How long did it take to lose 2 stone? (Smaller goals)

kirstiejess Posts: 60 Member

I have on average about 2 stone to lose.

So this question is aimed at people with the same amount of weight to lose;
How long did it take?
How did u do it?

Would be great to hear some success stories/ ongoing journeys to keep me motivated today. Thanks guys x


  • epadmeister
    epadmeister Posts: 102 Member

    I started off at 72.2kg back in the beginning of February. I hit my 2 stone mini goal on 17th May (weighed in at 59.9kg).
    Have a look at my diary for general food ideas - I started off eating 1200 a day for the first 50 days (before joining MFP) then realised it wasn't enough! Since then I upped it to 1450 calories a day with 4 workouts a week - I try to burn 400 / 500 calories a work out.

    Hope this helps :) x
  • laratacita
    laratacita Posts: 53 Member
    Isn't 2 stone about 32 pounds? I think you'll be less frustrated if you use less archaic weight measurements.
  • kirstiejess
    kirstiejess Posts: 60 Member

    I started off at 72.2kg back in the beginning of February. I hit my 2 stone mini goal on 17th May (weighed in at 59.9kg).
    Have a look at my diary for general food ideas - I started off eating 1200 a day for the first 50 days (before joining MFP) then realised it wasn't enough! Since then I upped it to 1450 calories a day with 4 workouts a week - I try to burn 400 / 500 calories a work out.

    Hope this helps :) x

    First of all congratulations on hitting your goal.

    Thanks for your reply.

    Very inspirational, i like that u did it over a steady over 4 months. My aim is to lose it by the end of september and will pretty much be doing the same as what u have done.

    How much did u lose weekly? Xx
  • epadmeister
    epadmeister Posts: 102 Member
    Isn't 2 stone about 32 pounds? I think you'll be less frustrated if you use less archaic weight measurements.

    I agree, definitely start using metric / imperial (lbs) units instead of stone - you'll feel better about your achievements and it'll be easier to set up mini goals - and mini rewards! :bigsmile:
  • kirstiejess
    kirstiejess Posts: 60 Member
    Isn't 2 stone about 32 pounds? I think you'll be less frustrated if you use less archaic weight measurements.

    2 stone is 28 lbs. what does it matter the way in which you measure it? Its the same amount either way ????
  • kirstiejess
    kirstiejess Posts: 60 Member
    Isn't 2 stone about 32 pounds? I think you'll be less frustrated if you use less archaic weight measurements.

    I agree, definitely start using metric / imperial (lbs) units instead of stone - you'll feel better about your achievements and it'll be easier to set up mini goals - and mini rewards! :bigsmile:

    Thats true!! Thanks both of u x

    So thats 28 lbs for me to lose then lol
  • fredgiblet
    fredgiblet Posts: 241 Member
    I've just lost 28 pounds as of a few days ago.

    5 and a half months.

    EDIT: As for how, counting calories is 90% of it, lifting is the other 10.
  • epadmeister
    epadmeister Posts: 102 Member
    On average about 0.4kg / 1lb a week :) at first I started losing something like 2lbs a week but that slowed down after 3 weeks
    It took me about 3 months to realise that slow and steady definitely wins the race! There are now weeks where I lose 0.2 / 0.3kgs a week but that no longer bothers me :)

    One word of advice, invest in a measuring tape and log in chest, waist and hip measurements every so often on MFP - especially if you plan on doing strength training! One thing I found super motivating was completing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred... that was hard work but it freakin worked!
  • kirstiejess
    kirstiejess Posts: 60 Member
    On average about 0.4kg / 1lb a week :) at first I started losing something like 2lbs a week but that slowed down after 3 weeks
    It took me about 3 months to realise that slow and steady definitely wins the race! There are now weeks where I lose 0.2 / 0.3kgs a week but that no longer bothers me :)

    One word of advice, invest in a measuring tape and log in chest, waist and hip measurements every so often on MFP - especially if you plan on doing strength training! One thing I found super motivating was completing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred... that was hard work but it freakin worked!

    So 4 months is quite a good goal then to lose the weight at a steady pace; i think its a reasonable goal and would be great if i could do it at the same rate as you, id be happy!

    How tall are u?

