30 day shred question


I've just started the 30 day shred on day 3 now, and I'm just wondering if people found it more effective doing 30 days straight vs taking a couple days off each level. I'm trying to hike a couple days a week, as well as adding on some ab exercises. I would rather just do it 30 days straight, but I'm nervous about injuring myself if I do that. My muscles are definitely sore, but so far don't feel like I'm pushing myself too hard.

Thanks :)


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    It's not meant to be done 30 days straight
  • sophieR12
    sophieR12 Posts: 43
    im pretty sure its supposed to be done in full thirty days BUT pace yourself, your body wont be used to it so it will grumble and moan at you for doing it but if you persist you will definitely feel the difference :)
  • Pickles175
    Pickles175 Posts: 211 Member
    You are supposed to do it 30 days straight, 10 days Level 1, 10 days Level 2, and 10 days Level 3. But if you need to take a day off here or there for whatever reason I am sure it will be just as effective. :-) Doing it every day just gets you into the habit of working out.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Take rest days. They wanted a catchy name but even Jillian says you're not meant to do it 30 days straight.
  • Hannah_Hopes
    Hannah_Hopes Posts: 273 Member

    ^ this Jillian suggests you should take at least 1 rest day/week , just take rest days whenever you feel you need to listen to your body - everyone is different
  • screamsskinny
    Ideally you would follow the recommended program guidelines however when I did a similar program I did it at my own pace and modified some of the exercises to my own taste depending on time, if I was sore or had done other forms of a work out-jogging, strengthening etc. For me personally some of the upper levels in programs like that are just too much and I have just repeated the lower levels rather than moving up. It just depends on what you want to accomplish as far as weight loss, muscle development, toning etc. The point is to stay moving each day in some form! Good luck!
  • lbishop232
    lbishop232 Posts: 21 Member
    Tomorrow will be my last day of level 3, and it's taken me close to 60 days! Mainly because I would alternate it with different DVDs. I still have gotten awesome results and feel great! I think it's meant to be done every day for 30 days, but I think anyway you do it you'll see results. Awesome DVD!
  • DesireeLovesOrganic
    DesireeLovesOrganic Posts: 456 Member
    I did 30 days straight too. I need to start it again. It's been awhile. I did it for 6 months last year (well 30 Day Shred twice, then Ripped in 30 twice and then 6 week 6 pack twice) and then slacked off when I got bored. LOL

    She does say to take a rest day but I like to eat so I didn't. HAHAHAHAHA
  • lbishop232
    lbishop232 Posts: 21 Member
    How did you like 6 week 6 pack? I'm about to start ripped in 30 and need something to do next.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I did 30 days straight too. I need to start it again. It's been awhile. I did it for 6 months last year (well 30 Day Shred twice, then Ripped in 30 twice and then 6 week 6 pack twice) and then slacked off when I got bored. LOL

    She does say to take a rest day but I like to eat so I didn't. HAHAHAHAHA

    But....if you got ripped in 30 days, why did you continue for 6 months straight? Were you trying to get SUPAH ripped? And 6 weeks later how awesome was your 6 pack?
  • DesireeLovesOrganic
    DesireeLovesOrganic Posts: 456 Member
    To be able to eat more calories. ;) 6 week 6 pack was actually my least favorite. Ripped in 30 was my favorite (the least boring of them all.) I still like hiking outside much better (and so does the dog!)
  • rmcnaull
    rmcnaull Posts: 9 Member
    I thought I remembered reading somewhere that Jillian didn't mean for it to be done 30 days straight. In the past, I've tried doing it 30 days straight and got to about day 16 and burned myself out. Level 2 really gets things bumping so my advice is to give yourself a day off maybe after day 5 of each level just to recover a bit or even just a day after each level. I just started again myself and am on day 2 and really trying to stick with it this time. I think you'll be amazed how quickly you'll see results. I remember feeling my inner girddle really kicking in those first 10 days so good luck and keep with it! Take pictures too. I'm sad that I didn't take pictures after level 1 to compare day 1 to day 10 to track my progress butnI'm doing that this time around. Keep posting, I'd love to hear how you progress!
  • AKNMHunt
    AKNMHunt Posts: 168 Member
    I did level 1 in the 10 days but after taking my rest day, I found it easier to keep taking random rest days.