Wow does anybody else go through this?

I'm surprised! At my starting weight I felt hatred for my body. I would avoid mirrors and than finally I broke down to my husband and said I HATE MY BODY, I HATE MYSELF! I knew why it was...........stupid PCOS!

I knew I put those bad carbs in my body, even with insulin resistance. I knew it would go straight to fat, even with exercise. Unfortunately I could go on all the low calorie diets and go even as high as 45 mins a day never worked. It just took me hitting an emotional rock bottom.

I hated my body so bad I would wear shirts during ya know bedroom time. I would wear shorts and a t-shirt to bed because I wanted to cover myself up.

But now being almost 30lbs lighter at 150! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE MY LOW CARB LIFESTYLE/EXERCISE 6 DAYS A WEEK AND ULTIMATELY MY BODY! Yes it's still hard watching my husband gulf down that bread, those servings of pasta, what not but I know he doesn't have insulin resistance. He can do that heck he's 160lbs pure muscle and has always been like that. Men are soooo lucky with that dang fast metabolism even at 41 lol

Did anybody experience that emotional rock bottom? The ultimate euphoric high as you see the weight coming off!


  • XWarzonePrincessX
    Yes yes and yes! I actually could NOT get my eating under control for the longest time! Come to find out I actually had an eating disorder. u learned how to change my habits and boom! Things FINALLY started changing! After NEVER liking my body and NEVER being able to change it! Of course I slacked off and am having to start over... but I know exactly what you are talking about! Congratulations on finally finding success btw! So happy for you!
  • jsalzat
    jsalzat Posts: 225 Member
    It's neat when you realize that you really do know what you've always known but didn't know you knew, and that you don't know what you thought you knew :bigsmile:

    Congrats on your awesome loss :flowerforyou: