Has anybody become obsessed with calorie counting and stuff?

I've only really been on this for 3 days now, and I'll be honest, I'm pretty much starving myself. I have a bit of a history with eating problems which I haven't had too many issues with since my teens. I am 24, and 5'1, so very small, and any weight gained is noticeable on me. I was a steady 7 - 7.5 stone up until about 6-8 months ago. I started getting paranoid about it after someone asked if I was pregnant, needless to say I let rip at them, as far as I'm concerned the only safe time to ask a woman is if she's giving birth in front of you!
Anyway that's what started it off and I generally didn't like how I looked so I decided to lose weight. However these past 3 days I've been really unhealthy. I've been obsessively counting calories and I haven't topped 600 in a day yet. I was minus the other day, now I come to think of it. I've lost 3 pounds so far. I'm just scared of going over 600, I didn't go on the treadmill today because frankly I couldn't be bothered. I know this is bad and I can't carry on like this, I just want to know if there are other people in the same boat I guess.
I'm going to try and be healthier! Promise!


  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    105 pounds (7.5 stone) is perfect for your height.
    If MFP is creating an obsession in you to the point of only eating 600 calories a day-this is not the place for you.
    If you go on like this you will be doing serious damage to your health-including your heart, bones, brain and every organ in your body. If you can't stop this, I suggest you get professional help fast.
  • Watermelon_Crush
    Watermelon_Crush Posts: 170 Member
    I think going and speaking to someone while it's still early on is a good idea. Even if it's just your GP or a drop in counselling service. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying there's something wrong with you....just that if you're worried there might be, it's always best to talk to someone.

    Remember, with anything like this, the calories goal should be what you're getting to....not aiming to half.

    I wish you all the best
  • jesdailey
    jesdailey Posts: 10 Member
    I've been doing this for about a week now, and I feel very obsessed with counting calories, lol. But I aim to reach my goal which is about 1600. I do my workouts daily which add another 300-600 calories to that list, which I don't always eat. But I try to stick to my caloric goal and not go to far under, exercise calories included. Forget about numbers, if you want to get 'healthy', you've got to fuel your body properly! It needs nourishment. Neither under eating nor over eating are good for it.
    I wish you the best! Good luck and be safe :smile:
  • dekadai
    dekadai Posts: 47 Member
    I've been on this site for over a year and as much as it's helped me, it's also hurt me. My issue has always been portion control and this app has helped with that, but it's also made me so strict with myself. I might be starving, but I won't eat anything because of fear. It's like I already ate what I'm allowed for the day and won't eat more than that. I have to know how many calories are in an item before I even consider eating it. I usually log in what I'll eat for the day during the morning just so I don't go over my calorie allowance. It doesn't matter if the exercise brings my calorie count higher. I'm just too paranoid about it.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    I've been on this site for over a year and as much as it's helped me, it's also hurt me. My issue has always been portion control and this app has helped with that, but it's also made me so strict with myself. I might be starving, but I won't eat anything because of fear. It's like I already ate what I'm allowed for the day and won't eat more than that. I have to know how many calories are in an item before I even consider eating it. I usually log in what I'll eat for the day during the morning just so I don't go over my calorie allowance. It doesn't matter if the exercise brings my calorie count higher. I'm just too paranoid about it.
    Sad. You know you can are expected to eat back some to all of your exercise calories and you will still lose.
  • dekadai
    dekadai Posts: 47 Member
    I know that. But it's gotten to that point for me. It's why I stopped using this site before. I thought I'd gotten over it.
  • Watermelon_Crush
    Watermelon_Crush Posts: 170 Member
    Please, please, please go and speak to someone. I'm not saying you need full on therapy or anything, but just speaking to a professional about it might help you figure out why you're holding so much control over your food, and so help you ease it up a bit. It's always better to look at these things early on rather than let it drift and possibly get worse.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I have been on here for 2 in a half years, I log without thinking about it, its just automatic. I'll be out with friends and they see me on my phone and will ask who I'm texting, I'll be like "no-one, just logging my food." lol

    Edited to add: Please Please Please eat at least 1,000 calories a day! I had a friend in high school that tried to get me to eat a Anorexic diet with her and she would go to Ana websites and eat just 500 calories a day, sometimes less. It was scary I worried about her so much. It's just not healthy you need to eat to be healthy. I'll be routing for ya!
  • LittleLadyJadey
    LittleLadyJadey Posts: 10 Member
    105 pounds (7.5 stone) is perfect for your height.

    I'm not 7.5 stone anymore, hence why I'm trying to get back to it.
  • LittleLadyJadey
    LittleLadyJadey Posts: 10 Member
    I should probably mention, I'm not counting calories because of MFP, I'm counting calories because I'm supposed to be on a diet. If I thought this app was doing me more harm than good I'd quit the app. Unfortunately it's not as easy to get over the calorie counting and everything else. I know it's bad for me, I'm not under any illusions that this is the way to go, I just wanted to see whether other people felt the same as me.
    Thank you for the advice, I will try and eat more.I think it's harder for people who are not in the same boat to understand that it isn't as simple as 'eating more'. I become nervous at the thought of eating too much and putting on weight. If my weight fluctuates during the day it upsets me, even though I know it's normal. I realise how bad this sounds, believe me. But I'm trying to fix it, it's just difficult.
  • lauraf130490
    Yes, I had to stop because I was probably on the verge of developing an eating disorder to be truthful. I became obsessed with food and calories, I used to constantly check how many calories were in everything I ate, weigh everything, get very very stressed when I went out for meals or ate something I couldn't find the calories for, if I went over my calories limit I felt like crying and so guilty I contemplated throwing up. I've never had anything remotely close to an eating disorder before, but this felt like one to me.

    I just realised one day that it was getting out of control and I had to stop. I've stopped logging calories now and just am careful about what I eat and I feel much happier, I'm still losing weight too. I know most people probably get along just fine counting calories, but I think there's a fine line between strict calorie counting and an eating disorder. If you feel like you're obsessed and it's really impacting on your life you need to stop.
  • llWishfulShrinkingll
    llWishfulShrinkingll Posts: 49 Member
    I've been on this site for over a year and as much as it's helped me, it's also hurt me. My issue has always been portion control and this app has helped with that, but it's also made me so strict with myself. I might be starving, but I won't eat anything because of fear. It's like I already ate what I'm allowed for the day and won't eat more than that. I have to know how many calories are in an item before I even consider eating it. I usually log in what I'll eat for the day during the morning just so I don't go over my calorie allowance. It doesn't matter if the exercise brings my calorie count higher. I'm just too paranoid about it.

    i definitely agree with you. i had a meltdown the other day because my boyfriend was cooking and figuring out calories were the last thing he cared about but i refused to eat until i knew even though i had plenty of calories left i usually only allow myself a certain amount of calories per meal (unless i plan for it that morning) so i can save for all my snacks...so i am also strict but its helped me in controlling portion size and mindless eating