Is this healthy?

Nessie112 Posts: 39 Member
Hey everyone, so I have eaten 688 calories today, haven't exercised, yet, I hope to fit at least a half hour run in. Anyways I've been at this for a few weeks now, and I haven't seen great results, none of my clothes are fitting differently and lately I've actually been feeling kind of sick. Anyways I'm starting to feel a really strong urge to try have 600 calories left over everyday in hopes of the weight coming off faster, I bet this isn't healthy but at the same time I really want to so I can reach my goal faster. I feel hungry but I'm tired of being self conscious/ made fun of etc. What negative effects will only eating around 600 calories a day have on my body? Also would any one take a look at my diary? Are there things I could be doing better? Foods I should stay away from? Thank you guys for all your help! :D


  • cantfail
    cantfail Posts: 169 Member
    Your instinct is correct. What you are doing is very unhealthy. If you eat too few calories, your body will go into starvation mode. When you do eat, your body will want to store calories as fat to be used later (just to keep you alive) and your metabolism may slow down to adjust to your calorie intake. You should be eating 1200 calories/day and eating back most, if not all, the calories you use for exercise. So if you work out for 30 minutes and burn 300 calories, you should eat about 1500 calories total. Thats how MFP comes up with the "calories remaining" on your home page. Just 600 calories a day will ultimately lead to failure. If you want your weight loss to be permanent, slower is better.
  • Popsing
    Popsing Posts: 23 Member
    You absolutely will not be able to lose weight until you begin eating more. You're drifting into Anorexia territory. If you want to lose weight, eat enough protein and fat and stay within your calories as long as it's at least 1200 per day.
  • PinkCupcakes84
    PinkCupcakes84 Posts: 235 Member
    Agh here we go again. In....just because????
  • tryett
    tryett Posts: 530 Member
    Are you vegetarian or vegan? There are really no wrong foods, just some better choices.That being said, you need to eat at least 1200 calories per day and make sure you meet your protein goals. Healthy fats are also important.
  • massivediet
    massivediet Posts: 54 Member
    I think that if you eat that little, you will be even less likely to exercise and will also set yourself up for some binges later on. Eat plenty and keep your energy level up for exercise, and the weight loss will happen.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    My guess is that you already know what this will do so I'll save my breath.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Keep in mind that your goal set in MFP is already subtracting 500 or so calories (depending on how fast you told MFP you wanted to lose weight) from the amount you burn in a normal day. So if you're subtracting another 600 calories from that, then you're eating 1100 calories less than you burn. If you're very, very large, and you normally burn around 3000 calories a day, then that might be sustainable for a while...but if you're not, and you're only burning around 2000 or less per day, then you're giving your body half of what it burns...and less than what it needs for your organs to function properly. Does that sound safe to you?
  • PinkCupcakes84
    PinkCupcakes84 Posts: 235 Member
    Op none of us gained weight overnight therefore we won't lose it overnight. Going to these extremes will only set you up for failure in the long run. Do you plan on living off of 600 cal for the rest of your life? I doubt it. Why not stick to a lifestyle change that will benefit you both now and in the future. You may not lose 20lbs in a week but you'll see realistic achievements.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I feel hungry but I'm tired of being self conscious/ made fun of etc.

    This. This is where your problem lies.

    If you are hungry, EAT.

    Fueling your body is not something to feel guilty about and it does not equal being made fun of. What you eat isn't anything to do with how self-concious you are about your weight, that's all in your head. Your body is telling you that you need to eat more and you're not doing that because you feel like it will lead to weight gain (which it won't unless you eat in excess) so you in turn go the other route and starve yourself.

    Please consider seeking counseling if you've been doing this 'diet' for a long period of time.
  • I'm definitely no expert. But I did look at your food diary. Your sodium in take is really high often. It doesn't look like you are consuming enough protein either. I eating 600 cals probably isn't going to make you feel any better. Have you tried going to the doctors? Having your blood checked making sure you aren't deficient in important vitamins my doctor has a nutritionist that you can meet with.
  • Nessie112
    Nessie112 Posts: 39 Member
    Hey guys! Thanks for all the feed back! I knew it was probably pretty unhealthy but I wanted to check and get reminders that slower is better, so thank you! :) Don't worry I only did it one day to make up for over eating the day before :) Is that okay?
    Also I'm vegetarian, that's why I have trouble getting my protein in. Any tips? Also my sodium does tend to be high because the vast majority of vegetarian 'meat' is super high in sodium but it tastes good and is an easy source of protein which my doctor wants me to get more of :) I really appreciate all the feedback! Besides sodium does my food look pretty good? I've heard oatmeal is pretty bad and I have it a lot, should I switch to something else? Thank you again! :)
  • KettyLoyd
    KettyLoyd Posts: 51
    If you will eat 600 calories a day, It is not good for you. In this case you are not able to maintain your weight and most probably become weak. You have to take 1200 calories a day with 5 small meals in a day. Stay away from soda or other drinks. Drink Luke warm water after your meal.
  • How strict of a vegetarian are you? Nothing with a face? Or try not to eat animal products at all?

