Is this healthy?



  • piercethekenna
    Screw the starvation mode. **** that. That's not even the point. Don't do this to yourself because you will end up in a deep spiraling hole of self hatred and in the end all you'll have is an eating disorder. Stop now and realize that eating 1200+ calories is healthy. Exercise will work the weight off and it takes time to lose weight. Please don't do this to yourself. It's the worst mistake I ever did. You'll think that you'll start eating healthy when you lose the weight but you're wrong. You'll keep going. Eat healthy and exercise and you'll be okay.
  • DeliriumCanBeFun
    DeliriumCanBeFun Posts: 313 Member
    don't track your exercise because your calorie totals already factor it in
    False! I've had an off week being sick, but I normally burn 300-2000+ calories a day. This is definitely not factored into my daily goal of 1400.
    I don't agree with staying away from any foods, unless they are triggers for you to over indulge. No good will come of starving yourself. You may see weight fall off quickly, but you will lose crucial muscle as well. Feeling tired and overly hungry from not eating enough will only cause most people to give up. This is a long process, and you need to find realistic goals for yourself besides just a number on the scale. Ask yourself, can I do this for the rest of my life? If not, you need to find a plan that you can stick with. Because even if you crash diet and lose a lot of weight, you will not be prepared to keep it off.
  • Nessie112
    Nessie112 Posts: 39 Member
    Tank you everyone for all the tips! I'll be sure to try them out, especially all your suggestions for protein! And I'll try to keep myself at 1200 a day :) Thank you everyone, I really appreciate all the help! And tank you maizerage66 especially for all your tips and clarifying about oatmeal and eating less to make up for a bad day, super helpful!
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Tank you everyone for all the tips! I'll be sure to try them out, especially all your suggestions for protein! And I'll try to keep myself at 1200 a day :) Thank you everyone, I really appreciate all the help! And tank you maizerage66 especially for all your tips and clarifying about oatmeal and eating less to make up for a bad day, super helpful!

    It's 1200 NET calories a day (assuming you set things up properly and didn't keep telling MFP whatever it took to get the lowest possible calorie goal). You stated earlier that you overate yet your diary doesn't show that for any day in the past week. There are some days slightly under goal and one day of only 715 logged calories.

    Let's go back to the start point and evaluate if 1200 cals is even the right number for you to begin with.

    Current weight?
    Goal weight?
    Target loss per week?
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Eating significantly too little will result in malnutrition.

    Effects may include:
    Terrible skin, hair color loss, hair loss, fatigue, organ damage across the board, hormonal imbalance, mood swings, and various other effects.

    Keep your body fueled properly with good nutrition and just watch your calories. While it is indeed tempting to sprint when it comes to weight loss, slow going surely wins.

    Besides, if you lose too fast, you will have flabby skin... which will only be repaired through surgery and will leave scarring at that. Sure, you'll be skinny, but you'll look like you had a private fully body massage from Freddy Kruger.
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    If you have to ask.. it probably isn't. You already know the answer.
  • Nessie112
    Nessie112 Posts: 39 Member
    Thank you! That's totally what I needed to hear! Keeps me motivated to eat a proper amount XD Tee hee Freddy Kruger.
  • Nessie112
    Nessie112 Posts: 39 Member
    Tank you everyone for all the tips! I'll be sure to try them out, especially all your suggestions for protein! And I'll try to keep myself at 1200 a day :) Thank you everyone, I really appreciate all the help! And tank you maizerage66 especially for all your tips and clarifying about oatmeal and eating less to make up for a bad day, super helpful!

    It's 1200 NET calories a day (assuming you set things up properly and didn't keep telling MFP whatever it took to get the lowest possible calorie goal). You stated earlier that you overate yet your diary doesn't show that for any day in the past week. There are some days slightly under goal and one day of only 715 logged calories.

    Let's go back to the start point and evaluate if 1200 cals is even the right number for you to begin with.

