Not Losing- Please Help!

I've been on MFP for a while now but then took a long long break called first year university. Luckily, when I cam home I decided to lose those freshman 15 and restart my old healthy lifestyle.

I have been eating between 1200-1300 calories per day to try to lose 2 lbs per week as well as doing strength training and cardio at the gym 3-4 times per week. However, the number on the scale just isn't changing! It hasn't changed for about a week and a half now and I'm just getting bummed out.

Any ideas what to do or why this is happening??


  • aarnwine2013
    aarnwine2013 Posts: 317 Member
    Do you log your food intake? How much are you needing to lose, just the 15? A week and 1/2 is not enough time for your body to adjust.
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    give it another 3 weeks. You'll lose weight if you keep doing what you are doing and are honest about your intake and exercise.
  • shellymeister
    shellymeister Posts: 17 Member
    In total I want to lose about 30 lbs.

    I log my food on MFP every day and plan it ahead of time usually.

    Hmmm, yeah. Maybe it is just taking time for the weight to come off. It's never happened like this before (I started logging again approximately 4 weeks ago and saw instant results but they seem to have just stopped)
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    In total I want to lose about 30 lbs.

    I log my food on MFP every day and plan it ahead of time usually.

    Hmmm, yeah. Maybe it is just taking time for the weight to come off. It's never happened like this before (I started logging again approximately 4 weeks ago and saw instant results but they seem to have just stopped)

    There are lots of variables hun. Shark Week puts me at a dead standstill for around 10 days. If you eat too much salt, you'll have water weight, if you're counting the 1200 cals you eat before you exercise, you might not be eating enough, and sometimes, your body is just a jerk.

    I can't really tell you exactly what's going on, as your diary is closed.

    Good luck!
  • taramaclaren
    taramaclaren Posts: 95 Member
    This sounds like a case of the "just starting out" woes! Never fear- you will find your groove and start losing weight, but you will need to do a few things and be completely 100% honest with yourself.

    1 - You must log every single morel of food that goes into your mouth. Just a bite of a sandwich?? Log it. Just one french fry?? Log it. It doesn't matter if it is really high calorie or low calorie - weight loss is a numbers game and from what it sounds like, you are not accurately measuring or logging your food.

    2 - You can't outwork a crap diet. Working out is really empowering and helps keep you on track (at least it does for me) because I am able to take actions that are positively benefiting and shaping my body, but understand that exercise is not going to really make a big difference until you get #1 totally squared away.

    3 - If you have #1 down, then you need to have a realistic expectation of timeline. One week probably isn't enough time to assess your plan- your body is going to be retaining some fluid due to your new work out plan and you are probably still trying to figure out your diet. If it were me, and the scale doesn't move in 2 weeks then I would revisit #1 again. 2 weeks with no movement (especially when starting out) means that you would need to figure out what is not getting logged accurately. If you are truly eating 1200 calories a day and working out to help maintain that deficit, you should definitely see the scale move at this point.

    Once you have #1 figured out, everything else should fall into place. Don't take this to mean you need to be reducing calories drastically, I mean you need to just own and know what you are eating so you can account for an extra 500 here and there.

    Good luck and don't worry too much. It takes everyone a bit of time to figure it out but you are dedicated and will have success!
  • JennEason1
    JennEason1 Posts: 32 Member
    Do you know how many calories you burn on any given day? How did you come up with 1200 to 1300 calories a day? My guess, especially if you are active, is that you are not eating enough. Your body is hanging on to everything it can for energy, especially if you increased your activity. Do you have a heart rate monitor? Or a bodymedia? you need to come up with an accurate daily calorie burn then base your caloric intake on that number. In my opinion, you should never have more than a 500 calorie deficit in any given day. Since you are posting and asking for advice, I would say YOU NEED TO EAT MORE!
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I've been on MFP for a while now but then took a long long break called first year university. Luckily, when I cam home I decided to lose those freshman 15 and restart my old healthy lifestyle.

    I have been eating between 1200-1300 calories per day to try to lose 2 lbs per week as well as doing strength training and cardio at the gym 3-4 times per week. However, the number on the scale just isn't changing! It hasn't changed for about a week and a half now and I'm just getting bummed out.

    Any ideas what to do or why this is happening??

    So just to be only eat 1200-1300 calories a day while at the same time going to the gym 3-4 days a week for both strength training and cardio. Does that mean you do not eat back your burn from exercise? I would highly HIGHLY suggest you eat a lot more than you are currently eating.

    Eat. It is vital.

