Why am I not excited that I hit a HUGE milestone?

Can anyone relate to this? I haven't been this "light" in 10 years...and I always told myself I would be ECSTATIC to be back here again. Yet here I am...and I'm not excited.


  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    Can anyone relate to this? I haven't been this "light" in 10 years...and I always told myself I would be ECSTATIC to be back here again. Yet here I am...and I'm not excited.
    Because we always want more more more.
    I agree though. I hit a milestone for myself and thought I would be pumped, but was just so so knowing I still need to get rid of about 20 more!
  • kelli_panzera
    kelli_panzera Posts: 171
    I think after awhile it becomes a habit and it's not as exciting anymore to see the numbers on the scale...but be proud that you've made such a huge commitment to better health, way to go!
  • amraymond18
    amraymond18 Posts: 28
    First, you should feel proud of yourself! But you're probably not "ecstatic" because you now realize that you're capable of doing more. Use this as motivation to work hard and lose even more! Good job though :)
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    For me, "ecstatic" is when something unexpected happens. If you work hard, watch your calories, and follow a new lifestyle change it's so subtle you can sort of just kind of mosey up to the goal. It doesn't make it any less a profound success and I would do some sort of celebration to make it feel more special. Congratulations!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Can anyone relate to this? I haven't been this "light" in 10 years...and I always told myself I would be ECSTATIC to be back here again. Yet here I am...and I'm not excited.

    I haven't been this light since basically high school...I wasn't estatic either when I hit goal weight..I felt accomplished, proud of myself etc but I realize that there is still work to be done....

    maitenance...is as much of a trial as losing weight is...

    Perhaps it's because you worked toward it for such a period of time and it was a slow go and you just got used to the idea you would be this small...I think that is what happened to me...
  • DayByDayGetStronger
    DayByDayGetStronger Posts: 108 Member
    I feel you. I felt the same way at 50lbs lost. I beat myself up for not losing more. I think I felt this way b/c I had soo much flappy skin and no one could tell all my hard work underneath all that mess.

    The only thing that helped was plastic surgery to remove the skin.
  • SKrembs
    SKrembs Posts: 5 Member
    What made you decide to have surgery to remove the skin? And how did that work out?
  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    Can anyone relate to this? I haven't been this "light" in 10 years...and I always told myself I would be ECSTATIC to be back here again. Yet here I am...and I'm not excited.

    Look at pictures of yourself at your largest. That will get you happy.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I find that I'm not very excited about the "milestones", because I'm more concerned with getting space between me and that milestone. When I hit onederland, the first thought in my mind was that I needed to be down towards 190, because I never wanted to see 200 again. When I reached 190, I started focusing on being toward 180 to get distance from the 190. Now I'm at 180, and I just want to be out of the obese BMI. I know that when I hit that for the first time, I'll be pushing to get distance between me and the obese line.

    So I suppose that not being excited is normal...instead it's a matter of refocusing on the next goal. When it comes times for you to maintain, make sure you set fitness goals to keep that drive going.
  • SKrembs
    SKrembs Posts: 5 Member
    I find that I'm not very excited about the "milestones", because I'm more concerned with getting space between me and that milestone. When I hit onederland, the first thought in my mind was that I needed to be down towards 190, because I never wanted to see 200 again. When I reached 190, I started focusing on being toward 180 to get distance from the 190. Now I'm at 180, and I just want to be out of the obese BMI. I know that when I hit that for the first time, I'll be pushing to get distance between me and the obese line.

    So I suppose that not being excited is normal...instead it's a matter of refocusing on the next goal. When it comes times for you to maintain, make sure you set fitness goals to keep that drive going.

    That's exactly how I feel! Like I just need more and more...I hope when it comes time to maintain, that I can be happy with that. It's probably a more psychological thing than anything else by that point.
  • kethry70
    kethry70 Posts: 404 Member
    I think it's just part of the journey...
    On some level, I am proud of how far I have come but it is so overwhelming to still have so far to go to be "healthy" that I can't truly enjoy it :tongue: It's frustrating to realize that I might need to lose the same amount again - esp knowing how long it has taken me to get this far. Oh well- keep plugging away and be proud of what you've accomplished along the way :flowerforyou: