Had a binge but stopped halfway through

I'm an emotional eater, food has always been my "thing". We've had financial issues this week and I'm in work on my own so decided to go to the shop and buy a load of crap.

Pringles, crisps, chocolate, sweets and coke.

Even though I argued with myself back and forth about it and knew it wasn't a good idea I did it anyway. I know I should have come on here BEFOREHAND and looked for support but I decided not too. I wanted to eat more than I wanted to be healthy.

But I didn't eat it all, maybe half way through, I stopped and put the rest of it rest in the bin. Does that count for something? I've logged it all, and am now drinking a big glass of water, going to have a cup of tea and walk the dog when I get home.

Almost doesn't feel like a binge really, if that even makes sense. Its been a few months since I've eaten like that but I almost feel like although its not good that I ate half of it, its progress that I didn't eat it all.

Rambling now lol


  • ElliSwan
    ElliSwan Posts: 9 Member
    I actually think it is really great that you could stop yourself halfway through. Weight loss is really difficult, and it is hard to ignore that little voice in your head that says "Eat everything! Who cares about how you feel later? Eat what you feel now!" The fact that you recognize those feelings is the first step to overcoming them, and you went further than that. Yes, you gave into those feelings, but you also pulled yourself out. For that you should be proud. The next time you feel like you want to binge, look back on this experience then wave at those nasty thoughts as you run by them!

    I found this article (and entire blog) really helpful: http://www.canyoustayfordinner.com/what-i-miss-from-135lbs-ago/

    Good luck!
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Baby steps. That was a pretty big step to be able to stop and throw the rest out. Count it as a victory.
  • dt3312
    dt3312 Posts: 212 Member
    I think that's a huge step. Good for you. Now you know that you can stop in the middle of eating. You are thinking about if you really liked eating like that. You are thinking about whether it was worthwhile. I used to do things like eat 6 donuts. Now I am happy with 1/4 of a donut. Last week, someone brought a dozen donuts. I could have had all I wanted. I smelled them. I remembered what they tasted like. Then I thought, "I don't think I want any today." And I didn't have any and I did not feel deprived at all. I felt like I was making a choice.
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    Ive been working super hard at recognizing when Im hungry versus when I just wanna eat. So far it's working. I applaud you for catching the binge and stopping it in its track. Thats hard work all on it's own.

    What Im finding works for me is to literally stop and think how icky Im gonna feel if I binge...how badly I hate hate hate that "over stuffed" over full feeling. I also find that if I give into eating something "not right", I'll pay for it the next day with feeling sluggish and slow. I hate that too.

    I stay pretty strict (at or less than 1200 a day w/doc supervision!!) 5 or 6 days a week. On the other one or two days, usually a Friday night and Sunday night, I will engage up to 1500 for each of those two days. I keep it as clean as I can and healthy by eating extra vegies, fruits or a little more meat but it works. It keeps me from "missing" anything, it reduces or eliminates a surprise binge and I still feel in control.

    Good Luck and much success on this wild and crazy journey of weight loss and healthy living