really looking to get my last 10 lbs off and tone up. Would love to meet some members on here for motivation and help motivate others too :-) Feel free to add me
  • missyjg99
    missyjg99 Posts: 246 Member
    I'm not a new mom, but I had my son 11 months ago and I still have yet to lose the weight. I gained 60lbs, yikes. I'm finally getting serious. Feel free to add me as I love supportive friends. Good luck and congratulations on the new little one.
  • lioness803
    lioness803 Posts: 325 Member
    I have an almost 2 year old, and I love British people! I've been on MFP for albout a year and half. Feel free to add me!
  • britneyrene
    britneyrene Posts: 12 Member
    American girl from Arkansas here looking to find friends for motivation. I lost over around what I believe you call one stone on here over two years ago by adding friends and logging everyday. I fell off the bandwagon after moving to a new city and beginning a new job as an instructional leader in a large school district. I deleted my friends and didn't log in for over a year. I am back and ready to do the work. This time, I will not let myself slip. I also started a blog. I have about 15 lbs to lose.

    Feel free to add me and follow my journey on my blog