Please help me understand

I have a friend who told me im eating all the wrong things to lose weight and that is why I am stuck at 253-255lbs. He is saying I need to cut out all fat and carbs. and I have a cousin telling me that I need to eat more to lose weight. I don't know what to do. I rarely eat fat and eat a small portion of carbs as it is. Can anyone help me understand what I'm supposed to do because this is getting really discouraging and frustrating when I workout and eat less than my calories that MFP tells me to eat. I have a bad knee so I cant do squats and my friend says that is keeping me from a good workout. I just don't know what to do.


  • gaelicstorm26
    gaelicstorm26 Posts: 589 Member
    Your friends are giving you some strange advice. You don't have to cut out fat or even eat low carb to lose weight. Personally, I try and eat a low carb/high fat/moderate protein diet. I fell off the wagon with the holiday weekend and my birthday, but I'm getting back on track today!

    And listen to your body when you exercise. If your knee is bothering you, don't do the squats. You can have a great workout without them.

    As far as stalling weight loss, have you taken body measurements? Have you eaten more sodium lately and could be retaining water? I went for two weeks without showing results on the scale but lost an inch from my waist during that time.
  • Fit_Fox88
    Fit_Fox88 Posts: 410 Member
    Eat what you want but stay at a calorie deficit. You can't exercise off a bad diet. Make sure you're eating back your exercise calories. Don't cut out an entire food group as this is not sustainable long term especially if it includes foods you enjoy. Fat is not your enemy- your body needs fat just as it needs carbs.

    Check out this forum:

    Also, open your diary.
  • Fsunami
    Fsunami Posts: 241 Member
    I would seek the advice of a medical professional instead of others who don't have the expertise. Tell the doctor what youre trying to accomplish & he can either guide you, or put you in touch with a certified nutritionist.

  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    Eat what you want but stay at a calorie deficit. You can't exercise off a bad diet. Make sure you're eating back your exercise calories. Don't cut out an entire food group as this is not sustainable long term especially if it includes foods you enjoy. Fat is not your enemy- your body needs fat just as it needs carbs.

    Check out this forum:

    Also, open your diary.

    OP, take a look at this link. There has been much success from this and it will take a you a bit to digest and understand it but THIS WORKS. Good luck, you have got this!
  • Go_Mizzou99
    Go_Mizzou99 Posts: 2,628 Member
    Eat what you want but stay at a calorie deficit. You can't exercise off a bad diet. Make sure you're eating back your exercise calories. Don't cut out an entire food group as this is not sustainable long term especially if it includes foods you enjoy. Fat is not your enemy- your body needs fat just as it needs carbs.

    Check out this forum:

    Also, open your diary.

    OP, take a look at this link. There has been much success from this and it will take a you a bit to digest and understand it but THIS WORKS. Good luck, you have got this!


    Check you mail too.
  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member
    Log your food - you may find that while you're eating the right amounts of food, the quality of the food you're eating sucks!

    See a dietitian - they can help you with your nutrition & fitness goals catered specifically for YOU

    Don't listen to ppl who haven't been there (friends). MFP is a GREAT resource in ADDITION to the nutritionist.

    Drink LOTSA WATER!!! If you think you're drinking enough - you're NOT!

  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    Calculate how much you should be eating in order to lose weight. Eat that amount. Log your food.

    Don't listen to anyone who suggests that you need to drop a particular food group (or whatever) in order to lose weight. That person is either a fool or a liar. Absolutely don't cut fat, because you need it (whoever said that is a special kind of stupid).
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    Eat what you want but stay at a calorie deficit. You can't exercise off a bad diet. Make sure you're eating back your exercise calories. Don't cut out an entire food group as this is not sustainable long term especially if it includes foods you enjoy. Fat is not your enemy- your body needs fat just as it needs carbs.

    Check out this forum:

    Also, open your diary.

    This helped me out a lot!
  • GGDaddy
    GGDaddy Posts: 289 Member

    ^^^^^ This is excellent advice. Check out that link, and completely ignore the horrible advice you've been getting from your friend and cousin.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    Basically what all the others said.

    You talk a lot about what kinds of food you eat, but very little about HOW MUCH you eat.

    Weight loss is all about calories in < calories out.

    You can cut out whatever food "type" that trips your trigger (tho it's completely unnecessary to do so) but if you're not eating less calories of whatever it is you're still eating than you're burning you won't lose weight.

    1)Measure, weigh and log the calories in your food. 2)Calculate your TDEE. 3)Make sure 1) is less than 2).
  • rideontechnology
    rideontechnology Posts: 54 Member
    The sexy pants link really turned on a light bulb for me when I joined, and it made everything so much easier and more simplified than what every one else was telling me. Go read that! You won't be disappointed.
  • CorlissaEats
    CorlissaEats Posts: 493 Member
    I have a friend who told me im eating all the wrong things to lose weight and that is why I am stuck at 253-255lbs. He is saying I need to cut out all fat and carbs. and I have a cousin telling me that I need to eat more to lose weight. I don't know what to do. I rarely eat fat and eat a small portion of carbs as it is. Can anyone help me understand what I'm supposed to do because this is getting really discouraging and frustrating when I workout and eat less than my calories that MFP tells me to eat. I have a bad knee so I cant do squats and my friend says that is keeping me from a good workout. I just don't know what to do.

