Can't believe what someone said today..

While I was cleaning tables at work, one of the customers asked me 'Did you recently have a baby?'

I swear on my life I will never EVER weigh this much again. Thank god I was busy, or I would've broken down in tears.


  • dlrcpa
    dlrcpa Posts: 114 Member
    Hang in there. Stick to the plan and it really will work, it just takes time.
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    wow that is very rude--some people just don't know when to keep thier mouths shut!!
    Don't let this idiot ruin your day--just stay on track on here and I know you will reach your goals.
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    Ugh, the nerve of some people. The only way I'd ever inquire about if "someone just had a baby" was if I saw them pushing a stroller with a baby, or was holding one.

    Well, I guess the positive is you took it as motivation! You can do this!

  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    idiots! Where I work I had a friend come in. And the receptionist asked her if she was pregnant..I was so pissed. We know not to ask that question. Its all about where you carry your weight. Even really skinny people can have big pouches so dont let that get you down. But hey its also motivating you by making you pisssed off so maybe use that in a work out this weekend
  • kacylaine
    kacylaine Posts: 154 Member
    People are so stupid. :mad: I had someone ask me when I was due when I weighed 135 pounds. I'm 5 foot 9, so that was way skinny for me! And they still thought my eggo was preggo! :noway: Don't let it get you down. Love your body, and your body will love you back. :wink:
  • Nanavette
    I'm sorry to hear that was said to you. I have had something like that said to me in highschool.
    It's difficult but just ignore everyone who tries to put you down.
    All my best.
  • RunConquerCelebrate
    RunConquerCelebrate Posts: 956 Member
    While I was cleaning tables at work, one of the customers asked me 'Did you recently have a baby?'

    I swear on my life I will never EVER weigh this much again. Thank god I was busy, or I would've broken down in tears.

    That is really rude some people just don't know how to keep their mouth shut sometimes. But sometimes things like that motivate us more to keep working harder and show them.

    Right after I had my son and I came back to work (last December) a co -worker who had seen me pregnant asked so when are you do. That was really hard to swallow. but is a motivator to never be that big again so keep your head up and keep going
  • loseitlaney
    I went to a party about 10 years ago and was asked when my baby was due, odd enough I probably weighed about 126 at the time.... Same person now might ask if I had triplets =)

    I laugh it off but it is still stuck in the back of my mind. Don't let them get you down.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    One thing that got me motivated to lose weight was when an old guy at church (who is a bit of a charmer) asked if I was pregnant again and said people had been asking! Now I get the same (lovely) people checking that I haven't been ill!

    Turn it into motivation ;)
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I have a good story for you. I am 61 years old
    and I was wearing a nice blouse to work
    which is like those empire style blouses.
    The maintenance guy comes in every Wednesday
    to collect our recycle paper. He asked me if
    I was pregnant. I was motified and I looked
    at him and said no, just fat. So I kinda know
    where you are coming from (sigh)
  • jojojor
    jojojor Posts: 24
    When I put on weight it all goes to my stomach. Im 45 and still a workmate (who should have known better) asked if I was pregnant. I was so embarressed I didnt think i looked that bad.People say things without thinking. Im having to work really hard but I am slowly losing it.When people come up and say your vlooking good thats great-but how awful was I looking before???? Everything these days is focused on how you look,how wrong is that?
  • yodacho
    yodacho Posts: 90 Member
    What a turkey. I can't believe some folks. So sorry.
  • RDTaylor13
    don't let that idiot get you down. your better than that.
  • sarahlasvegas
    sarahlasvegas Posts: 73 Member
    Don't let it get to you

    I've had it happen twice at work!!

    Both times by older guys that just dont think at all! Once was about 9months after my wedding, and I'd put on a good 24pounds and had made cakes for everyone - he took one and was like oooh thanks this is great - aww look at you nesting... It was in a room full of 10 of my work mates and I was mortified.

    In front of everyone I laughed it off and we made him feel bad (he too was mortified...) - but it really upset me, and if anything probably made me eat more :(

    Happened again a few months ago too - "you shouldnt be doing that in your condition..." this guy who said it is an idiot and I just said im not pregnant you idiot. Think before you speak....

    Im using it to spur me on, x
  • mayana2002
    Somebody asked if I was pregnant when I was 16... I was at work and it was a horrible day for me. That day I started my diet though....
  • Bearface115
    Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member
    **GASP** wow... Either that person doesnt know the first rules to complimenting a woman or they have problems with spiting anything outta their mouth. Im sure that person was trying to maybe be nice and take on an observation. But holy molly, i would have been angry and tried to have made that person feel badly.

    I was a waitress for YEARS and sadly that profession added 30+ pounds to my figure and I felt self concious around me co-workers because there was a guy that i worked with who was playful buddy of mine and we would goof around and give eachother a hard time, but he did something that WASNT a joke which made me feel like the heaviest person ever! I was putting oil into my oil bottle and he comes into the room with 3 other servers and he said to me, " Hey i didnt know we put an extra Shelf in here!" and he tried to balance the glass oil bottle in between the small of my back and the top of my butt. (i know i didnt have that or that i knew of) I was humiliated :embarassed: and tried to diet after that. i made him feel badly about it later and he appologized and said, " But i like women who have a little back to them!" UGH how devistating! so i know how you feel...
  • Jenn421
    Jenn421 Posts: 56
    people are rude. i work at mcdonalds and i get customer a few customers tell me i think its time you lay off mcdonalds. like keep your ****ing mouth shut.

    dont listen to rude people dont let them make you feel down i do and it just gets me very depressed.

    good luck on your weight loss
  • noiinteam
    noiinteam Posts: 92 Member
    Some people are so rude..... blow it off ..... you are cute as a button.
  • javamom
    javamom Posts: 309
    While I was cleaning tables at work, one of the customers asked me 'Did you recently have a baby?'

    I swear on my life I will never EVER weigh this much again. Thank god I was busy, or I would've broken down in tears.

    One of my students asked me when my baby was coming out.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I have a good story for you. I am 61 years old
    and I was wearing a nice blouse to work
    which is like those empire style blouses.
    The maintenance guy comes in every Wednesday
    to collect our recycle paper. He asked me if
    I was pregnant. I was motified and I looked
    at him and said no, just fat. So I kinda know
    where you are coming from (sigh)

    What a great response though. I can only imagine how bad HE felt for opening his mouth....LOL