Want to start strength training- need advice

I've made really good progress with my weight loss goals, and have lost around 14lbs (halfway to my current goal). I think I'm in a good place to start strength training, but could use some advice!

I'm 5'4, female, and teetering around 133-134 lately.

I'm mostly looking to focus on my arms and my butt/thighs.
I still plan on doing cardio (I walk a lot, but also want to start using the treadmills and stationary bikes at the gym), but want to balance it out with a few trips to the weight room a week.

I have used the squat rack in the past, and can squat around 100lbs. Is this a good weight to start with for squatting, since it's a weight I've been able to do before? Last time I did so was over a year ago...but it definitely offered a lot of resistance and was a doable challenge for me.

Other than that, I have no idea where to go from there. I was contemplating dumbbells, but I'm wondering if other machines may be more useful. My upper body strength is pretty much non existent as well. I can barely handle those giant Poland Spring bottles you put on water bubblers, let alone bench pressing just the bar. Any advice for this?

Also, my protein goals are around 83g per day. Judging from what I've seen here, would it be in my best interest to up it to around 100 or more per day?

Thanks in advance!
