Wanted: Supportive, active friends!!

I've been around for a while now and unfortunately not all my other mfp have! I am supportive and would love more like minded friends. I eat at 20% reduction of TDEE (2145 calories), I have cardio ADD so I do it all (swim, spin, run) and I lift 3X a week. I only ask that you eat more then 1200 calories! :)


  • knugal
    knugal Posts: 9 Member
    I"m fixed on my 1000-1200 range, but will increase more when I exercise more. :)
  • Kevin_Rex
    Kevin_Rex Posts: 127 Member
    Hey there...

    I'm at 1500 per day at the moment (used to be 1350 but increase as needed). I hike at least once per week and lift 4x per week.

    I've been on MFP for about a year and a half and have been on a roll the past 2 months and feel (and look) better than I have in over a decade :)
