So friggin tired..



  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    COFFEE. :D

    I dont accuratley log my coffee..but let me tell you I do drink to much..probably more then I should..:(.

    I'm sorry for not being more helpful.
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    Thanks alll!

    -I am not my tubes tied.:)
    -I do not know if I could be Hypo-thyroid..please forgive my that under or over active? I feel like a dweeb asking..Weight is an issue in both sides of my family and my uncle does have a thyroid condition (UNDER active)
    -I drink to much coffee..I dont log it all..but I drink quite abit in the AM.
    -I may be overtraining..I only do 30 minutes or do a day..its usually a Jillian Michaels video. I can feel soreness at times in my legs and my arms..sometimes even my pecks. I just switched back to level 3 of 30DS after not doing it since the fall and it is making me sweat like a pig.
    -Im calculating my calories thru MFP..but I am at sedentary..Perhaps I will try and up to lightly active and see if its better. I had a big obession with 1200 for awhile and now feel OK when I get 1300-1400..but that still comes in under. Admitedly, its been an internal struggle to come to grips with the # and understanding I need to MEET that goal, not come in under it...
    -AM working out is really the best right now. at times, Im outside til 8:30 or so and by the time I come in, Im to tired to do anything.
    -the work I do outside varies...some days its shoveling poop and raking pens..other days its just walking while I feed. and some days its fixing fence. I just dont know how to log it all..
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Thanks alll!

    -I am not my tubes tied.:)
    -I do not know if I could be Hypo-thyroid..please forgive my that under or over active? I feel like a dweeb asking..Weight is an issue in both sides of my family and my uncle does have a thyroid condition (UNDER active)
    -I drink to much coffee..I dont log it all..but I drink quite abit in the AM.
    -I may be overtraining..I only do 30 minutes or do a day..its usually a Jillian Michaels video. I can feel soreness at times in my legs and my arms..sometimes even my pecks. I just switched back to level 3 of 30DS after not doing it since the fall and it is making me sweat like a pig.
    -Im calculating my calories thru MFP..but I am at sedentary..Perhaps I will try and up to lightly active and see if its better. I had a big obession with 1200 for awhile and now feel OK when I get 1300-1400..but that still comes in under. Admitedly, its been an internal struggle to come to grips with the # and understanding I need to MEET that goal, not come in under it...
    -AM working out is really the best right now. at times, Im outside til 8:30 or so and by the time I come in, Im to tired to do anything.
    -the work I do outside varies...some days its shoveling poop and raking pens..other days its just walking while I feed. and some days its fixing fence. I just dont know how to log it all..
    With all the work you do, you are not sedentary. In addition, you should be eating back your exercise calories (at least a majority of them). I would imagine you are undereating for your current level of activity.
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    OK, I upped my activity to lightly bumped my daily goal to 1600-something..
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    OK, I upped my activity to lightly bumped my daily goal to 1600-something..
    That sounds better. Keep in mind you might see an initial spike in the scale due to the increase, but give it 4-6 weeks, then reassess your weight and energy levels. Reevaluating your sleep habits might help as well.

    I don't know much about overtraining, but I'm sure there are plenty of articles online about it. If it sounds like you are overtraining, dial it back a little. If you don't; eating more may be enough to solve your problems and you can keep going at it six days a week.
  • carliekitty
    carliekitty Posts: 303 Member
    I feel like that about every 10 days or so, i just increase my calories for one day. I like to eat either a piece of cake or something like that and i feel so much better. Just an fyi i do eat enough veggies, fruit, and etc so i know its not that. I just think when you work out hard maybe your body just needs a few extra calories from time to time.
  • gypsyeyesforyou
    I was actually thinking the same thing (HYPOTHYROIDISM). that means your thyroid gland is underactive. and it can wreak havoc in every aspect of your body and life! but, one of the main symptoms is having no energy! i suggest that if you are on facebook, go like the page "thyroid sexy" and go to the FAQs. ask your doctor to test your TSH, free t3, and free t4. and KNOW where the "optimal" ranges are BEFORE you go! just b/c the numbers are "in range" does not mean they are optimal! mostly, people feel better when the TSH is around 1, the free t3 should be in the upper 25% range as well as the free t4. it may not be thyroid, but hypothryoidism is VERY common and your symptoms make me think that you could be.
  • mommyrunning
    mommyrunning Posts: 495 Member
    Coffee or caffeine in general can create a cycle of fatigue where your body depends on the caffeine and needs more and more. I used to be addicated to redbull and experienced fatigue and feeling grumpy if I wasn't constantly drinking it. If you can cut back or stop that might help. You will probably feel like garbage at first while your body adjusts but in the end you're likely to feel better. As others mentioned getting more sleep is big. Last have you considered a sleep disorder such as sleep apnea? Here's an article on sleep apnea. A simple sleep study can tell you if you have a sleep issue. Good luck.
  • SKME2013
    SKME2013 Posts: 704 Member
    I work inside..but then at home, go and work outside taking care of critters,ect,ect.

    Id love to give smoothies a try..Im just scared, if that makes sense, of accurate logging. I usually have a protein shake mid morning and a bananna. my husband says Im cutting out to many carbs..carbs are my waterloo..simply whites dont interact well with me...I was going to try a bananna smoothies this morning, but got scared with the accurate logging thing.

    There is no need to be scared of smoothie logging. Build your own receipe and just put all the ingredients in your receipe. Or alternatively just log carefully what you put into your smoothie. I do this nearly every morning and it gives me about 1.2l of smoothie that lasts me for the day until dinner. Some of my smoothies have more calories than others, particularly if I put flax seeds and chia seeds into it, but as said, no need for lunch.