    Can't say how much you should eat without knowing your age height weight and specifics of your exercise routine and daily activity but my guess is its going to be closer to 1800 calories not 1200.
  • taramaclaren
    taramaclaren Posts: 95 Member
    Do you know how many calories you burn on any given day? How did you come up with 1200 to 1300 calories a day? My guess, especially if you are active, is that you are not eating enough. Your body is hanging on to everything it can for energy, especially if you increased your activity. Do you have a heart rate monitor? Or a bodymedia? you need to come up with an accurate daily calorie burn then base your caloric intake on that number. In my opinion, you should never have more than a 500 calorie deficit in any given day. Since you are posting and asking for advice, I would say YOU NEED TO EAT MORE!

    I see this recommended on MFP a lot and it always confuses me. Can you please clarify how eating more will help her lose weight? I understand that long-term you need to incorporate treats to help one stay in a deficit state from a willpower perspective, but it makes no sense that if she isn't losing at 1200 calories, she would start losing weight by upping her calories.

    I do agree with the need for her to accurately know her BMR and go from there. and also agree that if she wants to maintain her muscle mass and have the most efficient weight loss (NOT the fastest, the most efficient) that the 500 calorie deficit is the best.

    Not trying to snark at all - just honestly very curious about where this idea has come from and why I find it all over MFP when it is so counter-intuitive.

    EDIT - I think the main issue is with the tracking. It usually is in cases like this. I also agree that 1200 seems low and personally prefer to be in the 1400-1600 range but again, if she believes she is eating 1200 but is really eating 1800 and we tell her to up calories it is not going to help her out at all.
  • JennEason1
    JennEason1 Posts: 32 Member
    Do you know how many calories you burn on any given day? How did you come up with 1200 to 1300 calories a day? My guess, especially if you are active, is that you are not eating enough. Your body is hanging on to everything it can for energy, especially if you increased your activity. Do you have a heart rate monitor? Or a bodymedia? you need to come up with an accurate daily calorie burn then base your caloric intake on that number. In my opinion, you should never have more than a 500 calorie deficit in any given day. Since you are posting and asking for advice, I would say YOU NEED TO EAT MORE!

    I see this recommended on MFP a lot and it always confuses me. Can you please clarify how eating more will help her lose weight? I understand that long-term you need to incorporate treats to help one stay in a deficit state from a willpower perspective, but it makes no sense that if she isn't losing at 1200 calories, she would start losing weight by upping her calories.

    I do agree with the need for her to accurately know her BMR and go from there. and also agree that if she wants to maintain her muscle mass and have the most efficient weight loss (NOT the fastest, the most efficient) that the 500 calorie deficit is the best.

    Not trying to snark at all - just honestly very curious about where this idea has come from and why I find it all over MFP when it is so counter-intuitive.

    EDIT - I think the main issue is with the tracking. It usually is in cases like this. I also agree that 1200 seems low and personally prefer to be in the 1400-1600 range but again, if she believes she is eating 1200 but is really eating 1800 and we tell her to up calories it is not going to help her out at all.

    By saying eat more I don't mean go out and eat cheeseburgers and ice cream. you need to eat nutrient dense foods. I eat 6 meals a day. It increases your metabolism and helps you burn fat. If you don't take in enough calories where do you think your body get's energy from? Your muscles!!! Eat lean protein and as many veggies and you can stomach! Try eating every 3 hours. Stay away from processed garbage. If it's made on a conveyor belt chances are you shouldn't eat it. And lift weights, it increases your fat burn. Just make sure you are eating plenty of protein and drink a TON OF WATER. I'm not a doctor or an expert by any means but do some research, Google it, I'm sure you will find a more scientific explanation. I'm just giving advice based on my own experiences and knowledge.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I see this recommended on MFP a lot and it always confuses me. Can you please clarify how eating more will help her lose weight?

    It won't. It will help her not lose muscle and it will help her not damage her health, both of which I consider pretty important.

    As far as weight loss goes if you eat that little your body will tend to retain a lot of water which can mask the weight loss but yeah you are losing fat, and muscle, and bone density if you eat that little and work out on top of it.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    if she believes she is eating 1200 but is really eating 1800 and we tell her to up calories it is not going to help her out at all.

    Well that is true yeah, I mean accurate logging first...then address the problems.
  • ravenmiss
    ravenmiss Posts: 384 Member
    Just out of interest.

