"8-Hour Diet" Plan?



  • AnniPani91
    AnniPani91 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm kinda doing something similar at the moment. It's not quite the 8 hour, as my schedule doesn't really allow it. But what I'm doing is not eating after having my main dinner, normally at around 7-8. I then just drink herbal tea or water for the rest of the night. Late night eating was such a habit for me, and I'm sure it wasn't helping. I've been doing this for about 2 weeks, and I don't feel hungry anymore, and look slimmer ( I don't have any scales at the moment so can't say anything about actual weight loss) But i wake up feeling more energetic and sleep better

    Hope this helps

  • ckish
    ckish Posts: 358 Member
    I tried it recently because I realized that is how I used to eat regularly while in college. Fast forward 30 years and my body didn't respond well. I find that eating well throughout the day helps me have the energy to perform my responsibilities and enjoy my life. So I just make wise choices and don't worry about the time or other frivolous details.
  • operaspider
    I do the 8 hour diet plan (and I eat Paleo as well); it works wonderfully for me so far. it's the only thing that has worked to control my night binges (it's easy to fast for 16 hours knowing I'll get a huge meal once I do eat; I love to eat a LOT). I've noticed being generally more balanced and happy since I've been doing it.
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    I was hoping to hear that some do have success with this plan. I've actually already noticed that I feel better and eat less when I don't force myself to eat in the morning - just because I'm "supposed to".
    This is a more comfortable way for you to lose weight and makes cutting calories for you? If it works and isn't harming you, don't fix it.
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    Seems to me, this is how we used to eat when I was a kid ... breaky at 08:30-ish... dinner at 12:00-ish and tea at 17:00-ish .... (Oh and lots of running around outside with your mates till it got dark) nowt else to eat at night, no 'grazing' of snacks throughout the day etc.. etc....

    Eat your meals at meal times then step away from the larder and do some exercise ..... SIMPLES

    Life was simpler back then and common sense was a lot more common :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

    And now people are selling books to folks daft enough to buy them ..... where's my typewriter?
  • arlettasloan5
    arlettasloan5 Posts: 7 Member
    I haven't read the actual diet plan, so, I don't know the nuances. What I do know is that there are several variations of an eating plan based on when you eat, more so than what you eat, which have been utilized to help people lose weight for a very long time, now.

    One of them is simply making sure not to eat after 2 pm - 4 pm. The purpose is to give your body time to digest your food before bedtime. A variation of this is simply not to eat starchy foods after 2 pm - 4 pm, but, to eat only lean proteins and non-starchy vegetables, for the same basic reason.

    There is the old fashioned "Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper" idea, which has also been presented in slight variation as "Eat dinner for breakfast" , since dinner is usually the most caloric meal of the day, and, "Let's do lunch" wherein lunch becomes the most caloric meal of the day, and, dinner still becomes the new smallest meal of the day.

    I have, without meaning to, followed a routine where I began eating around 7 am and finished eating by 1:30 pm - 2 pm, and, without changing what I was eating (even eating fatty, high sugar snacks and lots of pasta noodles) I ended up losing a great deal of weight. My mom was on the same schedule, as we were living in the same house and got up around the same time and I was the on e preparing the meals and she likes to go to bed earlier than I do, and, she also lost a lot of weight without making any other changes.

    So, yes, WHEN you eat can affect your potential weight loss or gain, but, it is not the end-all, be-all, because, I also lost 50 lbs, a different time, while eating whenever I felt like it, but, eating a lot more grapefruit, leafy greens, and other non-starchy vegetables than usual.

    If you do choose to change your eating schedule, please keep in mind that it may help you lose weight just doing that, but, it will not have much of an impact on any other health issues you might have, such as high cholesterol, diabetes, etc. unless you also change what you eat. It's a fun and easy tool to help better utilize calories, because, when you are sleeping your digestion slows and things are more likely to be stored as fat. That's all it is.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Research studies into the benefits are few and far between, but more and more evidence is suggesting that IF is better suited for men, as there are indications that it can cause hormonal upset in women.

    Mark from Mark's Daily Apple has reviewed what little literature there is here: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/women-and-intermittent-fasting/#axzz335pinf9f