    I bought that dvd yesterday so should be here by monday to start it! Will do that 4 times a week and ive started running as im doing a 10km race for cancer research UK so trying to build up my endurance. So far ive done 11.7 km in 1 hr 27 mins, was well proud of myself!!
  • jox14
    jox14 Posts: 26 Member
    I have lost 2 stone as of today and it has taking me 51days
  • battybecks
    battybecks Posts: 147 Member
    I'm on a 2 stone loss exactly today! I started in mid-August last year, on a 1,200 kcal diet (but eating back all my exercise calories), and had one pound a weeks loss up until about Feb, then it slowed down to about half a pound a week. I'm very close to goal, but I've changed my goal now - it's no longer about the number, but about the shape of my belly!

    I've been going slow and steady because I refuse to restrict on days when there is a party, or a holiday, or nice food aplenty - I exercise more to make up for these days, but it does mean I can't hit the 2lbs per week mark (I think that's too fast anyway - 1lb a week is enough for me!)

    Good luck! Don't worry about the speed, just worry about if you can sustain it :)
  • battybecks
    battybecks Posts: 147 Member
    Isn't 2 stone about 32 pounds? I think you'll be less frustrated if you use less archaic weight measurements.

    Pounds are units within a stone. That's like saying "why do you think in metres? Surely centimetres would be less archaic".

    If modernity is what you want, go metric and think in kilograms. Tut.
  • Muffie22
    Muffie22 Posts: 77 Member
    About 2 years the first time, but that's when i was just casually counting calories and occasionally exercising lol. Then I gained most of the weight back in the run up to christmas. This time it's been around 24 lbs (so not quite 2 stone yet) since January, so not super quick, and sometimes it feels like you haven't lost anything at all.. Didn't start mfp til a couple of months in. I haven't been super strict in the slightest (still have the odd mad day where i go out to eat/for drinks and have like 3500 calories..). Probably could have done it faster but I still wanna have a life. Generally I try to stick a couple of hundred under my goal to account for any over-estimations on mfp for exercise but I go by a weekly average, rather than daily, so as long as my weekly average is under my goal it's all good (which allows me to go over on some days as long as i compensate for it). I would say set your weight loss goal to 0.5lbs per week on here, or it'll likely give you a 1200 calorie goal, which is no fun at all, leaves you exhausted, and will probably lead to bingeing due to feeling deprived.
  • laratacita
    laratacita Posts: 53 Member
    If I wanted to even more impressive numbers, I'd measure my weight loss in Newtons. But "stone" is not generally used in the United States, despite our reluctance to adopt the more sensible metric system.

    This means I have lost 137.9 newtons in about two and a half months, if my bathroom scale is to be believed. (I don't know how trustworthy it is.)
  • byahbee
    byahbee Posts: 19
    i've lost 2 stone in about six months. i started eating breakfast when before i wouldn't normally eat until midday, i stopped eating bread based meals in the evening. i also don't snack in the evenings except for fruit, instead i save enough calories for an afternoon snack before dinner. i also did the 30 day squat and abs challenge to start me off, i think this helped burn off the excess calories i was consuming to help me ease into my new lifestyle. :)
  • dammitjanet0161
    dammitjanet0161 Posts: 319 Member
    If I wanted to even more impressive numbers, I'd measure my weight loss in Newtons. But "stone" is not generally used in the United States, despite our reluctance to adopt the more sensible metric system.

    But the OP is not in the US, she is in the UK and here we use lbs and stone. A pound is a pound it's just part of a 14lb stone! Nobody here would say I've lost a third of a stone or 0.4 of a stone for example.

    We use kilos too but are generally brought up to think in stones.

    To the OP - I have lost roughly 10lbs in 10 weeks since joining MFP, and set out with a similar goal (1.5 to 2 stone). If I continued to lose at that rate (without factoring in any plateaus, setbacks and slowing down in rate) it would take just over 6 months to lose 2 stone.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    So thats 28 lbs for me to lose then lol

    you get better minigoals with stones on the scales - a big one ever 14 lbs, a small one every 7, a tiny one every pound.
  • beccag28
    beccag28 Posts: 43 Member
    Isn't 2 stone about 32 pounds? I think you'll be less frustrated if you use less archaic weight measurements.

    Pot calling the kettle black much
  • laratacita
    laratacita Posts: 53 Member
    Newtons are the obscure metric weight measurement. They're not archaic. They're just not used.
  • Yagisama
    Yagisama Posts: 595 Member
    Isn't 2 stone about 32 pounds? I think you'll be less frustrated if you use less archaic weight measurements.

    Pot calling the kettle black much

    LOL I was thinking the exact same thing!

    It's funny because it was my 100th day recently and I have lost exactly 2 stones. Of course I still have 2.5 stones left to go!!