
gls1548 Posts: 13 Member
So I have a random question. I have an office job where I sit on my butt for at least 8 hours a day. I try to get in 20-40 minutes of exercise in a day if I can, but some days I just can't, or I forget or whatever. But my question is, or more my thought I guess is if while I'm at work if I took 2 minutes every hour and did 2 minutes of exercise (jumping jacks, jumping rope, running in place) something simple for 2 minutes. And do this every hour which would give me roughly 16 minutes of exercise a day/ 80 minutes a week (plus whatever exercise I do at home) this worth it... Does stopping every hour to get in even just 2 minutes of exercise help at all? Or do I have to do it all at once for it to make a difference?

Just trying to see if its worth it to break the exercise up through out the day and try to get 40 minutes a day this way instead of having to do it all once.


  • apriljackss
    apriljackss Posts: 96 Member
    In my opinion and through my own experience, I would say that anything you can do throughout the day is absolutely better than nothing. I take short breaks every hour or so to walk up the stairs in my office building, get my blood flowing, oxygenate my muscles. Not only does it help with blood flow, I feel like it helps me clear my mind and refocus my eyes on the dreaded computer screen. I would say that it is not a substitute for a good 30 solid minutes of exercises, but it is absolutely a good idea either way.
  • nnix64
    nnix64 Posts: 21 Member
    Definatley a good idea to get up every hour and move! You're doing your body and mind a world of good by getting the blood circulating!
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I would do it anyway for the sake of getting off your butt. Sitting all day can increase health need to take breaks regularly to get the blood moving.
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    Anything is better than nothing. That being said, getting your heartbeat up is what burns calories. A couple minutes at a time doesn't sound like it would do for you what you would hope.
  • gls1548
    gls1548 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks! And yea it definitely would not be a substitute to normal everyday 30 minute exercise. Just something to add to the normal exercise. I hate sitting for so long. Plus if I can get some small burst of exercise in at work then if I miss a day or something it's not awful. I guess it's better then the alternative of just sitting at work and not moving.

    And I don't have soda pop or food on my desk - not asking about the food impact just the exercise side of it. thanks anyways.
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    Anything that gets you moving sounds great to me! You'll probably find it'll help your mind just as much as your body to get up every hour and get the blood flowing.
  • dirtbikegirl5
    dirtbikegirl5 Posts: 391 Member
    I get up every hour or two and do something - walk up and down the stairs, squats in the bathroom. I keep resistance bands under my desk and I use them too.
  • Flab2Fab27
    Flab2Fab27 Posts: 461 Member
    Not sure what your goals are. If you want to lose weight, eat at a small deficit. If you're looking to be more active, do whatever you feel you need to do to achieve that.

    I would just be worried about getting all sweaty and offending coworkers with my stank throughout the day.
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    Thanks! And yea it definitely would not be a substitute to normal everyday 30 minute exercise. Just something to add to the normal exercise. I hate sitting for so long. Plus if I can get some small burst of exercise in at work then if I miss a day or something it's not awful. I guess it's better then the alternative of just sitting at work and not moving.

    And I don't have soda pop or food on my desk - not asking about the food impact just the exercise side of it. thanks anyways.
    Doesnt sound bad at all.

    3 days a week at work I will do a set of pushups every hour at work. Usually the leaning ones onto a desk in the office. Each week I up it by 5. I can def feel the heart pounding, and muscles getting a nice workout. I can def feel and see it in my arms and chest.

    It is also a good way for me to stave off cravings. If I feel a big craving come on I do another set and it takes my mind off of it.
  • ekdsf
    ekdsf Posts: 7
    I have an office job as well so i am always trying to find ways to stay active throughout the day. I always take the stairs and take as many min trips as i can throughout the office. I try to dedicate a hour a day of working out in the evenings!
  • Swiftlet66
    Swiftlet66 Posts: 729 Member
    I have an office job too!! I know it's hard but it does help to get up every now and then and do something. Sometimes, when I'm sorting paperwork, I like to stand rather than sit. On my breaks, I climb/jog up the stairs in my building, about 10 minutes both times (I work in a high rise building). Now that's a work out.... :) I've also seen other workers bring their running shoes with them and go for a jog during their breaks. I am also forced to park far, far away from my workplace building so I brisk walk for about 10-15 minutes from my car to my work and vice versa. Sometimes, when I'm running late, I run to my workplace. LOL. So that totals to about 40 or so minutes of exercise per day. But yea, go to the bathroom and do some exercises if you need to. Find a reason to stand up instead of keep on sitting down. Take walks on your breaks/lunch. Parking farther away from your job also helps. Oh and definitely do not keep snacks around. I used to get huge munchies when I get bored and would eat while working and during my breaks. Now, I prefer to exercise and that keeps my cravings down. Hope this helps!!
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    When I was in an office job, I would go for a 20 minute walk every lunch. It meant that I had a quick lunch but it was worth it. I would also walk a bit further (I take a bus) and go up stairs instead of elevators/escalators. Every little helps!