
Hello Everyone!
Two years ago I lost 35 lbs using myfitnesspal. Then I went to college and gained it all back and then some (it was a rough freshman year for many reasons). So now more than ever I need to lose the weight. My problem is I WANT to lose the weight and every day I tell myself that this is going to be the start but yet every day I make a poor choice when it comes to food. Today I had a smore, did I need it? NO. Does anyone have advice on good snacks, how to just GET STARTED, or stay on track. Any advice is welcome!! Thank you guys!!


  • kyle703
    kyle703 Posts: 11
    Hi Brianna:)

    There's really no one magical piece of advice when it comes to being diligent on MFP/getting started/etc...

    Really, the most important thing is simply a desire to want to change. I've personally taken on many, many diets in my lifetime (short, though it may be) and have never been successful - simply for the fact that a diet is not a lifestyle change - but rather, something temporary.

    I suppose the most important thing is to not let yourself get down when you've gone over in calories, fat/sugar/etc... but to simply recognize where your weaknesses are - so that you can find ways to overcome them. Over time, things do get easier - but as with anything that is worthwhile - it will take lots of effort!

    I'd be happy to add you and provide any encouragement that I can!

  • Luciabella07
    Luciabella07 Posts: 205 Member
    Hey girl,

    The same thing happened to me, lost 25lbs last year..went back to school while still working and gained it back and then some... I'm trying to use the summer to lose again and re-learn how to do it with school added in. It was definitely hard for me because during the school year I was so stressed, hardly slept, didn't track food and didn't weigh in. I didn't even realize it because I didn't stop to pay attention.

    One thing that has helped me stay on track is weighing in consistently. Even when the scale goes up, I at least realize it and can do something about it (and it makes me more motivated when I see it going down, even its a little bit).

    I agree with Kyle - don't get down on yourself...even when I lost the 25lbs, I still had bad days, cheat days, etc. I tend to only do well when I have a positive mindset. When I keep thinking positively, I realize that I get the energy to go to the gym, eat right, and stay on task with anything else in my life. Sounds corny - but it's true.

    Snacks that I found helpful while on the go:

    Low-fat/greek Yogurt
    Bananas (I carry jif to go with me so I can have bananas and PB when i'm at work)
    Granola Bars
    Light String Cheese
    60 cal Pudding cups
    Air popped popcorn
    Chopped Fruit

    We're friends on here already so just know that you are not alone and message me if you want to talk :)
  • miss_phat_booty
    A s'more isn't going to really set you back on your weight loss journey. You should look into IIFYM. If It Fits Your Macros.

    There are plenty of people here who have lost weight without giving up some of their favorite foods.
  • LindsT2
    LindsT2 Posts: 4
    I am by no means an expert when it comes to losing weight. I struggle too, but I can tell you from my own experience that if you eat a s 'more, don't get down on yourself for it. Don't beat yourself up. You did nothing wrong! Did you need it? Maybe not, but acknowledge it and move on to making healthy choices for the rest of the day! Besides, one really is not bad in my opinion.

    I have a habit of bingeing the entire day if I eat something unhealthy and then convince myself I will be "starting" again tomorrow. It is a terrible cycle! When I let myself have bad foods here and there, it seems to help keep me on track because lets face it, we all have bad days (even weeks) and can't be 100% all the time!

    Progress is progress, no matter how small :)
  • ekdsf
    ekdsf Posts: 7
    Hey Brianna,

    I had that same problem. Everyday I would say i was going to start living healthy but they i'd go eat canes chicken lol, funny but sad all at the same time!

    What helped me the most in the beginning was to stick to really high protein foods so i wasn't hungry. One of my favorite breakfast now is a Quest protein bar. You can buy them at GNC. they have lost of different choices and they taste really good. They are extremely low sugar (like 1 gram) and they are very high protein and high fiber so it fills you up. Drink it with a big glass of flavored water. Also chobani yogurt is very high protein and a good choice. As far as exercise start by walking around your neighborhood. See if you can run ten houses straight. Once you start seeing your first results it will be easier to get you out of this rut! hope i was helpful

  • Luciabella07
    Luciabella07 Posts: 205 Member
    Progress is progress, no matter how small :)

    +1 so true, this mindset always keeps me going...your on MFP, ur acknowledging that you want to change..that's progress...keep going!! Don't focus on what you're doing wrong, focus on what you're doing right. :)
  • loriemn
    loriemn Posts: 292 Member
    the first thing you need to change is whats going on in your head..make the decision and stick with it,or your not ready.You can start small,,like no junk treats for a week,or start walking 2 miles a day for a week and see how that goes and build from that.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    Start small, goal for a goal as low as .5 lb week if that's what it takes. Even if you lost .5 per week on average, that's a whooping 2 lbs per month. Might seem small, but that's 24lbs per year and you'll almost be back to where you were before without changing much.

    Get back on the horse, you know this works so do it. Also next time you feel like a break that's ok too, eat at maintenance mode instead of stopping calorie counting completely. I plan to take a maintenance mode break myself at some point.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    Also wanted to add that losing 2 lbs per month is better than gaining 2 lbs per month. I was steadily gaining 1 lb per month before I started counting calories, it was bad.
  • Menecairiel
    Menecairiel Posts: 164 Member
    Hello Everyone!
    Two years ago I lost 35 lbs using myfitnesspal. Then I went to college and gained it all back and then some (it was a rough freshman year for many reasons). So now more than ever I need to lose the weight. My problem is I WANT to lose the weight and every day I tell myself that this is going to be the start but yet every day I make a poor choice when it comes to food. Today I had a smore, did I need it? NO. Does anyone have advice on good snacks, how to just GET STARTED, or stay on track. Any advice is welcome!! Thank you guys!!

    I understand where you come from. It's always worse returning to diet after having already done it, then gained again. I'm starting seriously again after gaining back 6 and a half pounds after getting down to my ideal weight. Not the same amount, I know, but I put on a lot of weight at university so I know that if there is anywhere you start badness, it is there!

    Now, I recommend for quick relief any bars for your handbag that are under 100kcal. If you are a snack food person, again, under 100kcal. I would never really spend more than 300kcal of my allowance on snacks. Max. But in the beginning you might want to up that just so you don't go cold turkey. If your body is used to getting what it wants, you will start fantasising more and more about this. Here's my favourite quick dessert:

    Merengue crushed up.
    Low fat/zero fat fruit yoghurt.

    Done :) Eat. Yum. And because it is so sweet it satisfies my sweet tooth. Also, best advice? Plan ahead. Know exactly what you are going to have, that way you will rarely go over calories. And if you ever do have a day you go over, just start again the next day. I don't think the odd day going a bit over will harm too much, as long as it is only a bit over for one day rather than constantly eating rubbish :) But, you sound like you are committing again and I know you've done it before, so you will do well! And think how great it felt when you lost that weight in the first place (that is my mantra these days!)


    28e_zps493f945f.gif Go you!