looking for accountability parter/friend

Edit: ugh, I just saw that typo in the dang subject! I'm literate, I swear.

Hi, fellow mfp'ers! I am looking for an accountability partner or friend who is willing to check in every day or two with a personal comment, inspiration, or reminder to stay on my grind! My current friends are wonderful, but I don't think they are looking to check in and be a partner to anyone at the moment. I would love to forge a friendship with someone and maybe eventually text or email with encouragement and progress checkins.

A little about me...I'm a 27 year old event planner and designer in Atlanta. I'm in the process of renovating my late grandma's home to move into with my boyfriend of over a year - I mention that just to say that we were friends for over 10 years before we started dating! I also just finished a level 1 improv class and am gearing up to start level 2 in mid-June. I'm also attempting to be more creative in my personal life by practicing hand lettering, writing poetry and short stories, and getting out for more cultural events.

As for weight loss and fitness goals, I'm 5'7" and weigh 280 lbs. My HW is 293. My goal is 165. I love healthy foods but I also love gross fast food, too. I also tend to succumb to emotional eating, so I'm working on that. When it comes to working out, I walk my dog, Gracie, in the morning and at night, and I really like doing workout videos at home.

If you would like an accountability partner and think we have similar goals, please send me a message! I really think that having that extra connection with a mfp friend could keep me focused and working that much harder. Thanks for reading, and sorry for any typos - typing on my phone!


  • Lirpa246
    Lirpa246 Posts: 7 Member
    I could use a consistent friend. Feel free to add me! 28/F near Seattle.
  • aarnwine2013
    aarnwine2013 Posts: 317 Member
    Hey there! I'm in GA too! I am on here everyday, feel free to add me! Good luck! Happy losing! :drinker:
  • lmann72
    lmann72 Posts: 82 Member
    Me too! Add me too! I need more accountability too!
  • sarahjae4205
    sarahjae4205 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm on here every day, too. I could always use another aspect of motivation!! Add me. :) 34 (as of today) female from the Midwest.
  • fallonrhea
    fallonrhea Posts: 388 Member
    I'm a part of a pretty awesome accountability group on Facebook! Anyone who's interested can PM me and I'll invite you to our group! There's even a little prize competition going on...but it's free and such a great group of people!!
  • kerbyd13
    kerbyd13 Posts: 46 Member
    I want an actual FRIEND! Its awesome to have all these friends on MFP but I don't keep in touch with any of them so I dont have a real personal connection with them. I would love to talk to someone with the same mind set as I do. This journey is hard enough, its always easier with someone that has the same mind set and goals. Anyone one that wants to add me, go for it! Message me as well if you would like.