
I woke up this morning and decided to weigh myself, which I haven't done in awhile. After taking a deep breath, I stepped on the scale and saw that I was 172.8 pounds! I'm 5'2" and I've always been overweight (except once when I lost a lot of weight the wrong way). For my height, 172.8 pounds is obese. I feel so ashamed of myself and instead of dreading, I decided that I need to change. So, today I will start losing weight seriously. I've tried so many times before but I feel like I've never been serious.

I hope we can lose weight together!


  • Amy1527
    Amy1527 Posts: 18
    Good for you!!! No need to feel ashamed here, you're among friends. I know that I have definitely felt embarrassed and ashamed in the past but we are on a path to change that so hopefully you can change that feeling of being ashamed to a feeling of being proud of yourself!!!

    Good luck, you're going to smash it :smile:

  • Shutter_bug03
    Shutter_bug03 Posts: 35 Member
    I know the feeling. But I think we NEED that feeling to push us. Lots of luck!
  • You can do it! Once you make up your mind- this is it! This is the day the journey seriously begins! No matter if there are set backs, or depressing days, just remember,we are all going through this together! We can lift each other up, cheer each other on, and keep looking ahead! And it will get better as we get healthier and see results! So cheer up, and take one day at a time! Best of luck to you! Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • akolacz
    akolacz Posts: 13
    Do not be ashamed. You have taken the first step to success - and that is amazing! Keep going from here!!
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    No shame ....... it is what it is .....

    Now plan & focus & enjoy your new adventure :drinker:
  • CrossFitFit4Life
    CrossFitFit4Life Posts: 3 Member
    Yay!!! You can do it:smile:
  • justy911
    justy911 Posts: 1 Member
    Good Job stepping on that scale- that took courage and courage cancels out any shame. Now that fear is gone and you can take care of business!
  • Hi, I started on Monday so 4 days in.
    I felt exactly like that being 5ft 3, and weighing about the same. But I decided as you enough
    was enough. So far so good. But I'm finding it hard to keep to the calories that I've been given.
    But we can do it. Positive mind, people to help, and I have a few insentives to do it to.
    But mostly it's because I want to lose the weight for me.... I hope this helps were all in it together.
  • sexygoodness
    sexygoodness Posts: 245 Member
    Morning !!!.....I just lost 85lbs whoo hoo :drinker: and I feel great!! I have started to exercise and I know that tracking what I eat is a big part of keeping me on track. I know your thinking how did she do it... I did go through the IDEAL PROTEIN PROTOCOL which I highly recommend. I have tried WW and Dr. Bernstein and every other thing on the market and I had a personal trainer but nothing seemed to work but Ideal Protein did. The idea being that you need to get your body under control and food is how you do it .. ANY GREAT trainer will tell you that its 80% food 20% exercise, so I made the decision to focus on the biggest component first FOOD.. any way enough about that.. I see the value in tracking food and what you do everyday it will keep you accountable, BEST OF LUCK to everyone out there .. LOVING MY FITNESS PAL :heart:
  • Bernadette60614
    Bernadette60614 Posts: 707 Member
    Be kind to yourself. You're still young and you can make a change now which will last your lifetime!
  • SteveyBrule
    SteveyBrule Posts: 171 Member
    Shame isn't necessary but for so many people it can be the tipping point.

    Here's the bad news, it's going to be a slow, tedious ~3 weeks until you get into a routine and exercise and healthy heating are habitual.

    The good news? You're going to lose weight and become healthier if you try. There's no way around it, eat good food, eat at a caloric deficit. I always say count what you eat and eat what counts.
  • ccgumms
    ccgumms Posts: 2 Member
    First off, Loss the word ashamed!!!!! You had a set back or several set backs it happens. I'm shorter than you at 4' 11" (some say shorter, but I'm sticking with it, lol). I was 173 at my heaviest. I tried every diet, fad, quick fix (non-surgergical) out there. When I got sick from taking a brand of diet pills and was in the hosptial that was enough. I just let it all go and for years I would yo-yo with my weight. I dont really mind exercisizing like some people complain about, I just didnt do it. Once I found this fitness pal app and lost over 13 lbs I was sold. It will work as long as you stay in you guidelines and add a few exercises in there. I really didnt push myself as hard as I could physical the first time.I noticed my pants were getting a little more fitted, not snug. I gain back 3 lbs so I just starting tracking myself again with FP and already I feel better. It is a great feeling to be your healthest self without the tricks.
  • silverstarrlyte
    silverstarrlyte Posts: 83 Member
    It happens girl. Don't be ashamed. Take everything one day at a time. Track your food every day, make small goals... I started at 171, and have so far lost 22lbs. Some days are better than others!!! You can do it!
  • asiantaye
    asiantaye Posts: 26
    Hang in there. Making a change is good. Remember it takes time. :-) You can do it.
  • itodd4019
    itodd4019 Posts: 340 Member
    Good for you and welcome.

    Remember, as soon as you start you are!

    Run tomorrow and you are a runner
    Track your cals today and you are a tracker
    drink water today and you are water concious

    there is no time requirements to become the person you want. As soon as you start you are. Then being "who you are" you "do what you do" and now it's only a matter of time

  • Taokirate
    Taokirate Posts: 1
    Dont feel bad!!:tongue: I am 5 foot even and was heading towards 200 lbs now I'm 172 just beginning this really hard journey for weight loss.Losing weight is not easy it just isn't. If all your life or most your adult life you ate whatever whenever and really did not have an exercise regimen it is a complete change.I started eating clean like 90 percent of the time i try and eat clean and have a schedule to workout which some days i look forward to and some days i just DO NOT want to do but i get through it and i feel great.So dont stress about your actual weight just tell yourself today i'm gonna start making a change ,take small steps because let me tell you losing weight is a battle but in the end no one regrets it.
  • Nazy1343
    Nazy1343 Posts: 54 Member
    66% of people in Britain are classified as obese following yesterdays news reports! I think it's mainly due to mass food productions that use cheap nasty ingredients and long working hours that make us turn to food short cuts.

    I think you should be proud of yourself for wanting to change. 50 days ago I made a decision to do insanity challenge, i thought i'd only last 2 days but i kept going and now have only 10 days left. I did not lose weight on the scale but instead i lost fat and gained muscle weight.

    Weight is one of the only variables in life we can control and so if you make a decision to alter it, then you will be able to. just don't give up, don't listen to negative people and try walking as much as you can!

    Oh and I found not eating past 6 helps a lot! if i get snackish after 6 then i munch on ice cubes.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    Be pleased with yourself. You have decided to get to grips with things and get healthy. Take it a meal or a day at a time. The small changes you make will add up, some days will be better than others and you will not be where you are now in 6 months, you will be reversing all your past tread. Hold your head up, probably quietly so as not to be sabotaged by well meaning friends. If you simply say, today I don't fancy that and stick with it they will have to accept your decisions. If they say you are loosing weight, what is going on. You can say with all honesty, My food needs seem to have changed. You will become more healthy eating less than previously.

    All the very best
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    You had your moment of shame, and if it kicked you into gear, it's not so bad.

    Now be PROUD that you're doing something positive for yourself and go forward to build from a place of strength and pride. Shame can get you started, but pride keeps you going when you'd rather just have a cookie or ten and curl up on the couch. (In my experience, at least!)