Losing weight without exercise?

Hey guys!

I'm new here (though I use the MFP app quite frequently) and I'm looking for any advice/success stories from people that have successfully lost weight without exercise. In general I'm a very active person, but last December I was in a car accident and part of my knee was shattered. Almost 6 months later I am still in rehab and unable to do much with my leg (not even cleared for weight bearing yet). I would not consider myself to be an overweight person, but I have gained some weight and I'm really wanting to get most of it off before I go on vacation in September, plus I just want to feel like myself again and get back to my usual size. I'm looking to lose 10-15 lbs total and because I don't have "a lot" to lose I feel like it might be difficult with just diet.

In the past I've lost weight by eating healthy, but that was ALWAYS supplemented with regular workouts. I love exercise and feel so much better when I can get my body moving, but because I really can't do much of anything right now I'm feeling really discouraged. Plus the situation with my leg had me down for a while and caused me to snack a bit more than I normally would. I know that abs are made in the kitchen and that diet is 70%+ of weight loss, but it would be nice to hear from some people that actually lost with JUST diet. I can do some simple arm workouts (chest & shoulder presses, curls, etc) with light weights (I normally use 8 lbs), but I don't feel nearly as accomplished as when I use to do those things in addition to cardio/yoga.

Looking for some encouragement :smile:


  • TheSageMage
    TheSageMage Posts: 18
    Absolutely. Weight loss is all about calorie deficits and you can make that up any way you want. It's easier with exercise + diet, but as you've mentioned it's not always possible.
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member

    a few months ago two of my fingers were almost taken off. after physical therapy etc. I can still use my hand only lightly. I can not stretch it out or put it flat because my tendons could rupture. any one in similar situations feel free to add
  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member
    40 pounds down, almost no exercise. I bought a fit bit about a month ago and that has pushed me to walk more but I wouldn't call that exercise. I walk a lap around my building 5 or 6 times a day and that's it. 95% of my weight loss was done with a calorie defict alone. It is very possible!
  • Asherah29
    Asherah29 Posts: 354 Member
    Have you thought about modified type exercises available to persons with limited mobility? If your doctor clears them, these might be an excellent option.

  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 672 Member
    Weight loss = calorie deficit
    Health and fitness (and looking good naked) = exercise

    It is much easier to create your deficit with calories than with exercise anyway exactly for the reason you posted. Accidents, injuries and other general health issues should not derail you from weight loss, or maintaining weight loss once achieved.

    Eating Healthy does not equal a deficit. Eating less calories than you burn equals a deficit. You need to find your deficit and stick to it. Use MFP or other calorie calculators to determine that and then make sure you track your intake properly. Weigh everything. (this will enable you to ensure a deficit exists) if you don't lose, lower the number, if you lose too fast increase the number.

    Rest get better and when you are ready start exercise slowly (cuz again exercise = looking good naked and who doesn't want that!)
    Good luck.
  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    Lost 70+ pounds without exercise!
  • jaded_rose
    jaded_rose Posts: 298 Member
    I'm breastfeeding my daughter so exercise and dieting are not really in my playing cards right now. I am currently watching what I eat and I have seen some workouts you can do just sitting down if you can't put weight on your legs. Maybe you could google or look on Youtube for some ideas. I know i've seen one or two videos for working out while sitting down.
  • Alexa7119
    Alexa7119 Posts: 2
    Thanks everyone! Its great to hear that some of you had success with little exercise. Definitely encouraging. I'm on my second day of monitoring my calories very closely so hopefully I'll start noticing a difference in a few weeks. I'm going to check out the seated yoga and youtube videos as well. Thanks again!!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Exercise is not required to lose weight. It is far more efficient to create a calorie deficit in your diet for weight loss than it is to work off calories...that's the way MFP works...even if you exercise, you get those calories to "eat back" because your calorie goal already includes your weight loss deficit without any exercise whatsoever.

    I lost 20 Lbs before I started exercising...exercise has been great because it has rectified some other metabolic issues I had and helped regulate my insulin sensitivities...and allowed me to eat more food while accomplishing the same goals as before...but I didn't need it for weight loss.