I support! Looking for supporting friends

Hi! My name is Brittney, I'm 25 years old and have been using MFP for over a year now. I realized how badly I needed to lose weight after a vacation last may.. the family pictures allowed me to see myself thru others eyes.. I knew I was heavy at 212lbs, but I still didn't feel like I looked that heavy.
For someone who had always been fit, due to sports and working out... THIS WAS VERY DEPRESSING!! I had let myself go because of a tragedy that turned my life upside down.. but instead of allowing it to make me a better person, and pushing me to drive harder I gave up.
After that vacation with my family, I knew I had to change!! I started counting calories and using MFP to help me stay on track a few months later, I knew it would work because I had used it in the past. 9 months later, I am 42 pounds lighter and sooo much happier with my life! I love my current MFP friends, but am looking for more to be more supportive to me and so I can be more supportive to them also! I would love to meet some new people and learn from you guys! And I am willing to share any knowledge that I have also!


  • knugal
    knugal Posts: 9 Member
    You have the support... I need the support.

    I can push. I am very good at that.