Losing weight after baby

I had a baby two weeks ago. I started counting my calories a week ago. 2100 calories and im breastfeeding/formula. I gained 50lbs this pregnancy. I was 243lbs and im 5.9'. I weighed myself just now and ive lost a total of 30lbs. That just doesnt sound right to me. Am I losing it too fast? I lost 65lbs last year in a little over 5 months and I was losing my hair and im sure it was from losing weight too fast.. I thought 2100 calories was on the high side to start off with. Any suggestions?


  • I3righti3lue24
    I3righti3lue24 Posts: 40 Member
    I lost 28lbs after my second and 18lbs with my first in 2 weeks. You lose a LOT in the first few weeks because of all the water your body retains, placenta, baby, and of course amniotic fluids, extra blood. SO I wouldn't' worry, just make sure if your breastfeeding a lot to give yourself extra calories (they say a full time nursing mom is around 500, so depending on how much you nurse you may only need 300).

    As long as your nursing, I always say trust your gut (in moderation) if you feel hungry try some water, or a light snack ..Breastfeeding is hard work.

    As for calroies, 2000 for a nursing mom is pretty good. I am nursing a 10 week old right now, I get 1560 for MFP than I add on an extra 500 (by searching it as a food). so i'm eating upward to 2060 calories a day, or more when I work out. I've been losing slowly now that initial pregnancy weight has came off...

    As for hair loss its hard, because that can be a lot of things that can cause hair less.

  • pallen33
    pallen33 Posts: 11 Member
    Just coming back to mfp. I was unsure if it was a good idea since this is the first time I am 100% breastfeeding. I was worried it would interrupt my milk supply and I was told not to deny myself food. I had lost a significant amount of weight throughout my pregnancy. Baby girl is now 7.5 weeks and we go for walks regularly... Well at least twice a week minimum, yet I am putting on 1- 2lbs a week.

    I need help to stop the cycle.
  • corinne0805
    corinne0805 Posts: 158 Member
    Hair loss after pregnancy has nothing to do with weight loss. During the pregnancy the hormones make the body hang onto everything - including hair follicles that normally fall out. When your body starts going back to normal after the baby (3-6 months postpartum), the hormones start to dissipate and that's when you will see the hair loss. Some women experience more than others. I've had 10 pregnancies, 11 kids and my last post pregnancy hair loss was the worst.
  • laura3773
    laura3773 Posts: 67 Member
    I weighed less at my 10 day postpartum visit than I did at my first prenatal visit. I nursed/pumped full time for a year. During that time, I lost about half a pound a week without counting calories and with eating (junk) all the time. If you find that your milk supply is suffering from being on a diet, you may find that you'll gradually lose your weight just from eating healthily and nursing. I didn't get to where I wanted to be while nursing (I was overweight at the beginning of my pregnancy) and I gained back 15 lbs after my daughter turned 1 when I stopped pumping during the day (my daughter still nursed at bedtime and in the morning but it wasn't enough to help me burn calories) because I didn't eat healthily and I got used to eating ALL the time.

    Good luck, and congratulations! Remember, it took 9 months to put the weight on - give it some time for the rest of it to come off!
  • nfowler78
    nfowler78 Posts: 3 Member
    Back at MFP after having my daughter on 4/15/14.

    So I am 6 weeks postpartum. At my 6 week check up I weighed .3lbs less than prepregnancy :)

    I still have a lot to lose and would love some support along the way
  • BelenB123
    BelenB123 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks! I had hairloss last year before I was pregnant. To the point where you can see my scalp.. I literally had no hair on the sides on my head. Once I started eating more my hair started growing back. Im sure it will slow down.
  • tinkbaby101
    tinkbaby101 Posts: 180 Member
    You'll want to account for about 300 to 500 calories burned each day with breastfeeding. You'll also want to stay well hydrated. Otherwise your supply can tank. You can add breastfeeding into your caloric requirements through the foods. Just add food, and search for breastfeeding. That'll give you the appropriate allowance.

    As long as you didn't experience an abnormal or traumatic birth, you can start walking. Take it easy at first, and listen to your body! But a baby wrap and walks around the neighborhood are a great way to burn some calories, and soothe a fussy baby.

  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    I had a baby two weeks ago. I started counting my calories a week ago. 2100 calories and im breastfeeding/formula. I gained 50lbs this pregnancy. I was 243lbs and im 5.9'. I weighed myself just now and ive lost a total of 30lbs. That just doesnt sound right to me. Am I losing it too fast? I lost 65lbs last year in a little over 5 months and I was losing my hair and im sure it was from losing weight too fast.. I thought 2100 calories was on the high side to start off with. Any suggestions?

    The 30 lbs you lost were the baby, placenta, amniotic fluid, etc. Personally I gained 40 pounds with each pregnancy and by the time I got home from the hospital I was already down 20 lbs.

    ETA: As for hair loss - don't be surprised if you start losing your hair again in the postpartum period. Has more to do with hormones than weight loss.