Ravenous Hunger

rebprest Posts: 149 Member
So I'm on day 5 of trying to eat healthy and I am just getting SO hungry between meals. I'm eating wholesome foods like fresh vegetables, fruit, chicken, fish, quinoa, black beans etc, AND I'm eating up to 2,000 calories with 100 oz of water a day so I'm clearly getting enough to eat and drink. I've tried spreading my meals out into snacks, protein shakes, and drinking as much as I really can without having to pee every hour. So far I haven't lost any weight, which is disappointing but not that surprising considering I've just started and Its my TOM. My exercise level is moderate (half hour of swimming or walking, a little weight lifting and up to 15 minutes of intense cardio.

Anyone else experience this or know any reasons for why I'm experience so much hunger? It gets so bad that it physically hurts my stomach like a clenching fist and eventually makes me nauseated.


  • cajuntank
    cajuntank Posts: 924 Member
    What about fats? I know you mentioned some protein sources, but you did not state how much protein makes up that 2000 calories or any mention of fats. Protein and fat are very satiating and getting enough can help with hunger.

    Also, losing weight necessitates a caloric deficit, which 2000 calories might be for you, but also, might not be...don't know your particulars. If after a couple of weeks you are not losing, then lower calories accordingly to adjust, but give that adjustment a few weeks to work. You can use online calculators to get an estimate based on your current weight and height, etc... if you have not done so yet (maybe you have).
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    TOM is going to play into the hunger thing BIG TIME.

    Aside from that, make sure you're getting enough fiber in. I remember telling a dietician the same thing you were saying, and she said to increase fiber. It worked pretty well.

    I typically have 1-2 chocolite bars/day....www.healthsmartfoods.com and get coupon codes at www.retailmenot.com

    they have about 100 calories, 10g protein, 10g fiber, sugar free/gluten free.
  • Have you tried chewing gum when that hungry feeling comes on?
  • michab108
    michab108 Posts: 25 Member
    My two cents: There's nothing wrong with experiencing hunger. It often is a sign that your metabolism is chugging along at a good clip. You mentioned spreading your meals out. I've found that if I eat every 2 1/2 to 3 hours, small meals comprised of both protein and carbs, and drink in between, the hunger, while there, is manageable. Keep in mind, too, that if you are used to eating differently, it will take both your body and your mind to get used to the changes. You are on day 5. It might take your body a little longer to get used to things. When it gets tough for me, I work on distracting myself with things that are not related to food and before I know it, it's time for my next meal.
  • rexroars
    rexroars Posts: 131 Member
    TOM is definitely a huge factor. Also, when someone starts off eating a lot regularly, and bad foods, your stomach literally expands, and your body starts to crave those foods.

    Some of it is just going to be breaking the 'habit'. For me, even eating too much over a weekend etc. leaves me super hungry the following couple of days.

    My best advice to myself is always just 'suck it up, habits are hard to break'. And eventually I'll get back to normal.

    Also fiber! And protein, and keeping yourself busy :)
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Have you tried chewing gum when that hungry feeling comes on?

    Chewing gum if one is genuinely, painfully hungry will do nothing but make that feeling a lot worse.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    To the Op, ensure you are getting enough fat in your diet. Having too little fat, especially if you are also limiting your carbs, can lead to issues with hunger. Personally, I need to keep fats and some starchy foods in my diet for me to not feel hungry, so avocado, eggs, nuts, cheese, butter along with sweet potatoes, baked potato and sometimes bread.
  • rebprest
    rebprest Posts: 149 Member
    I'm right at my target weight loss zone eating 1900-2000, then I usually burn about 500 in exercise. Am I supposed to eat some of those? MFP says I'm eating the correct amounts of protein and fiber, I should be fine on fiber considering how many fruits and vegetables I'm chowing on. I'll try increasing protein in the form of meat rather than shakes! If the hunger is temporary I think I can ride it out for a while. I work with the public so I can't really eat every 2 hours, but I might be able to drink some smoothies on the sly. I'll see how it goes.

    It could be I'm just not used to hunger, lol. Oh first world problems. Thanks for all the advice!
  • Have you tried chewing gum when that hungry feeling comes on?

    Chewing gum if one is genuinely, painfully hungry will do nothing but make that feeling a lot worse.

    It works for me.
  • leachjg
    leachjg Posts: 63 Member
    The biggest clue you spoke...TOM. Our bodies burn 100-300 more calories a day during that time which is why we are hungrier. Give yourself a break although I know you just started, I am talking mental as well. It should subside in a day or two. Also how many calories were you consuming before you started calorie reduction. If it a significant amount 500 or more than what mfp has you on than yes you will feel hungry until you get "use to" eating less. It might be just fighting it out. If you were eating much more you might want to up your calories. You could change your goals from 2lbs per week to 1lb or just change your calorie goals. My main concern would be that you are filling up on healthy food. Fast and junk food is high calorie, but do not keep you satisfied. Make small changes one or two at a time when those changes small changes become normal add another new change until one day you realized you've changed a whole bunch and are now a new person.
  • If I eat a lot of protein and eliminate added sugars
    It literally takes my hunger away for hours on end.
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    I experience the same thing. I try to overcome it with thoughts of "you NEED to lose this weight!" and hope my body will "get used to it"

    I think it takes some time getting used to.

    Today I'm drinking too much diet soda to compensate for the hunger :(
  • rebprest
    rebprest Posts: 149 Member
    I'm not really sure how much I was eating before, since I started tracking the day I started eating better, but I would guess around 700-1000 more calories a day. I really, really, really like bread and cheese. Hence my drastic and sudden desire to eat better. I gained 10 lbs in a few months and when I stepped on the scale and saw it I was like...nonononononononononononono. I'm scared to go back to a higher calorie amount because I feel like I'll sink slowly back to my bad eating habits if I let them back in at all.

    I really am eating ridiculously healthy foods, though. I have never in my life eaten so many vegetables and fruits or so little bread and cheese(shout out you guys, I miss you). Today's menu

    Breakfast: small apple/blueberries, rasberries, strawberries + 1 cup of cereal with 1 % milk
    Snack: protein shake
    Lunch: Tuna sandwich on wheat bread w/ 1 slice cheese + mixed roasted vegetable
    Snack: watermelon and cantaloupe
    Dinner: 16 oz flounder + 1/2 cup quinoa + kidney beans
    Dessert: rhubarb pie (1 piece, homemade)

    p.s. I can't chew gum because my jaw dislocates. It's pretty tragic.
    RWTBR Posts: 140 Member
    You're going through withdrawals from junk food, much like a drug addict in detox. You just have to cope with it. Try not to focus on it so much. And don't think that you're deprived. Feeling deprived can make you rebel and reach for the junk food again. Also, eat slowly.