    How old are you, how tall are you, how much do you weigh now?
  • OldChief10
    OldChief10 Posts: 17 Member
    Do you know how many calories you burn on any given day? How did you come up with 1200 to 1300 calories a day? My guess, especially if you are active, is that you are not eating enough. Your body is hanging on to everything it can for energy, especially if you increased your activity. Do you have a heart rate monitor? Or a bodymedia? you need to come up with an accurate daily calorie burn then base your caloric intake on that number. In my opinion, you should never have more than a 500 calorie deficit in any given day. Since you are posting and asking for advice, I would say YOU NEED TO EAT MORE!
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Do you know how many calories you burn on any given day? How did you come up with 1200 to 1300 calories a day? My guess, especially if you are active, is that you are not eating enough. Your body is hanging on to everything it can for energy, especially if you increased your activity. Do you have a heart rate monitor? Or a bodymedia? you need to come up with an accurate daily calorie burn then base your caloric intake on that number. In my opinion, you should never have more than a 500 calorie deficit in any given day. Since you are posting and asking for advice, I would say YOU NEED TO EAT MORE!

    Because screw health, weight loss is what is truly I right?
  • JennEason1
    JennEason1 Posts: 32 Member
    Do you know how many calories you burn on any given day? How did you come up with 1200 to 1300 calories a day? My guess, especially if you are active, is that you are not eating enough. Your body is hanging on to everything it can for energy, especially if you increased your activity. Do you have a heart rate monitor? Or a bodymedia? you need to come up with an accurate daily calorie burn then base your caloric intake on that number. In my opinion, you should never have more than a 500 calorie deficit in any given day. Since you are posting and asking for advice, I would say YOU NEED TO EAT MORE!

    Again, this is just my opinion and my experience but it worked for me. I purchased a body media two years ago and realized that I was NOT eating enough calories. I realized that just sitting on the couch all day watching TV I burned 1800-1900 calories. I go to Crossfit 4 days a week and run and lift weights. On my active days I burn close to 3000 calories. I was at 1000 calorie deficit everyday and didn't know it. Once I was armed with the knowledge of how much I was burning I started eating more and eliminated processed food. Increased my veggie and protein intake and in less than 5 months I went from 22% body fat to 11%. So, given my experience, it worked for me! Have you ever heard the saying "Abs are made in the kitchen not the gym"? I live by those word now. Eat Eat Eat! But choose wisely!
  • TheChuDog
    TheChuDog Posts: 9 Member
    Not saying this is definitively what I was experiencing...but I noticed I was losing weight much slower than before (but not near my goal weight). Friends, and some on here, suggested I was not eating enough calories so I bumped it up 200 calories. Either by design or coincidence, I dropped two pounds in two days. I am going to continue to go with the extra 200 calories a day and see how the weight loss goes...
  • collingmommy
    collingmommy Posts: 456 Member
    Way to aggressive for 15 lbs to lose. Eat at 1500/cals a day, log exercise and eat half that back.
  • JennEason1
    JennEason1 Posts: 32 Member
    Do you know how many calories you burn on any given day? How did you come up with 1200 to 1300 calories a day? My guess, especially if you are active, is that you are not eating enough. Your body is hanging on to everything it can for energy, especially if you increased your activity. Do you have a heart rate monitor? Or a bodymedia? you need to come up with an accurate daily calorie burn then base your caloric intake on that number. In my opinion, you should never have more than a 500 calorie deficit in any given day. Since you are posting and asking for advice, I would say YOU NEED TO EAT MORE!

    Because screw health, weight loss is what is truly I right?

    Ha, right! There is this phenomenon I like to call "Skinny Fat". The number on the scale is low but you're squishy all over and couldn't bench press a can of soup. You want to be skinny then eat 1200 calorie. If you want to be fit then eat to perform, lift weights and watch the fat melt away!
  • elyshagunn23
    elyshagunn23 Posts: 2 Member
    I read everyone's post, and lots of great tips for you, I definitely think 1200 is really low and if you can honestly say you aren't hungry after that you are probably eating more than you think. My personal trainer has me calorie cycling now to help me lose FAT (not necessarily pounds) so on the 3 days I train with her I have my high days (1700-1800 cal), and then the 4 days off I have 2 low (1300-1400) and 2 moderate (1500-1600) it increases leptin levels and keeps your metabolism working high because you are confusing it. Also I find when I eat too many carbs or packaged snacks I don't lose, high protein and high healthy fats is great. Don't fear unsalted nuts - you need to eat healthy fat to lose fat! And at least 1g of protein per every lean pound of body weight for example I am at 136lbs now my body weight ideal is 120 (I am really short) so I have to aim for 120g of protein. Also I try and focus on measuring my inches, body fat and muscle mass instead of worrying as much about pounds, like a lot of people said you also might be carrying some water weight, watch the sodium, grill a chicken breast and make a salad! Good luck!
  • shellymeister
    shellymeister Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you everyone so much for the help! I'm going to try eating a little bit extra to get it to like 1400 calories and see if that works for me :)

    for the record i am turning 20 next month, am 5'7 and weigh 156lbs if that helps anyone out (and I do eat back calories from working out)