Never feeling satisfied?

I recently upped my calories to around 2000 a day to try and maintain my weight after loosing 27 pounds. This was great at first, I could finally enjoy food.
However, now the problem I face is that I never feel satisfied. Even after eating a huge dinner (I just had around 250g of mince in my bolognese I just cooked) I still want to carry on eating. Should I consider upping my calories further? I'm young, female, 20 y.o, and pretty active, I work out around 4 times per week, plus I walk about 3 miles around 3 times per week. I'm currently 125 pounds and 5"8. Is more calories the answer, or adding more protein and veggies to my diet? I'm probably eating too many sugary foods which I'm trying to cut down on


  • Sounds like your body is craving something that it's not getting? I would consider eating more frequent meals to make yourself feel full. Eat foods high in fat (good fat) and protein. That should make you feel full. I try to remember to look at food as simply something to fuel up for my body. Hope that helps!
  • akolacz
    akolacz Posts: 13
    Perhaps upping your protein will help, I find that even after a Quest Bar I am full for the next few hours because of the amount of protein consumed. Try eating slower as well, chew your food and drink some water in between - helps for me!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I'm NEVER satisfied!

  • miss_jessiejane
    miss_jessiejane Posts: 2,819 Member
    I hate not being satisfied.
  • DeltaZero
    DeltaZero Posts: 1,197 Member
    Need more bacon. A big slab of salty meat should fill you up.
  • luvl42
    luvl42 Posts: 1
    For me, the only thing that satisfies me is to eat what I want, as long as I stay in my calorie limit. Right now I am in weightloss mode, 1200-1300 calories per day. If I want salame and cheese for dinner, that is what I eat, 1 oz each to keep in my goal. I drink wine with dinner, count every calorie. I lost 7 pounds in 3 weeks.

    Wanting to carry on eating is natural for most people. I think about food every waking minute. You just have to tell yourself no. In order to maintain your weightloss (congrats by the way) is to watch how much you eat for the rest of your life. But for me, never compromise. If I want it I will eat it. I found out a long time ago that for me, I need to eat what I crave, if not, I will eat the grilled chicken and then eat the pizza, its better to just eat the pizza as long as in your calorie goals.

    As far as what to eat, each person is different. I actually do better with high protein lots of veggies. My husband can eat cookies and nothing but cookies and lose weight.

    According to, you should be eating 2361 to maintain your 125.

    Good luck to you.
  • CitizenXVIII
    CitizenXVIII Posts: 117 Member
    Are you drinking enough water?
  • allison_w1
    allison_w1 Posts: 2
    It depends on your definition of "satisfied." If you mean that you don't necessarily feel full, that's okay. However, if you still feel hungry, try and think about this the next time you eat, then it is totally fine to eat some more. I have a rule of thumb: never feel full or bloated. As long as you don't feel stuffed or bloated, and you don't see yourself gaining a lot of weight, sure, eat some more.
  • cwoyto123
    cwoyto123 Posts: 308
    It doesn't get any better.

    I eat 5000 calories a day and STILL starve.
  • LRH94
    LRH94 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks for answering guys
    It doesn't get any better.

    I eat 5000 calories a day and STILL starve.
    Out of interest, what exersize do you do to eat 5000 a day?
  • cwoyto123
    cwoyto123 Posts: 308
    Out of interest, what exersize do you do to eat 5000 a day?
    Just weight lifting.
  • Would love to have his metabolism!!!! OP....I have founded that since I have increased protein I have been more satisfied. Perhaps try that and also make sure you are hydrated, as sometimes you're body just needs water, but people mistake that for hunger. Good luck!
  • Spiderkeys
    Spiderkeys Posts: 338 Member
    I'm the same here, keeping at my maintenance level yet always feeling hungry all the time despite snacking more than 10 times a day, I always just feel like eating a horse, but just won't...
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Thanks for answering guys
    It doesn't get any better.

    I eat 5000 calories a day and STILL starve.
    Out of interest, what exersize do you do to eat 5000 a day?

    And he's only 18.

    OP, how is you weight currently? If you are maintaining then you have reached your maintenance calorie intake. If you are still finding yourself hungry, try altering your protein, fat and fibre intake. You may also want to play with different meal timings as some people prefer to eat 2 or 3 large meals per day, others prefer 5 or 6 small meals.

    If you are still losing weight, then you can afford to eat more calories as you are still eating below TDEE.
  • baba_helly
    baba_helly Posts: 810 Member
    I hate not being satisfied.

  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    is it you aren't feeling satisfied or are you still hungry?

    There is a difference imho...

    If it's satisfied then that can be overcome, as most of that is mental or you are craving something you have denied yourself...I personally sometimes am not satisfied until I have a starchy carb...but it's not hunger.

    If it's hunger eat more fibre and protien.
  • littlecrystal
    littlecrystal Posts: 110 Member
    I too get that "never satisfied" feeling no matter how little or how many calories I eat. The only solution I have found so far is to have a fast day once in a while - 500kcal / day (the basis of 5:2 diet). I am not a fan of starving myself but I find it totally resets my hunger button, stops cravings, makes me to recognize when I actually had enough. It seems just like another way of balancing the weekly calories intake, so you could have more calories on you normal days - but in fact with the newly reset satiety button I only want eat when I really hungry.

    Good luck!
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    is it you aren't feeling satisfied or are you still hungry?

    There is a difference imho...

    If it's satisfied then that can be overcome, as most of that is mental or you are craving something you have denied yourself...I personally sometimes am not satisfied until I have a starchy carb...but it's not hunger.

    If it's hunger eat more fibre and protien.

    All of this.

    Hedonic v physical hunger...
  • einzweidrei
    einzweidrei Posts: 381 Member
    I recently upped my calories to around 2000 a day to try and maintain my weight after loosing 27 pounds. This was great at first, I could finally enjoy food.
    However, now the problem I face is that I never feel satisfied. Even after eating a huge dinner (I just had around 250g of mince in my bolognese I just cooked) I still want to carry on eating. Should I consider upping my calories further? I'm young, female, 20 y.o, and pretty active, I work out around 4 times per week, plus I walk about 3 miles around 3 times per week. I'm currently 125 pounds and 5"8. Is more calories the answer, or adding more protein and veggies to my diet? I'm probably eating too many sugary foods which I'm trying to cut down on

    IMO, you need to eat more. I'm only a little taller than you and maintain at 2,000 calories/day without exercise. And any "exercise" I do (ahem walking) I will log and eat back those calories. Are you at least eating those exercise calories back?
  • mamahannick
    mamahannick Posts: 322 Member
    Fat. Eat plenty of healthy fats. I have increased mine, and I have noticed a difference in being satisfied with my food and fuller for longer.