I Shouldn't Be Frustrated After Week One....Right?

gwen933 Posts: 79 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I guess I was just expecting a bigger number for my first week being so good. I only lost 1.5 pounds and feel frustrated. I have heard the slower it comes off the better but I don't care. I wanted a bigger number. I should be thinking a loss is a loss but I don't. I drank water, worked out and ate below my calorie intake all week. Oh well. I WILL do this but just needed a small pity party. Now I am back on the weight loss train.


  • bsoxluvr
    bsoxluvr Posts: 183 Member
    1.5 pounds in 1 week is great! Some people don't see any loss for the first 1-2 weeks so you are ahead of the game! Try not to get frustrated and stick with it. It will work.
  • How far below your calories are you eating? You should try eating as close to your calorie goal as possible. 1.5 lbs is also pretty good!! That's 1.5 lbs less then you weighed the previous week!
  • puddles76
    puddles76 Posts: 36 Member
    I'll join the pitty party. I lost a few then stopped. I know it's just my body adjusting but it's still nice to see that scale going down.
  • urmyeffinstar
    urmyeffinstar Posts: 57 Member
    1.5 pounds is awesome! This is my first week back after the holidays and I gained 2 pounds. And you know what, I don't care! If you worked hard and ate right, be happy for yourself and your accomplishments!
  • cryslynn1980
    cryslynn1980 Posts: 111 Member
    Thats awsome.... ive been back on here for 3-4 weeks and have only lost .5...im doing the same as you...ive added exercise and im watching what goes in my mouth. I keep telling myself its a lifestyle change and it doesnt matter that the scale dont show it....im getting healthier ;0)
  • amandalc980
    amandalc980 Posts: 383 Member
    I was so angry my first week! I lost 1 pound. ONE POUND! I thought you were suppossed to have your biggest loss in week one! I figured it was because I was eating better and working out a lot so my body went into shock and wanted to hold everything it was familiar with (the fat). Week three is when I finally starting losing more than one pound a week.
  • chauncyrenayCHANGED
    chauncyrenayCHANGED Posts: 788 Member
    Um, 1.5 pounds is a big deal. You should be happy! But I understand. It's okay to be frustrated, just don't give up.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    1.5 is good..but agreed with the above person, make sure you aren't eating too little...your body does need nurishment..but 1.5 isn't anything to be disappointed in.
  • pftjill
    pftjill Posts: 488
    I think weight loss shows bog our mind and then we expect things that aren't normal. 1.5 lbs in 1 week is awesome. You are doing a great job so don't get discouraged.
    In my classes we use fat calipers. I have been going by that because even though my weight had not changed my fat % went down 3%.
  • Congrats! I am not sure what your starting weight is, but if your aren't very heavy to begin with weight is hard to lose. I am super impatient but I am seeing results, and I am not stopping!! You should not be frustrated, but proud of your own self discipline!
  • ssmom
    ssmom Posts: 128 Member
    take a look at what one pound of fat really looks like and you may feel better. I googled it once...pretty gross but amazing!
  • You have to remerber if you r working out harder then befor u started your diet u will gain muscle. They said wait two weeks to give your body enought and then you will start burning the fat. 1 1/2 loss is not 1 1/2 gain In 30 days you will have lost 6lb. Get a five pound bag of potatoes and look at it. U will lose more then that in 30 days, pretty darn good when u see it in potatoes then on a scale. Also alway weight your self on the same day at the same time best early befor u eat or drink. If you drink 1 bottle of that is a pound you just added. So weight in befor u even take a sip of water. Hope this helps
  • shoug
    shoug Posts: 1
    I am in the exact place you are and it feels great to see that I am not the only one. I will take the advise of all the above and be happy for the progress and keep working. I feel like for the first time in years this might work!
  • this is exactly why i hate the biggest loser (not saying you watch it) but they set people up for failure. people get discouraged when they don't see 5 lbs on the scale for weight loss, and are upset when they see 1...even though they loss! (oh, and biggest losers work out ALL day, by the way)

    but 1.5 lbs is about the size of a guinea pig. You lost a guinea pig. does that makes sense? find something in your house that weights 1.5 lbs. feel how heavy it is, at look at how big that actually is. you lost that in seven....count em, SEVEN days.
    thanks nothing to scoff at! That is a SAFE weight to lose every week, and if you kept that up, in 25 weeks, you'd lose over 25 lbs.
    True weight loss takes time, persistance, and dedication. anyone can go on those fad diets and loss weight, but if you are sticking to what you are doing and doing it the right way, you are changing your lifestlye which is much more admirable, and when you are STILL at your goal weight years after achieving it, everyone will wonder "what the heck have you been doing to keep it off???"
    so smile! give yourself a big hug! it comes off little by little, and by the time you get to where you want to be, you'll forget you ever had a pity party for that measely ONE pound
  • tuduis
    tuduis Posts: 67
    ALL I want to say is... GREAT WORK!!!! Don't be discouraged and keep it up!
  • 1.5 is a great number. I also understand the frustration, but you have to think of how much that really is. Get something that weighs 1.5 and put it somewhere you see it every day. You can look at it and think "I've lost that, and I'm going to lose so much more." You probably gained a lot of muscle too. Pounds are going to start shredding soon, be ready for a whole new shopping spree!
  • I used to work at a fitness place and I was told that the number of pounds coming off may not be as big at first becuase you will be gaining muscle from the exercise. Also, you may be losing inches and not necessarily pounds becuase of the muscle gain. but it sounds like you did great your first week! Stay encouraged!
  • 0ssum_Bl0ss0m
    0ssum_Bl0ss0m Posts: 23 Member
    Everybody has had such great thoughts!

    *E* was looking at the wrong person's profile when replying. :-P I also suffer from TBL Syndrome where 1.5 lbs seems like a pittance.

    My suggestion is to include a good strength training routine and get adequate calories. Muscle burns fat even when you aren't exercising. Also ... don't go just by the scale because if you DO work to build muscle you may actually gain weight as fat is burned and muscle grows. Measurements might give you a more accurate picture of your progress.
  • gwen933
    gwen933 Posts: 79 Member
    Thanks everyone!! I will look at it as a loss and keep plugging along. I do watch the Biggest Loser and should probably stop because that is exactly why I was frustrated. I guess if I worked out for 8 hours a day I would see bigger numbers but since I don't I will be happy with 1.5 lbs.

    Thanks again for everyones encouragement!!
  • JK1967
    JK1967 Posts: 4
    Look at it this way if you continue to have 'poor' weeks like that, this time next year you will have lost 78lbs! Hopefully, that doesn't seem so disappointing now. Excellent job.
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