What are your thoughts on Intermittent Fasting?


  • tech_kitten
    tech_kitten Posts: 221 Member
    It's great if you like bigger meals, but are having trouble with eating too much throughout the day. It helps me because I know I have to stop eating by 6PM, and then I don't eat again before 8am the next day. If you eat the same per meal, then IF would take away a potential meal (or meals) time.
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    What are your thoughts on Intermittent Fasting?
    Absolutely love it.

    I go 24 hour cycles. Fast for 24, feast up to my maintenance calories for 24 hours.


    Gives me at least one very good meal a day by doing it that way
  • homeyjosey
    homeyjosey Posts: 138 Member
    I've been doing the Leangains version for 3 years now. I love it and probably will never go back to "normal" eating again. I've been able to cut and bulk while on leangains and never unsatisfied with my meals