Need Help With Cals!

So I've lately been feeling really tired after a long month of binging all my cals at night or morning and restricting the rest of the day. I finally got rid of the habit (hoping to stay binge free) but I still feel so tired and unmotivated and have trouble sleeping and am extremely hungry. I eat around 1400 cals lately because I haven't been working out that much and weigh 118. I'm 5'3 and 19 yrs old. Lately I haven't really been working out, but yesterday and today I've started running for about 20 mins again, and next week I'm going to start lifting again and add HIIT in. I was wondering if anyone could help me out. I just feel so tired all the time and sometimes my body aches at odd times and my hands go numb easy, and lately...when I stand up I get very lightheaded.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    Sounds like a trip to the Dr to rule out any medical issues may be in order.
  • I recently had a trip and had blood drawn and everything I'm pretty sure I'm fine...
  • 1400 cals is okay for someone of your height and weight to be restricting to to lose weight, what is your goal weight? If you feel you are always hungry, replace the foods you have been eating with higher protein packed foods, makes you feel fuller longer... also... be sure to eat back at least 25% of your calories burned through the day you work out... this may be why you feel hungry and depleted, you aren't eating enough. If you still feel hungry and such after making these changes, i'd suggest upping your calories to 1500 a day and doing the same, eating back 25% of calories burned through exercise. This just means weight loss will be a little slower, but you will still lose. Hope this helps.
  • also the numb hands, light headed, and body aches could also be a deficiency in iron and potassium.
  • jjplato
    jjplato Posts: 155 Member
    It's hard to say without being able to see your diary, but what Ashley said is correct -- protein produces more satiety (the feeling of being full after eating) than carbohydrates and fat, in general. A steady flow of low to moderate-GI carbohydrates should eliminate the energy drain you're feeling from low blood sugar. For instance, a cup of oatmeal in the morning with a couple of eggs keeps me full for hours. I eat every 3 hours on average (5 meals a day), and I never feel uncomfortably hungry and my energy level stays consistent throughout the day. Coffee helps, too.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    At 5'3" and 118, you have a BMI of 21.. This is on the low side of NORMAL... It may be that your lack of energy could be because you are where you should be and are still trying to restrict calories. You MAY want to up your intake just a little bit and work harder on the strength training in order to build lean mass and hence be able to sculpt your body into what you are wanting to achieve. Best wishes on every success.
  • Thanks to everyone for the great advice! I will definitely try!