What gaming system and what games?

cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
I caught myself dancing to the Dance Central ad on tv last night. At that moment, I made the decision that a. it would be fun to do dance video games b. I was going to buy a gaming system so I could!

So, my question: what gaming system would you suggest for doing dance video games and work outs? Xbox? PS3? Wii? Is the Xbox with handfree Kinect worth $400 when I could buy another system for 1/2 the price?


  • amymt10
    amymt10 Posts: 271 Member
    I have the Ninento Wii and love it. Just Dance 2 and Zumba are good. I also like Active and Fit Plus for the Wii.
  • ChristineZenk
    ChristineZenk Posts: 10 Member
    I have the PS3 move and Zumba. It is easy and cheaper then the kinnect. Guess it just depends what you wanna spend and what system you already have. I enjoy doing the Zumba and it deff makes you sweat.
  • bikerbiz
    bikerbiz Posts: 179 Member
    Defnitely Kinect...if you have the room for it. The whole package is found everywhere for $299 (Amazon, Wal-Mart, Target)...and my friends love it. And it takes pictures to put you in the game. :-)
  • see if you know a friend....or a friend of a friend that has one and try it.....some electronics stores have demo models in the store

    If you are not a big gamer and only want to dance go with the one that fits your wallet...or purse
  • txmomma0889
    txmomma0889 Posts: 179 Member
    it seems like there are a lot more dance/workout games for wii than any other sytem but i have a ps3 also and it picks up the controller better like easier they are starting to come out with more games for it like singstar dance.. but i say go for wii if you dont want to spend all that money
  • MelleyJ
    MelleyJ Posts: 198
    I like the wii, personally. The xbox 360 has a pretty big delay and you will find yourself calibrating it alot to try and overcome that.
    Just keep in mind with the wii that you have to purchase all the accessories (balance board, games, wii controller, nun-chuck, etc) which can quicly add up!
    I used to dance in jr high & high school and I enjoy it. I have quite a few dance DVD's that I like to do, but I like the wii to jog with (easier and more convenient for me than running) and I like to use the balance board. EA Active is a great one. I am looking at getting EA Active2 or the expansion pack to mix it up, but they are more expensive. Dance DVD's are fun and a good way for me to mix it up, plus they are less than $10 on Amazon!
    Good luck with the workouts!
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    The Kinnect is absolutely amazing. I can't imagine doing an "active" game while holding a controller any more! If you don't already have an XBox, you'll have to decide how often you'd use it since you'd have to buy both the Kinnect unit and the game system. I've only played a demo of Dance Central, but I can easily see that it would be a great workout if you had the full game. Will you play any other games or are you looking strictly for something to work out/dance to?
  • I have a Wii and just bought Just Dance II and it is a blast. I do hear from my friends that have a kinect that it is loads of fun. I really want one, but I don't want to splurge on a whole new system. I agree with PP that it depends on how much you will use it b/c it is a hefty investment (any of the systems) for one game.
  • I used to have a wii and honestly it sucked....great concept but it's not quite there (as always with nintendo lol).

    We are a big gaming family so we also have an xbox 360 & ps3. During Christmas we compared & wound up choosing to add the kinect. I'm very happy with it! We had to set it up once & I use it every day.....no problems at all with it & it does a way better job than the wii ever did with registering/following the moves you make.
  • Teemo
    Teemo Posts: 338
    Kinect! But whether or not it's worth $400 is difficult to say...
  • Pay the extra for the kinect. The dance central game is so accurate. It mimics your every move. With the wii you can get away with lazy movements since its just a controler. Ive seen people play wii while sitting down. With the Kinect, If you playing a game you need to be side stepping, squating, and jumping in order to get good scores.
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    I have the PS3 move and Zumba. It is easy and cheaper then the kinnect. Guess it just depends what you wanna spend and what system you already have. I enjoy doing the Zumba and it deff makes you sweat.

    I don't have a system already. I have an old school PS1! aha
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    The Kinnect is absolutely amazing. I can't imagine doing an "active" game while holding a controller any more! If you don't already have an XBox, you'll have to decide how often you'd use it since you'd have to buy both the Kinnect unit and the game system. I've only played a demo of Dance Central, but I can easily see that it would be a great workout if you had the full game. Will you play any other games or are you looking strictly for something to work out/dance to?

    See...I couldn't see myself working out or dancing with something in my hand either :)

    I might would buy a game here or there. I'm not a gamer. My ADHD doesn't allow me to sit there and play games like that. I would probably use to workout and dance, have friends over to drink and play, maybe watch things on it if it has that capability. Does wii have DVD?
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    See...I couldn't see myself working out or dancing with something in my hand either :)

    I might would buy a game here or there. I'm not a gamer. My ADHD doesn't allow me to sit there and play games like that. I would probably use to workout and dance, have friends over to drink and play, maybe watch things on it if it has that capability. Does wii have DVD?

    The Kinnect is awesome for when friends come over because it really is a cool technology to show off and the games are fun (like white water rafting and rallyball). You can also watch movies on the XBox and use the voice commands instead of a remote or controller. :)

    Best of luck with the decision!
  • I used to have a wii and honestly it sucked....great concept but it's not quite there (as always with nintendo lol).

    We are a big gaming family so we also have an xbox 360 & ps3. During Christmas we compared & wound up choosing to add the kinect. I'm very happy with it! We had to set it up once & I use it every day.....no problems at all with it & it does a way better job than the wii ever did with registering/following the moves you make.

    Did you have the new add-on for the remote (Wii MotionPlus) ? If you buy a Wii now, it comes with it. It improves the movement capture so I wouldnt say that the Wii "sucks" for that anymore! (Well... it doesnt suck more than PS3 or Kinect...).

    For fitness and dance games, I think the Wii offers much more interesting titles. :D However, if you want to play other types of games too, I would buy a Xbox...
  • Got the wife a Kinect, and I think I'll be using it more than her :)
    Was thinking about a gym membership, how often I would really go vs cost & decided the Kinect & Total Fitness Workout would be a better buy.

    If I can get back in shape soon when the weather warms up, I'll have to get back on the bike, thought that's been a while.
  • hi everyone, new here. :)

    i use My Fitness Coach on the Wii (the original, MFC2 got horrible reviews) and have been surprisingly happy with it. it doesn't require the wii remote except for a few instances where it's asking for your feedback on the difficulty of the segment you just completed (too easy, just right, too hard) and you don't need any special equipment - but if you have things like hand weights, an exercise ball and an aerobic step, it will incorporate those items to vary the workout. it also has a great yoga workout!

    it's not without its drawbacks. it is definitely NOT low impact...lots of jumping, hopping, running, kicking. if you're using the step and the ball, it takes a little finesse to get them in areas where they're easily accessible but not in the way, because the items will just maaaagically appear onscreen and you have to be ready.

    but, that said, it has kicked my butt. i'm working up to a full five days; i usually find myself quite sore after some of the new moves. i incorporated an aerobic step this week and ow, ow, ow...but it's a good kind of hurt. i feel like i did something. :)
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