    Current weight?
    Goal weight?
    Target loss per week?

    The day of 715 is the day after I overate a lot. I must have forgot to update the day before because I was 600 calories over my 1200 goal, which I was really upset about. I figured if I overate that much then if I under ate that much by the next day it would balance itself out. The day I posted this topic asking about it, I went back and ate more since everyone was telling me I should. :) So I think I was only about 200 cals under but by then I was too full to eat anything else. I inputted everything accurately on MFP and that's what it told me, so I went with it. Honestly at that point, when I first signed up, I was hoping it would say I could have 1500, I wouldn't purposely try to have less cals to eat.
    My current weight 185 (wow that's hard to post publicly :P)
    Goal weight ultimately 130ish depending on how I look, but if I'm at 140 because I have lots of muscle then I won't go lower. I want to do it more based on clothing size and just how I look and feel.Hoping to be around a size 4, I'm a size 12 now.
    My target loss a week is 2 lbs, I think that is the most one should lose a week and still be considered healthy right?
    oh and height 5'5''
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    So, 50 pounds is what you are looking to lose. Not too shabby.

    2 pounds a week is too much, MAX should be 1.5 a week, probably closer to just 1.0 a week.

    While losing weight, pick up a strength training routine. This will help keep more muscle mass and encourage fat loss over muscle loss.

    Once you are at around 15 or 10 pounds left you want to lose, then switch to around 0.5 pounds weight loss.

    As for ups and downs on eating, it is totally fine. If Monday you under ate by 500 and Tuesday you over ate by 500, then it's all good. In fact, you should be like "Score, I under ate today, means tomorrow I can have more!" rather than just banking the extra loss.

    Many people on MFP kind of ignore the day to day thing and focus on the weekly total. For example, I have the phone app for MFP and have it set to start the week on Monday. So when the weekend rolls around, I know how many calories I have left over to go ahead and splurge as I almost always do on the weekend.

    Remember, the BIGGEST part of losing weight is learning how TO EAT, not how to NOT EAT. ^.^
  • lavendah
    lavendah Posts: 126 Member
    Yes,this IS severely unhealthy.You must NOT consume less than 1200 calories in any case.
    If you continue this way, there are good chances of metabolic damage - not only will the current results be disappointing,but losing weight will become harder and harder with time,and the chances o regaining the weight in no time will rise.

    Moreover,your body will burn a lot of muscle along with fat,and you'll lose a hell lot of strength.You want to lose FAT,not muscle.Even when you reach your goal weight,you won't look toned and have very lose skin.

    I know it might be hard to have people make fun of you,but the fact that you're willing to do BETTER means you're WINNING.Slowly,you'll get all the desired results,just gotta be patient.

    This is NOT the way,DO NOT subject yourself to this.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Tank you everyone for all the tips! I'll be sure to try them out, especially all your suggestions for protein! And I'll try to keep myself at 1200 a day :) Thank you everyone, I really appreciate all the help! And tank you maizerage66 especially for all your tips and clarifying about oatmeal and eating less to make up for a bad day, super helpful!

    It's 1200 NET calories a day (assuming you set things up properly and didn't keep telling MFP whatever it took to get the lowest possible calorie goal). You stated earlier that you overate yet your diary doesn't show that for any day in the past week. There are some days slightly under goal and one day of only 715 logged calories.

    Let's go back to the start point and evaluate if 1200 cals is even the right number for you to begin with.

    Current weight?
    Goal weight?
    Target loss per week?

