New Couple

My husband and I just started using this app (we are on day 2), and we took time before we started to get our minds adjusted to changing our bad habits. We purged the house of all of our "trigger" foods, and unhealthy choices during that time. The problem we are now having is that we are eating meals and snacks (mind you, all healthy things now), and are not coming close to the calorie allotment for the day. I know it's optimal to get close to the recommended amount of calories, but really don't want to go for unhealthy things to get there, nor do I want to have to eat a ton more food since we are definitely full with what we are already eating. Does anyone have any tips for getting "healthy" calories in a not-so-filling food? Thanks in advance, we are looking forward to this journey!


  • AdventureFreak
    AdventureFreak Posts: 236 Member
    Add olive oil and nut butters to things to make some more caloric ground. Watch the nut butters though they often have sugar and other garbage in addition to the nuts. Maybe some protein snacks are well like a small protein bar or something of the like. Quest bars are popular and I like Kind bars as well.
  • nikkituck56
    nikkituck56 Posts: 31 Member
    A handful of almonds or any other kind of nut.
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,210 MFP Moderator
    Try cooking with olive oil - it will add necessary fat and calories. Also, Avacados and Nuts are calorie dense healthy foods. One thing that a LOT of people do is to cut out all fats and start using 'diet' foods (low-fat milk, low-fat cheese, that sort of thing). Use the full-fat stuff. It's good for you (your body actually NEEDS fat - it's what your brain is made of), AND helps you actually reach your calorie goals. I'm sure others have lots of other suggestions. :)
  • 1donner1
    1donner1 Posts: 23 Member
    I agree totally with the nut, nut butter and olive oil! It has totally helped me get through.
  • jschwend1
    jschwend1 Posts: 15
    Thanks, this is getting easier as we continue. I started putting some peanut butter on a whole wheat flat round bread for a quick protein/calorie catch up on the days we come in low. Davis, I did exactly that, I went to lo-cal and fat-free everything, totally changed all of the foods we were doing, so that makes sense. I think we are finally finding a balance...Thanks again all! Having support is definitely helpful! I didn't realize I had to go into my topics every day to see if there were responses to my quesetions.