i hate my body so much



  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Oh, you again. Please get counseling
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    First of all, you shouldn't have so much self hate.
    Secondly, if your unhappy with your body, then work for it!I weighed 202 after giving birth. I was a size 14 jeans,I was very unhappy. I stopped feeling sorry for myself and started to work for the body I wanted. I'm now a size 4. I'm far from perfect and still have work to do. But my point is, you need to work for what you want. I used to use the excuse that I was big boned, large frame, and that I had slow metabolism. But the truth was, I ate more then I should've.
  • Akane3300
    Akane3300 Posts: 1 Member
    Like the old saying goes be proud of what your mama gave you! If you have large hips they are there for a reason and there are guys who love women like that. I use the same execuse about my metablism being slow which it is true, but it is also an excuse to be unhappy with my self and the world. Grant it I have used every excuse I know and have been taught to stay at the weight I am and I am not happy. I know I will never be a perfect size 8 or 0 for godsakes but I am working toward a goal that is realitic and I plan on gettingthere, while on the trip to a lighter me I am going to work on loving me the way I am, I was given big hips, large bones, high cheak bones, and a large rear end from my Cherokee blood, I hated it up till a few days ago and then I realized I am trying to be someone I was not born to be. I am proud to be indian now it is something I can and have passed to my boys.
    Granted I do need to stop stress eating and useing excuses for my weight but I not going to sit on my rear and complain I am going to learn to love me for the health of me and for my boys. Because if they see me hateing my self they will learn to pick themselves apart.

    So in ending this saga learn to love yourself it's hard yes but it can be done if you put effort into it TRUST ME I was always a doubting Debbie and now I am learning I WAS WRONG to believe the media and the curel words of others I am me and I am worth living for. I was suicideal for over 15years of my life because of my weight and things done to me by my family and peers. But I am at the age now I say screw it and I am determined to be ME!!!
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Two very similar threads started by the OP in the span of an hour. Earlier posts tell of how she "feels" she does everything right but no open diary.
  • mfp2014mfp
    mfp2014mfp Posts: 689 Member
    Seriously get some perspective, you have a fully functioning healthy body. So many people don't even have that. Maybe go spend some time assiting those who arent able bodied, you might then begin to be grateful for what you DO have, and can then move onto something that really matters.
    i really hate my body, im disgusting and flabby and chubby. no matter how much i exercise and eat healthily i struggle to loose weight; it's probably because ive yoyoed so much. i wish i looked like a victoria secret model. i have very wide hips which i hate!! and chunky thighs. i had two binge days and already my thighs and hips look bigger. i have such a crap metabolism!! i hate my body so much i want to die. i want to be a size 8! i wish i had the motivation to eat very little. i dont want a womanly figure. supermodels not the catwalk ones, the ones in magazines look so glamorous and slender. i hate bad metabolism and large bone structure which makes me look bigger than i am. i really want to die. it's gotten so bad to the point where i dont want to go out because i hate myself so much. dont tell me that the inside is more important because im not even nice or smart or talented. i dont even have much of a personality apart from the odd witty comments i make. im a uk size 12/14 and 5"7 and i hate it so much! therapy hasnt helped and the only way i can be happy is if im thin. i wish i could afford surgery; i'd get thiposuction, lipo and something to make my hips smaller.
  • mousetrousers
    mousetrousers Posts: 27 Member
    Your worth, value, and true beauty isn't in your looks.

    *nobody's is...
  • mavanscoy
    mavanscoy Posts: 17
    I am a size 16....... growing up I was active and weighed 98 pounds grad day I am 48 now and have fought with my weight for years. 1988 to be true .. but lets be true with our self .. ok ... If we hate something we change it . it will not happen over night but it will come . start with small goals. a pound a week to ten pounds at a time .. that is what I am doing . I am even making myself get up even earlier every morning and stopping at a cemetery on the way to work so I can walk 15 min a day . then I take my apple or banana and do my walks on my breaks .and after I eat my lunch .. I try to get in as much walking that I can because I hate excessing .but I do like walking .. set down and think about what you like to do and just do it . and stay away from anything white .. bread , rice , potatoes ,so on .. the pounds will come
  • mhoeff1
    mhoeff1 Posts: 163 Member
    This all of this^^^
    Sweetie, your metabolism is fine. And you really need to learn to love yourself or you will never be happy.

    And jealousy is such an ugly trait. Admire what others have accomplished and let it ignite your own passions. Sitting around seething with jealousy and bitterness will never make you happy.

    I agree. Stop with all the self-hate. If you don't like the way you are, then change it. Stop with the yoyo dieting, the binges, and negative thoughts. Start losing weight the healthy way, and with patience & positive thoughts, you will get there. You don't need to post multiple topics, only to get the same advice each time. It's all in your hands, not anyone else's.
  • personalchefmichelle
    i really hate my body, im disgusting and flabby and chubby. no matter how much i exercise and eat healthily i struggle to loose weight; it's probably because ive yoyoed so much. i wish i looked like a victoria secret model. i have very wide hips which i hate!! and chunky thighs. i had two binge days and already my thighs and hips look bigger. i have such a crap metabolism!! i hate my body so much i want to die. i want to be a size 8! i wish i had the motivation to eat very little. i dont want a womanly figure. supermodels not the catwalk ones, the ones in magazines look so glamorous and slender. i hate bad metabolism and large bone structure which makes me look bigger than i am. i really want to die. it's gotten so bad to the point where i dont want to go out because i hate myself so much. dont tell me that the inside is more important because im not even nice or smart or talented. i dont even have much of a personality apart from the odd witty comments i make. im a uk size 12/14 and 5"7 and i hate it so much! therapy hasnt helped and the only way i can be happy is if im thin. i wish i could afford surgery; i'd get thiposuction, lipo and something to make my hips smaller.
  • aliwhalen
    aliwhalen Posts: 150 Member
    3 things:

    Comparison is the thief of joy. Enjoy who YOU are. Comparing yourself to others is destroying your happiness.

