New and looking for help in making lifestyle changes.

Hi everyone. I discovered this site through my wife. She is making incredible progress and credits this site and friends here for helping her.

I am looking to use this site in helping me learn how to make positive lifestyle changes in order to be the healthiest I can and set a good example for my kids. I have three beautiful children and I want them growing up seeing me as an inspiration in how they want to live their lifes and the choices they make regarding food.

I used to be in really good shape but many years of university, children, marriage and work have gotten me far away from that and I am looking to use this site to help me get back to where I know I can be.

In the few short days I have already learned so much about what I used to be putting into my body and I am looking to meet people to help me stay motivated.

Feel free to send me a message or add me as a friend :)
