Advice needed

sjmgde Posts: 381 Member
ADVICE needed...... I am back to 200 and it has been so nice out that I am struggling to get to the gym and doing leisurely walking. CLEARLY it is not working and I know what I am eating isn't helping. What are your all thoughts on it. Just mad at myself right now. I know I joke but I need to try and find a happy medium of working out outside or just get my butt back to the gym. Tonight I am going to be working out with my sister, so that is good. I am thinking just get my sorry butt out of bed and run and than do a weight video at home in the AM’s and on rainy days go to the gym?!?!?!? And start eating right?!?!?!?!?!?


  • mbutucel
    mbutucel Posts: 4
    I feel your pain. I have a very hard time finding a happy medium. When its nice I just want to be outside but hate running outside, would much rather be on the treadmill to run. I do however believe that you cannot out work a bad diet. Focus on getting your healthy foods, and lots of water first. once you get that back to a healthy place it should help. That is what I am working on and I know its not easy so good luck!
  • sjmgde
    sjmgde Posts: 381 Member
    thanks for the advice. I will def. try that. I also have been bad at logging too so I think I am eating ok but I am not measuring my food like I use to and before I know it I over indulge. I guess just start fresh right now.
  • kirili3
    kirili3 Posts: 244 Member
    It really helps to get into the habit of logging calories.

    For the first months I did it, I was waaaaay over almost every day, especially during exams. But I got into the habit and now that I'm really trying to stay in the green, habits like weighing and pre-logging and other seeming annoyances are no trouble, just quiet engagements that help guide my eating.

    Another thing that helps is to log those exercise calories :)

    Now I'm trying to get in more foods with tryptophan (for seratonin), which really helps with mood.

    4 oz turkey or 2.5 oz mozzarella or various vegetarian sources of the stuff are out there, and they really help.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    Find some good hiking trails that will up your cardio while doing your walks. You could find a body weight workout to do at home rather than go to the gym? I am also finding it a challenge lately - mostly because the weather has been off and my work schedule has been interfering with my routine. Don't let it stall your progress, you have been doing great so far today is another day so just get back on track.
  • jchadden42
    jchadden42 Posts: 189
    I feel your pain. I have a very hard time finding a happy medium. When its nice I just want to be outside but hate running outside, would much rather be on the treadmill to run. I do however believe that you cannot out work a bad diet. Focus on getting your healthy foods, and lots of water first. once you get that back to a healthy place it should help. That is what I am working on and I know its not easy so good luck!

    ^^^^This--You can't outrun your fork. Really, the only way to "fix" a weight problem is to figure out what is mentally/emotionally causing you to eat more than you need to. Fixing that is the key to changing lifestyle. Personally, I really prefer to run outside, but there are many exercises you can do outside that don't involve running. You could try biking, walking with a friend, gardening, lawn-mowing, etc. Good luck.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    ADVICE needed...... I am back to 200 and it has been so nice out that I am struggling to get to the gym and doing leisurely walking. CLEARLY it is not working and I know what I am eating isn't helping. What are your all thoughts on it. Just mad at myself right now. I know I joke but I need to try and find a happy medium of working out outside or just get my butt back to the gym. Tonight I am going to be working out with my sister, so that is good. I am thinking just get my sorry butt out of bed and run and than do a weight video at home in the AM’s and on rainy days go to the gym?!?!?!? And start eating right?!?!?!?!?!?

    ^Do all of the above

    eat like a hunter/gather

    go to the gym

    then go for a run outside

    then do yoga meditation prior to bed

    - results will be quick.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    I feel your pain. I have a very hard time finding a happy medium. When its nice I just want to be outside but hate running outside, would much rather be on the treadmill to run. I do however believe that you cannot out work a bad diet. Focus on getting your healthy foods, and lots of water first. once you get that back to a healthy place it should help. That is what I am working on and I know its not easy so good luck!

    ^^^^This--You can't outrun your fork. Really, the only way to "fix" a weight problem is to figure out what is mentally/emotionally causing you to eat more than you need to. Fixing that is the key to changing lifestyle. Personally, I really prefer to run outside, but there are many exercises you can do outside that don't involve running. You could try biking, walking with a friend, gardening, lawn-mowing, etc. Good luck.

    ^don't forget dancing!!!

    One of my personal favs XD
  • randallmoyer
    randallmoyer Posts: 1 Member
    It sounds like you need to refocus your goals. Take 2 weeks and get refocused on eating right and commit to walk 30-40 minutes each day. I realized after several failed attempts at MFP to increase my caloric intake to a level of weight loss 1.5 lbs per week. This increased my caloric intake by 300 calories and allowed to me stay with the program at a slower pace but one i can live with long term. Good Luck !
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    It sounds like you need to refocus your goals. Take 2 weeks and get refocused on eating right and commit to walk 30-40 minutes each day. I realized after several failed attempts at MFP to increase my caloric intake to a level of weight loss 1.5 lbs per week. This increased my caloric intake by 300 calories and allowed to me stay with the program at a slower pace but one i can live with long term. Good Luck !

    ^ good stuff.. your plan should certainly be attainable.

    and don't use the scale to measure your progress... if you must weigh yourself on the 1st of every month for three months.

    a better gauge is do you feel happier? wake up with more energy? smile more often? etc.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    It's all about balance. If you workout less, you have to eat less. If you workout more or more intensely, you can eat more.

    Sounds to me like getting your eating under control should be first priority. There's nothing wrong with going for walks, you just need to keep in mind that you're burning less calories. OR make your walks more intense to get higher calorie burn.

    I'm the same way this time of year - would MUCH rather be outside than in the gym. So I do a lot of walking but try to make sure I'm walking fast and includnig hills/steps (in the park) and running intervals.