    You're 22? Love the EFF out of your body now. Someday you'll be in your 30s and have four kids behind you and NO belly button. Seriously, I wish I wouldn't have spent all those years loathing my smooth skin, my pert breasts and my tiny little poochy belly. This realization is enabling me to love my body at every step of life. Even now, with wrinkly raisin belly.

    A wonderful book that helps me when I'm feeling down about my body is 'Beautiful You: A Daily Guide to Radical Self-Acceptance'. I highly recommend it.

    The body you are in, your vessel, has so little to do with your self-worth. I hope that you are able to realize that life is worth living, even with love handles.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    i really hate my body....

  • Swiftlet66
    Swiftlet66 Posts: 729 Member
    You do know those women in the magazines are photoshopped right? They may look glamorous but it's all fake. You have a wonderful body! The more you say you hate your body, the cycle of hatred will continue. Are you really going to be happy with yourself even if you get thinner?
  • personalchefmichelle
    I hear your frustration I am 53, I take a butt load of meds. and I am a diabetic. I can not exercise because I have rheumatoid arthritis along with, osteo, gout, nueropathy, fibro. I have a knee I need replace and I have a hernia. I try every day to do some kind of movement every day. I am way over weight ( I use to body build and was built like a brick **** house) I was an athlete I was in the Navy and a police officer. Now I am just a large lump of flesh just waiting to die. I stick to the diets, I never go over in any way. Yet I never lose one pound. So as I said my friend I hear ya.
  • La_Malfaisante
    La_Malfaisante Posts: 1,509 Member
    Sweetie, your metabolism is fine. And you really need to learn to love yourself or you will never be happy.

    And jealousy is such an ugly trait. Admire what others have accomplished and let it ignite your own passions. Sitting around seething with jealousy and bitterness will never make you happy.

    He said it!
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I can tell you from personal experience with the same extreme of self hatred that you feel, that being smaller does not make a difference as it is you, the person, that you are hating and not accepting. I have been a Uk 12 and now, a Uk 6. I disliked myself at both, during periods of my life, with an intensity. If anything, I actually dislike myself more at this size, than I did when bigger, because it is not about my size, but rather what is going on inside. Please seek further help, and start seeking to find some semblance of self like.
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,533 Member
    Can't help but wonder why you are feeling so overwhelmed. And what you are truly overwhelmed at. The food/diet/body image is the symptom of a deeper different issue. :flowerforyou:
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    2 things:

    First: GET RID of the negative self talk NOW. It is more destructive to you than anything else life is throwing at you right now.

    Second: Get your inner child in check.

    You wouldn't let your child go next to a blazing fire....you'd say, "Don't go over there...you could get hurt.' But you have no trouble going over to the big table of sweets and pastries and rationalizing that "it's just today" and "I deserve it...I had a rough day"..."I'm mad at somebody at work"....I'm mad at my partner....happy sad tired bored sunny raining snowing sleeting, and did you see that guy just cut me off!?!!!

    Trust me, I have the same problem. I HATE that I feel like everybody can eat whatever they want whenever they want and never gain an ounce. It frustrates me that I have to work harder for so many things than my siblings ever seemed to have to.

    WRONG!!! I could play musical instruments better/easier than they, but they could draw/paint better than I could. Friends of mind can't have gluten or dairy or whatever. Everybody has their challenges others don't have to endure. The only one not affected by all the stuff life throws at them? That would be God. LOL

    It's one day at a time, one breath at a time, saving all your pennies to get the surgery once you get down to where you want to be.

    I started this path April, 2011. Lost 115, lost 26 more due to skin removal surgery, then gained back about 70 over the course of the last 13 months.

    Last week, I had "get real" session with myself. It's only going to work if I actually ACT like I want to lose weight. I remembered meeting with a dietician after a month of hardly "complying" with what she suggested I do. She looked at me and huffed a little - and asked, "Do you want to lose weight?" I said, "Well yeah." A little voice in my head said, "Well then act like it." Whenever I'd tell my dad I was "working on it", he'd say, "You've got the talking part done."

    The only other suggestion would be to enlist the help of a therapist. A friend of mine who lost about 100 pounds and does some body building told me that to lose the weight, he "hired the right people". Whether or not you have the money, you can still enlist the right people. People who you know are doing things you want to do....Ask them what they did, and then find something that you can do to move yourself in the right direction.

    You can do this. If I can do this, anybody can.
  • PinkCupcakes84
    PinkCupcakes84 Posts: 235 Member
    Oh op, reading this just hurt me and I don't even know you. If it hurt me to read it I can only imagine what this kind of talk is doing to you every day. Please stop being so hard on yourself. Nothing good can come of this.