Doing your hair after a morning or evening workout (ladies)



  • claudie08
    claudie08 Posts: 154 Member
    After a morning workout is easy because I just jump in the shower afterwards and to my thing to get ready for work.
    When I worked out after work, I didn't care about my hair too much - came home showered, blow dried (no curling) and that was that.

    This summer, I don't want to deal with my hair. I sweat too much on the scalp and keeping this hair looking decent during the hot, humid summer days is a losing battle. Braids are for me!
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    The older I get the less time I spend on my hair. Luckily it's naturally curly, so I wash a couple times a week and it dries on its own. The less I fuss with it the better the curls look anyway. :laugh:
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    I usually will use dry shampoo and then do a ponytail depending on how much of a hurry I'm in lol
  • FitMe758
    FitMe758 Posts: 177 Member
    I usually will use dry shampoo and then do a ponytail depending on how much of a hurry I'm in lol

    2nd this.

    But after a run, nothing works but proper hair washing. I could put two cans of dry shampoo and it would turn into a powdery mess. But for any other workout: dry shampoo.
  • dacspace
    dacspace Posts: 109 Member
    sounds like we have about the same hair type and i also only wash my hair every other day (every third day...eeek!) if i can help it. i have the headbands that are just cotton but about 2 in. wide. by the end of the workout i'm wearing them as a necklace - any suggestions on great headbands?

    Bondibands rock! I must have an odd shaped head because most end up flinging off during a workout or like you, end up as a necklace. I've tried them all! Bondibands really do STAY IN PLACE! LOVE THEM!

    You can get them online and usually can be found at merch booth area at big races.
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    My hair is long so I can get away with a ponytail.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    sounds like we have about the same hair type and i also only wash my hair every other day (every third day...eeek!) if i can help it. i have the headbands that are just cotton but about 2 in. wide. by the end of the workout i'm wearing them as a necklace - any suggestions on great headbands?

    I've got some elastic no-slip headbands. They're not fancy, i think I just picked them up at Target. I've also seen these, though I haven't tried them yet. They look cute, though!
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    My hair takes me like 10 minutes. Wash, lightly towel dry, brush, put some gel in it. Done.
  • MindyRH
    MindyRH Posts: 15
    Dry shampoo is AWESOME! On days I wash my hair, if I'm in a rush, this "surf spray" stuff by Bumble and Bumble gives my hair a beachy look so I can skip a full blow dry and straightening. I have long hair with thin strands so I rely on a lot of volume products. There is this stuff by Big Sexy Hair called Powder Play that I use for volume on second day and third day hair :)
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 674 Member
    real thick, course, really wavy hair. I wash and go and If I really don't want it in my face, it goes back in a pony and then it might...but often times doesn't dry by the time I go to bed...
  • lamps1303
    lamps1303 Posts: 432 Member
    Bump for more info about that dry shampoo...would it work for camping?

    Dry shampoo is good for any time and any place. Just be sure to shake it well before you use it or your hair will go a little white. Also be sure to rub it in properly. You simply separate the hair and spray the shampoo onto the roots. Rub it into your scalp and comb through. If your hair is damp/sweaty try to dry it first. A much cheaper alternative to dry shampoo is talcolm powder but use sparingly as it can make your hair go white too! I tend to avoid it as I have dark hair, but if you're blonde you're on to a winner!
  • The only problem I have sometimes is being able to lift my arm to hold the hair dryer after a particularly tough workout!
  • dammitjanet0161
    dammitjanet0161 Posts: 319 Member
    I sweat loads from my head so my hair is always drenched, I'm so envious of women who can get away with a quick spritz of dry shampoo after a workout! If I go to the gym in the morning pre work I have no choice but to wash my hair afterwards. Having said that, it's not too much of a chore as I have quite fine straight hair in a bob so it takes less than 10 mins blow drying, even with they gym's crappy hairdryer.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Dry Shampoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My hair loves in! I love the person who invented the stuff - : )

    My hair is really long too
  • sgvdms
    sgvdms Posts: 33 Member
    I used to wash my hair almost everyday, but recently I can't be bothered, I also hate the feeling of wet hair and don't use a hairdryer as I don't put heat on my hair (it's coloured so I try and minimise damage) .

    So I put baby powder in it, acts as a dry shampoo if you have blonde hair like myself, I tried this when I had darker hair years ago and it just turns grey. It's cheaper this way and lasts for longer as I could go through a whole bottle of dry shampoo in a week.
    Then I put it up into a bun with a hair doughnut thing and pin in place with bobby pins and hairspray (if it's the morning).

    If it's the evening I just scrape it back in a pony tail and then do what I said previously in the morning before I go to work. Been working a charm!
  • PinkCupcakes84
    PinkCupcakes84 Posts: 235 Member
    I have locs. I just put them in a ponytail and use a sweatband. When I'm done working out and showering, I simply take my hair back down. I only shampoo every Sunday though.
  • ProjectYummyMummy
    ProjectYummyMummy Posts: 98 Member

    This. Too much drama on my head.

    My hair isn't as thick. But just as curly when wet.
  • Hell_Flower
    Hell_Flower Posts: 348 Member
    I have shoulder length, REALLY thick hair. I only wash it twice a week (partially because I dye it red and it fades like a *kitten*. Partially because it TAKES SO FLIPPING LONG!). Although I don't sweat heaps from my scalp, so that helps.

    I scrape my hair back at the gym, fling a sweat band on, do my thing. I shower without washing my hair then just dry any remaining sweat from ma heid. Whack on dry shampoo its the day before wash day, blast it out then do a twirly thing with the straighteners or an excessive amount of bobby pins and a head scarf.

    I'm from the North-West of Britian. We're not known for our polished hair, haha. I've occasionally gone a couple of weeks without even brushing it.

    Clearly, I'm a bit rancid.
  • ProjectYummyMummy
    ProjectYummyMummy Posts: 98 Member
    I totally understand, I'm still trying to figure out how to handle my hair on the daily.


    I work in advertising. So personal branding is everything. But looks like I can either take care of my hair or my body and put my hair in a tiny ponytail. My hair is curly. So it takes long to blow straight.
  • fitness_faeiry
    fitness_faeiry Posts: 354 Member
    i wish I had time to wash and blow dry my hair after every workout! I don't bother...