Anyone here dealt with binge eating disorder?

Hey I'm looking for other teens who have dealt with binge eating disorder who also need a support buddy. :)


  • Vanillatwilight3
    Vanillatwilight3 Posts: 13 Member
    Not quite but I do have some unhealthy habits of my own and it'd be nice to have a friend who understands that I may not always eat like i'm supposed to.
  • warrior_4life
    That's ok, I haven't been diagnosed by a doctor but I'm seeing a counselor for it. If you ever wanna talk or share what's going on just msg me :)
  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member
    I'm not a teen, but have had a eating "disorder" ever since. I look at my eating disorder, bingeing as a disease like alcoholism etc. I am still dealing with it. Just hang in there and I hope talking with a counselor will help you. Good Luck.
  • jenn6832
    jenn6832 Posts: 7
    I struggled with binge eating disorder, finally feel as though I am starting to recover now! would be great to have more support though as very few people know. Talking to a counsellor will definitely help you! Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • Fattackler2013
    Fattackler2013 Posts: 142 Member
    Yeah I used to binge on things like pizza all of the time and completely pig out/go overboard. It has gotten better for me over time though. My diet has changed so much since I restarted my healthy eating plan. Feel free to add me :D