    dried beans,
    greek yogurt,
    morning star garden burgers (although I'm not sure of the sodium in that you could make your own to control how much sodium it has it in)
    ,Quinoa Pronounced KEEN-WAH you can make it to be breakfast with adding berries to it or add garlic to it and eat it plan or put a stir fry on it like you would rice. You can also make quinoa salads.
    You could make your own Hummas using Plain Greek yogurt on a Tortilla with anything you would into a wrap
    For a veggi Kale has a pretty good amount of protein
  • mikejholmes
    mikejholmes Posts: 291 Member
    My guess is that you already know what this will do so I'll save my breath.
  • Menecairiel
    Menecairiel Posts: 164 Member
    Hey guys! Thanks for all the feed back! I knew it was probably pretty unhealthy but I wanted to check and get reminders that slower is better, so thank you! :) Don't worry I only did it one day to make up for over eating the day before :) Is that okay?
    Also I'm vegetarian, that's why I have trouble getting my protein in. Any tips? Also my sodium does tend to be high because the vast majority of vegetarian 'meat' is super high in sodium but it tastes good and is an easy source of protein which my doctor wants me to get more of :) I really appreciate all the feedback! Besides sodium does my food look pretty good? I've heard oatmeal is pretty bad and I have it a lot, should I switch to something else? Thank you again! :)

    I am not vegetarian myself, but know that a lot of vegetarian will never hit the protein target. Eggs, some nuts might boost it a bit. You might see your carb be higher than recommended as well, all depending. Just hit your calories, focus on feeling healthy and full and remember: slow is good, if it goes off slow it is better for your body and you won't gain as quickly either.

    And you have support! :)
  • nilbogger
    nilbogger Posts: 870 Member
    If you're already feeling sick, eating only 600 calories is not going to help. You're going to have no energy, you won't be getting all the nutrients you need (no, you can't just take a multivitamin) and at some point your body is going to start using your lean tissue (muscle, bone) as fuel.

    You won't even be guaranteed to reach yoru goal much faster. But even if you were, is it worth risking your health?
  • KinoM
    KinoM Posts: 359 Member
    If you're vegetarian rather than vegan then whey protein can help to hit your protein targets for the day. I have a protein smoothie with milk and banana every morning & it keeps me full & powered up through till lunch. Make sure you invest in good quality whey powder though, some of the cheap ones are devoid of necessary aminos and can be rough on the stomach.
  • ACrowsDay
    ACrowsDay Posts: 66 Member
    You obviously haven't done your this and apply it and it will work! No quick fixes...sorry!
  • maizerage66
    maizerage66 Posts: 367 Member
    I figured I'd read your whole post and what other people have to say before voicing my own. Since you only did this 600 calorie day to make up for the day before, it's unhealthy but not as unhealthy as doing it every day. But eating this little is exactly why you're feeling sick. If you go overboard on one day, don't make up for it the next day by eating less, just eat your calculated amount and exercise and move on. Since you are vegetarian, it is definitely much harder to reach your protein requirements. But that's where whey, soy, and vegan protein powders come in handy. Eggs, tofu, and legumes are high in protein as well. I am actually surprised that you've been told that oatmeal is bad because it's not. It has an excellent source of fiber and it also has more protein than you think it does so keep eating it if you like it! Also, the only reason you'll need to worry about sodium is if you have some sort of condition like diabetes or high blood pressure, and also if your body is sensitive to it meaning that you become bloated from it. So if you don't have any of those conditions, then you don't have to worry about high sodium intake as long as it's consistent and you consume enough potassium and water to help balance those levels. And here's what I hate about My Fitness Pal: Your calculated daily calorie totals already have your exercise levels factored in, so there's no need to track your exercise because you don't need to add calories to your day from it. But MFP still does that, which causes people to eat around maintenance technically. So you're not getting the full benefits you're looking for.

    So to sum it all up, Eat your whole foods, enjoy oatmeal regardless of its bad rap, don't eat less to make up for a bad day, don't worry too much about sodium, don't track your exercise because your calorie totals already factor it in, be patient with your weight loss and enjoy life!!