  • Moggsey17
    Moggsey17 Posts: 2
    underactive thyroid, which is my issue, is generally what causes fatigue. that may not be your problem at all, but a simple blood test can rule it out.
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    Well, I let myself eat abit..and hit closer to goal..granted, there was a chocolate bar in there..:(
    Ill get into the doctor and get it checked..(my thryroid) and I will do research on good levels..being hypothyroidism runs in my family, its plausible that it could be effecting me. I am tired now..but not exhausted like I was earlier..I may not have been eating enough for my activity. its a balance act..a scary one for me..Which it shouldn't be.I hate to see the scale go up. :(
  • butterbear1980
    butterbear1980 Posts: 234 Member
    Fellow farmer lady here. I was feeling the same as you super tired! Slowly upped cals from 1600 to...2600! Which is where I'm maintaining.
  • joan23_us
    joan23_us Posts: 263 Member
    I am in a slump..I used to wake up energized and ready to attack my video..and lately, I am simply exhausted. Granted, I have been busy outside working..but its terriably frustrating for me. my husband says I dont need to go 6 days a week..that 2-3 are OK..but I find myself very antsy on my food for the day if I dont get a workout in.

    My diary is open..could this be nutrition related? I have low potassium..which is why I eat a bananna every morning.

    Im also up in weight..but considering the past few days have included some not so wonderful foods..Ill acept it may be temporary.

    sign of a caloric deficit and most likely not enough rest, experiment for 2 days, have a "controlled" refeed, up your intake 150% and see how you feel the next day, if you feel better we can safely say the culprit is just caloric deficit...
  • mamaomefo
    mamaomefo Posts: 418 Member
    I began Atkins...the low carb plan, about 2 months ago. After the first 1 1/2 weeks I felt like a new person energy wise. I have remained at the Induction level most of this time which is 20 carbs a day. This keeps me in fat burning mode for energy. It is working. I have lost over 11 pounds and I have energy to do gardening, exercising, usually 40 minutes a day, and any other chores I need to do daily. Just an idea you might consider. Best of luck to you. Friend me if you would like to for low carb diary viewing.
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    Love hearing from a fellow farmer girl! I really need to invest in a Fitbit..a friend of mine, also a farmer girl, has one and it helps her log activity abit better and accurately!

    I kind of follow a lower carb diet..not strict atkins, but limit my simple carbs.

    This morning, I made a smoothie..and it wasnt scary! I just logged each ingedient individually in my diary and it tastes good! I kind of encorporated my usual protein shake and bananna..along with the greek yogurt and some strawberries. I am out of greens (save zucchinni and I wasnt sure how that would taste?) but plan to get some Kale to add in this weekend.

    I ate close to my goal yesterday and I actually feel better this morning..I did workout, but looking thru youtube, I am going to try some new videos this weekend..I found one of a jillians kickboxing videos..think mabey changing up what is being worked (body wise) may help too?
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    An update-have a doc appt..going to get my hormone levels checked too..Ive been having intense mood swings and get getting hot/cold flashes..

    Have yo-yoed between 119-122 the past few days upping my I modifed and set it to loose 1/2 pound a week, which dropped me down to 1450. I liked 117 better...I feel like there is some excess weight at the midsection I need to still get going to try putting some more cardio in the regiment...

    to be honest, loosing was "easy"..this maintenance is hard and stressful..I find myself questioning everything I go to put in my mouth. I had a hard time eating wings from wingstop the other night as I was petrifed of the caloric content of them..:(
  • Laura3BB
    Laura3BB Posts: 250 Member
    SLEEP! I'm going to get a little sleep-evangelical here, but sleep is so often overlooked.You are almost certainly not getting enough sleep if you are going to bed at 11 and getting up before 5.

    It's really, really hard for most people to prioritize sleep and make the time, but sleep is a big contributor to healing, immunity, hormonal balance, mental function, energy, mood... pretty much everything.

    and perhaps work out a little less...
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    An update-have a doc appt..going to get my hormone levels checked too..Ive been having intense mood swings and get getting hot/cold flashes..

    Have yo-yoed between 119-122 the past few days upping my I modifed and set it to loose 1/2 pound a week, which dropped me down to 1450. I liked 117 better...I feel like there is some excess weight at the midsection I need to still get going to try putting some more cardio in the regiment...

    to be honest, loosing was "easy"..this maintenance is hard and stressful..I find myself questioning everything I go to put in my mouth. I had a hard time eating wings from wingstop the other night as I was petrifed of the caloric content of them..:(
    The gain in the scale is likely water weight and may be temporary. Give any changes in calorie intake several weeks to level out before switching it up again. 1460 is still more than you were eating before, so give it a try, but try to ignore the scale for a while. Don't make any more calorie changes for a month then reevaluate.
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    We will try it and see. I admit, Ive had a hard time sleeping lately..I get HOT..we keep it 75 in our we always have..and I have a box fan husband is under the sheets and Im spread eagle on top sweating my *kitten* off..wake up, sweat, pee, get a drink, back to sleep..wake up two hours later, roll over, back to sleep.

    hence my idea to get my hormones checked.
  • SBRN
    SBRN Posts: 5
    I take the chewable Bariatric vitamins [try or the vitamin] and I would advise you find something you like and take daily as well. I also supplement with B12 which helps with energy. I agree with the other folks that you may be working out too many days a week. I know it's hard, but try to find something else to focus on. I find working in my garden helps a bunch plus I can grow my own fresh veggies and be sure of the nutrition/no pesticides.