    Eat more fat? Seriously though, fat is GOOD for you. Maybe just not in the form of deep fried foods and cakes and cookies. 40% of my diet comes from carbs and healthy fats(each), only 20% comes from protein. Although I am working really hard to get my protein above 20%!

    The quoted link other posters have mentioned is kind of the gold standard of tips/guides. It really does have great info in it. You might need to eat more, you might need to eat less, you may even need to switch up your routine for fitness. (you can lose weight without doing squats- I have a bad knee and I avoid them like the plague!)

    its hard to say without more info. From my point of view finding your BMR and TDEE is the best place to start. Your BMR tells you your minimum to eat and your TDEE tells you your max- where you settle between the two is your choice. Those number can change so check in every 5 lbs or so, or if you change your lifestyle.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member

    ^^^^^ This is excellent advice. Check out that link, and completely ignore the horrible advice you've been getting from your friend and cousin.


    I agree!
  • lrmall01
    lrmall01 Posts: 377 Member
    Can anyone help me understand what I'm supposed to do because this is getting really discouraging and frustrating when I workout and eat less than my calories that MFP tells me to eat.

    Based upon this statement, I'm assuming that you have been using MFP for a while and have stalled now. As others have said, opening your diary would perhaps help us to give more specific advice.

    1 - You are doing the right thing. Tracking food and eating at your target calories will cause you to lose weight assuming you are doing it accurately. This is more important than eating less fat, less carbs, more protein, or any other generic do this not that type of advice.

    2 - If something is working right then you are either unknowingly eating more than you think or perhaps your calorie goal is not correct. Here is a good read on logging improvements:

    Your friends mean well, but they are just confusing the issue. Keep in simple - I'd suggest you re-evaluate if you are truly logging what you eat accurately and if you are eating an appropriate goal. Feel free to open your diary and give us you age, height, and weight if you want confirmation on your calorie goal.

    Good luck.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Calculate how much you should be eating in order to lose weight. Eat that amount. Log your food.

    Don't listen to anyone who suggests that you need to drop a particular food group (or whatever) in order to lose weight. That person is either a fool or a liar. Absolutely don't cut fat, because you need it (whoever said that is a special kind of stupid).

  • jrose1982
    jrose1982 Posts: 366 Member
    I know three ways to do this. And you're friends seem to be trying to mash them all together. I don't think it works that way.

    1) Eat roughly balanced macros. 30-30-40, 25-25-50, just pick something with the numbers all roughly in the middle of the scale. The point is to include moderate amounts all three macros within your diet. This seems to be what most of the more outspoken people on MFP do because it allows them to more-or-less eat what they want within their calorie limits. It's also the default MFP setting. So if you use MFP guided tools to set your macros, it will follow a scheme like this.

    2) Eat low fat. It's based on an outdated idea that eating fat makes people fat. It's also been tested again moderate- and high-fat diets and hasn't performed as well. But there are still people who swear by it. I think the macros are something like 15-20% fat, 25-30% protein, and the rest carbs - or somewhere in that ballpark.

    3) Eat low carb. This is based on the idea that carbs cause an insulin reaction which reduces your body's ability to burn fat. It's still highly controversial but, again, lots of people swear by it (I'm one of them). The idea is to eat enough protein to maintain your muscle mass, limit your carbs (usually pick a number less than 100 grams) and eat the rest of your calories from fat.

    Pick one of those three, and stick with it. Give it a month or more before switching techniques.

    My second piece of advice is stop asking your friends. They don't seem to know. Go to the experts, the people that study this stuff 40 hours/week for weeks or years on end. Such people usually write books:

    The simplest method is #1. This is because all the information you need about it is on MFP in the help guides and the forums. And you have the freedom to mostly eat what you want.

    If you're gonna try #3, you need to pick a book or two and read up on the science. There's a transition phase that can be brutal, so you need to be aware of. Try Why We Get Fat by Gary Taubes, or The Atkins Revolution, or google it to find more book recommendations.

    I personally failed miserably on a low-fat diet. So I have no good recommendations on this one. But I'm sure there are others on here that can point you to resources if you want to go that route.
  • Ratrap
    Ratrap Posts: 153
    I didn't even know you could open it. But I just did.
  • Ratrap
    Ratrap Posts: 153
    Thanks everyone. I read that article and it did help a lot. I am going to look more carefully at what I eat and see if I am logging incorrectly. I think Ill get a food scale also.

    Ill need to do some investigating in to all this macro/micro talk :)

    I appreciate it!
  • lrmall01
    lrmall01 Posts: 377 Member
    I just looked at your diary.

    The days you log look pretty good but there are some empties as well. My guess is that on those days you may end up eating more than you think. Also some of your logged days are a little low for someone your size, so make sure you are logging everything. Small snacks here and there can add up.

    Good luck.
  • NannymawB
    NannymawB Posts: 1 Member
    That's what I like about my fitness pal. In the food diary it tells me how much I need in fat, calories, sodium, etc. Weighing and measuring your food is super important too. I agree, you should take your measurements every month. The scale is fickle but not the tape. Good luck on this journey!