Office Job Stand Stills- How to get moving?

So, I literally sit in front of a computer all DAY... I wanted to start a topic that shares advice how people with desk jobs can still get moving in their work envirnoment...Print serveral times so you can get up and walk? Fill coffee up half way to give you another reason to take the stairs to get more?... Ideas? Ready, set GO!!!!

By the way, I actually print serveral times and fill my cup half way to get moving.. No joke, every step counts right?


  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    So, I literally sit in front of a computer all DAY... I wanted to start a topic that shares advice how people with desk jobs can still get moving in their work envirnoment...Print serveral times so you can get up and walk? Fill coffee up half way to give you another reason to take the stairs to get more?... Ideas? Ready, set GO!!!!

    By the way, I actually print serveral times and fill my cup half way to get moving.. No joke, every step counts right?
    For water intake I make sure to drink each time I come back into my office.

    Also, 3 days a week I will do leaning pushups, very deap ones, every hour of the work day onto my desk.

    Gets the heart pumping, and I can def feel and see it in my arms and chest.

    and it takes very little time.
  • Alehmer
    Alehmer Posts: 433 Member
    I do single leg squats and chair dips every hour at work. Really helps to keep the energy up! Not to mention this is a very genuinely good way to build strength!
  • Swiftlet66
    Swiftlet66 Posts: 729 Member
    I've posted this in another thread already but I'll post it again here!

    - Park far away from your workplace and brisk walk/run there.
    - Take walks during your break times/lunchtime. Or, you can even bring your running shoes and go for a jog during your breaks.
    - If you work in a high rise building, you can also climb the stairs to the top during your breaks! I do this. Excellent way to get the heart rate up. :)
    - Do 10 squats every time you go to the bathroom.
    - Drink lots and lots of water. This ties in with the one above. :D
    - Find a reason to stand up instead of sitting down. ie. While you're sorting large amounts of paperwork.
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    I've also done dips at work. Sometimes I do lunges now that I have a roomy office but when I did them in "general population" i got a lot of weird looks. Calf raises. We have a four floor building so I try to get up every hour, get coffee or water and then make a few trips up and down the stairs. I used to go 5 or 10 sets of four floors up and down just to get moving. At the top landings I do squats and at the bottom either squats or jumping jacks or jump rope. If i'm not wearing heels I will also do wall sits if I'm on a conference call in my office.

    I don't know if it ever increased how many calories I burned by any reasonable amount, but I can tell you it does help get my blood going an dkeep me feeling rejuvenated.

    I also run or walk at lunch every day.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    I work in a small office. Printer by my desk, main printer is ~20 feet away. Bathroom right next to my office. I do walk in place some here & there, walk at lunch time, walk back & forth to the kitchen (25 feet) randomly here & there.
  • Fit_Fox88
    Fit_Fox88 Posts: 410 Member
    I will work standing up every so often (like right now). I walk around a lot, take my empty water bottle to the other end of the office to recycle it, desk push ups, walk in place if I don't have noisy heels. I'm in a general area with no door and close to our office door where clients walk through so I'm limited to much of what I can do. But I definitely get up and walk a lot.
  • SaltLife558
    SaltLife558 Posts: 7 Member
    Awesome ideas from everyone! Thanks. I will usually do leg raises while sitting in my chair and drink from small water cups to get up and refill often. Also make any reason to go down stairs to the lobby :-) I like the idea of desk push ups and calf raises but would need to close my door, it would be a little weird and hard to explain if my suppliers caught me lol
  • TiberiusClaudis
    TiberiusClaudis Posts: 423 Member
    Add me to the list of people that drink a lot (yes its water...flavored water but water) at work. I make sure I drink atleast 2 qt by 2 pm.

    Not only is it health...It forces me to get up each hr.

    I also put creatine in my water. Not sure if that makes it even more "fluid" ???
  • steve0820
    steve0820 Posts: 510 Member
    I have the same issue at my work. Sit all night. Drives me crazy and I find I get so stiff. Here are some thing I do:

    *Incline p/u
    *walking lunges to the bathroom
    *Bathroom stale for Pull ups and Chin up
    *Chair L-sits
    *Good mornings
  • feedmedonuts
    feedmedonuts Posts: 241 Member
    I bring a kettlebell to work. They look at me a little funny when I start using it but who cares!