Coconut oil

I've read lots of stuff about how it's supposed to help get rid of stomach fat, even if the testers didn't really lose much weight. (however, the testers, reportedly, didn't change their diet or exercise) One tablespoon has 120 calories, which isn't too horrible, but you're supposed to eat 2 a day. Not to mention I don't know if I could actually swallow it! Has anyone tried it with any success?

ETA: If anyone would like to add me as a friend, feel free. :)


  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I use coconut or MCT oil in my coffee
    And will cook my eggs in it.....

    It is a not a silver bullet when it comes to weight loss....use it cause it fits into your daily goals....
    Not because it is magical......
  • heatheremde
    heatheremde Posts: 43 Member
    I like to blend 1T with my hot black coffee, it makes a creamy, foamy coconut latte. The calories are the only drawback, but it does replace creamer for me so its a win.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Also I would encourage you to do some reading regarding MCT oil....that is pretty much what coconut oil 60% or more is MCT.

    Medium-Chain Triglyceride

    Your body processes those forms of fat differently than it does LCTs....which is what most fats are.
    So your body I believes passes the MCTs straight to the intestines where it is quickly processed and not so easily stored.

    Been a while since I have done reading on my recollection is a bit fuzzy
  • CarolinaMom4
    I use it as a body moisturizer and mosquito repellent. Never tried cooking with it.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    I put it on my eye lashes as a conditioner. You'd be amazed what it does to your lashes. My son uses it as a polish/conditioner for his guitars. I also use it as a cuticle cream. There are 1001+ uses for coconut oil. But I've never used it too cook with or to lose weight. I'm always skeptical of claims like that. Not that they can't be true. Just that I'm a born pessimist.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I use it as a body moisturizer and mosquito repellent. Never tried cooking with it.

    you should....
    I like the flavor it gives my omelets....
    I get the Trader Joes brand
  • velvet_violence
    I was going pretty overboard with coconut oil a couple of months ago, it's good stuff. But also somewhat high maintenance for me. I like to make coconut oil/cocoa truffles as one of the only treats I allow myself, and like controlling the sweetness of it. Really, coconut products in general I am rather keen on (coconut flour can be difficult but the results are worth it). It is all about replacing what you used originally. Gives me tons of energy. Also, other food sources are rich in MCTs, sheep's milk comes to mind.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Ok, correction to my above post.

    MCTs are oxidized in the liver....
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I use it as a body moisturizer and mosquito repellent. Never tried cooking with it.

    I know it's a great moisturizer, but mosquito repellent? I will experiment this week when I go backpacking. I sure hope you're right...I'll bring backup methods just in case. :wink:

    ETA: On second thought, could coconut oil attract bears? :noway: Maybe I'll just try the oil a little closer to home instead.
  • Bridgeplayer69
    My wife and I put a tablespoon in our morning coffee, it's not too bad that way. The biggest benefit I have noticed is how soft it makes her skin feel, really makes a difference. As for weight loss I haven't noticed anything good or bad there.
  • weightliftingdiva
    weightliftingdiva Posts: 522 Member
    I love coconut oil! It works wonders for my hair as a leave-in conditioner, and as a makeup remover/face moisturizer. I also like to cook fruit in coconut oil. YUM.
  • Nataliegetfit
    Nataliegetfit Posts: 395 Member
    I have been using coconut oil on the rough spots on my feet, mostly heel area, and it has helped a lot. Also I just found a healthy brownie recipe on this site that uses 1 table spoon of it, and chickpeas, but haven't cooked with it yet, will try it soon. I will have to try it to cook eggs too.
  • jlynnm70
    jlynnm70 Posts: 460 Member
    I haven't tried in my coffee yet - but I'm gonna have to try that!

    I use it for sauteing (sp?) veggies - or when we make Asian food at home. I use it in other cooking too (eggs, etc.) I've even used it in batters and such - just warm it up to liquify it and sub for veg oil. (was pretty good in waffles)

    My husband uses it to polish furniture

    I use it as a moisturizer after bath/shower. (I read somewhere its supposed to help cellulite - this I have no idea, but heck can't hurt and I like it better than baby oil)
  • occupysmithmachine
    I use Vatika coconut hair oil. It seems to work better than Argan oil. So far have only roasted food with pure coconut oil (although in England I have to put it on the radiator for a while before cooking to liquefy it) - couldn't imagine putting an oil in coffee..
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    I don't think it has any special effects on weight loss but I do use it and fit it in to my daily calories, and I use it as makeup remover, moisturizer, diaper ointment, etc. A little bit goes a long way. I don't typically consume 2 tbsp in a day... I need to leave room for butter :P
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I use it in baking. It replaces butter very nicely and gives a yummy coconut flavor.
  • Shan_Lindsay
    Shan_Lindsay Posts: 60 Member
    I use coconut oil for cooking all the time! I cook my fish in it, eggs, anything, you name it! It adds flavour too, which is nice.

    I have heard that it's delicious in coffee, haven't tried that though.

    It's also great as an overnight hairmask then wash out the next morning.

    My sister-in-law uses it on her belly (she's pregnant) and has no stretch marks!
  • running4thehigh
    running4thehigh Posts: 144 Member
    I don't know if I could actually swallow it! Has anyone tried it with any success?

    Pretty sure thousands before you have managed to swallow it.

  • tabbyblack13
    tabbyblack13 Posts: 299 Member
    I use it mostly for cooking. Since it's getting really hot here in AZ and I don't want to pay a lot for AC I keep mine in the fridge. When it's out on the counter my houes is too warm for it to stay solid.

    I've heard of other uses for it but I haven't tried it. I love cooking with it. I might try baking with it one of these days.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    I use it as a body moisturizer and mosquito repellent. Never tried cooking with it.

    I do the same. I do not use coconut oil in cooking, because in most countries health organization ( including FDA & WHO) advise against it, due to among other things because it is so high in saturated fat. I don't bake and don't see the need to infuse my coffee with I stay away from it. I get most my fat from normal eating of cheese and yogurt, avocado and generally stay away from oils, except for a small amount of EVO in my salad dressing, but even there I prefer just plain lime juice.