
Hey! I'm so excited to get started! I've never ever kept track of calories or working out, until just recently...think I like it! I'm 10lbs away from my goal (down 30) I've sort of hit a plateau, but I'm hoping that I can stay focused and motivated enough to get past it! I love motivating friends, and weight loss is so much more enjoyable when you can share, and support others as they work @ it too! Good luck everyone! You can do it!!! :D


  • jarmstrong0711
    hey welcome to MFP!!!! I've been using this site for about a month and have lost 10 pounds using it (lost 50 total) I love this site! There are so many great people on here and they give you a ton of support and motivation. If you need anything feel free to ask! Good luck on your journey!

  • LauraLye4
    Hey! That's good to hear! Wow! You have done awesome!!! That's great!
    I'm glad you added me...lol. None of my friends have signed up yet, so its nice to have some support! Thanks!
    I haven't had a chance to check everything out on here...I'm only on with my Blackberry and its kind of a pain! Please let me know if there is anything I absolutely have to check out! :)