This is kind of embarrassing...but I'm back.

To quote myself from my profile:

I haven't been here in a while, but I feel it's time to come back and improve myself. I did so well last time, losing over 10 lbs. Unfortunately, I let schoolwork and essays and trying to be perfect get the best of me that--as embarrassing as it is--I gained weight back...and then some. Now that it's summer and I have more time on my hands, I'm going to devote myself to, well, myself. Even if I don't lose tons of weight, I'll be happy. I just remember how good I felt when I kept track of what I ate and exercised, and I want to feel that way again.

My whole identity is pretty centered around how "smart" I am, and trust me, I'm not even that smart. I just always assumed that it was impossible for me to be attractive, and then college got me down (even though I love it--the stress just causes me pain sometimes, figuratively and literally speaking). I'm going to take my free time as a chance to improve myself. I'm so happy this site is here.


  • ashdawg8790
    ashdawg8790 Posts: 819 Member
    Great to have you back! :)
  • diaz_mon
    diaz_mon Posts: 1
    I'm back too! lol Welcome back! You can do it!
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,007 Member
    NEVER BE EMBARRASSED. .. glad to have you back
  • pleasurelittletreasure
    pleasurelittletreasure Posts: 236 Member
    Sounds like a great idea - starting afresh! WTG! :happy:
  • Sagitta13
    Sagitta13 Posts: 19 Member
    Similar situation here haha. I joined last June and did really well, felt great….since then I've gained it all back (bleh winter months). I really love this website though, keeps me motivated to make better food choices.

    Welome back!! :D
  • madworld1
    madworld1 Posts: 524
    Glad you're back! I'm in a similar situation. At the end of my undergrad, I weighed an extra 30 pounds (approx.). Like you, I gained weight because I sought perfect grades. I'm now in a grad program & I've decided to let go of my need for perfection (not an easy task). Instead, I'm aiming for simple progress. Being a perfectionist sometimes works against us. Haha.

    I am taking 3 classes this summer. I freaked out yesterday because one professor requires 20 essays in 8 weeks. :noway: But, I plan on sticking with a balanced schedule.

    Anyway, as mentioned, I'm glad you are back. Don't be embarrassed... you are here and THAT is awesome. :)
  • MyCabbages
    MyCabbages Posts: 33
    Dang girl, it's like we are situational twins. I just started back a week ago. Glad to have you back and trying again!

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  • Watermelon_Crush
    Watermelon_Crush Posts: 170 Member
    Not embarrassing at all! Good on you for being strong enough to admit it to yourself and get back to the good :)
  • Mendelianparakeets
    Mendelianparakeets Posts: 45 Member
    Thanks for your support, everyone! It's nice to be back to such a welcoming community. I really feel it's something I've been needing lately. :)
  • jmcdonald2011
    jmcdonald2011 Posts: 181 Member
    I started using the app late last summer - it lasted for about 10lbs and then it was a cold weather and I got lazy - so about a week ago I started back and it feels good.

    so welcome back
  • Watermelon_Crush
    Watermelon_Crush Posts: 170 Member
    I started using the app late last summer - it lasted for about 10lbs and then it was a cold weather and I got lazy - so about a week ago I started back and it feels good.

    so welcome back

    I always struggle in winter LOL a) Christmas, need I say more b) mine, and three other family members, birthdays are in February and c) I go in to total hibernating animal mode and want to eat carbs to stock up for sitting the winter out LOL And I'm a carb fiend even on a good day LOL