    The day of 715 is the day after I overate a lot. I must have forgot to update the day before because I was 600 calories over my 1200 goal, which I was really upset about. I figured if I overate that much then if I under ate that much by the next day it would balance itself out. The day I posted this topic asking about it, I went back and ate more since everyone was telling me I should. :) So I think I was only about 200 cals under but by then I was too full to eat anything else. I inputted everything accurately on MFP and that's what it told me, so I went with it. Honestly at that point, when I first signed up, I was hoping it would say I could have 1500, I wouldn't purposely try to have less cals to eat.
    My current weight 185 (wow that's hard to post publicly :P)
    Goal weight ultimately 130ish depending on how I look, but if I'm at 140 because I have lots of muscle then I won't go lower. I want to do it more based on clothing size and just how I look and feel.Hoping to be around a size 4, I'm a size 12 now.
    My target loss a week is 2 lbs, I think that is the most one should lose a week and still be considered healthy right?
    oh and height 5'5''

    Two pounds per week is too aggressive for the amount you have to lose. MFP bases your daily intake goal on your weekly loss target. Two pounds per week versus one pound per week is a 500 calorie per day difference. That means 1200 is too low to start with.

    Fix your numbers, get things set where they should be for a healthy loss rate (at most 1.5 for the next few pounds ... 1 pound per week most likely the right choice even now), then eat to hit your net calorie goals.
  • Nessie112
    Nessie112 Posts: 39 Member
    Why is 2lbs a week too aggressive? I thought generally it was okay for anyone to lose this amount a week.I finding it generally pretty easy to stay within my calorie limit now, I'll make sure too keep it at 1200 now and not go under! I tend to eat a lot of really low cal foods so it allows me to feel full without all the extra calories, but I suppose I could eat more nuts and things like that too keep my cals up on days when I eat like four cups of salad XD My doctor said he's fine with me eating 1200 as long as I keep my exercise up and eat my calories back that I work off. Is that okay? Thanks for the tips on strength training! What I've been doing exercise wise (well trying to) is running Tuesday, Thursdays, Saturdays and weight lifting Monday and Wednesday. Plus just generally a lot more walking around. :) My gym has closed down so I may have to start going to my friends to work out. :(
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Why is 2lbs a week too aggressive? I thought generally it was okay for anyone to lose this amount a week.I finding it generally pretty easy to stay within my calorie limit now, I'll make sure too keep it at 1200 now and not go under! I tend to eat a lot of really low cal foods so it allows me to feel full without all the extra calories, but I suppose I could eat more nuts and things like that too keep my cals up on days when I eat like four cups of salad XD My doctor said he's fine with me eating 1200 as long as I keep my exercise up and eat my calories back that I work off. Is that okay? Thanks for the tips on strength training! What I've been doing exercise wise (well trying to) is running Tuesday, Thursdays, Saturdays and weight lifting Monday and Wednesday. Plus just generally a lot more walking around. :) My gym has closed down so I may have to start going to my friends to work out. :(

    Do you even read your own answers? You stated earlier that you heard 1 lb per week was safe, now you claim 2 is "okay for anyone" ... you claim you find it easy to stay in your calorie limit when just last night you claimed you were way over on Wednesday (although your diary doesn't show that). You have days that are far below your caloric need (i.e. Tuesday's 715 total intake) ... but now you claim your doctor says it's ok for you to eat so little.

    Two pounds per week is for those with large amounts to lose ... normally in the triple digit range. 50 lbs to lose (or less since you have no real clue what your goal is ... weight, bf%, lean mass % .. more all over the place posting from you) usually falls in the closer to 1 lb per week goal with the last few pounds in the .5 per week.

    Do whatever you want. Be as healthy or unhealthy as you want. Your ability to answer your own questions in this thread and recognize that what you're doing is unhealthy indicates that you know the difference yet choose the unhealthy path. Frankly, the fact you want into a police academy where you could be in position to make life or death decisions for other people scares the hell out of me when your demonstrated decision making here shows a willingness to take the unwise course of action.
  • Nessie112
    Nessie112 Posts: 39 Member
    Why is 2lbs a week too aggressive? I thought generally it was okay for anyone to lose this amount a week.I finding it generally pretty easy to stay within my calorie limit now, I'll make sure too keep it at 1200 now and not go under! I tend to eat a lot of really low cal foods so it allows me to feel full without all the extra calories, but I suppose I could eat more nuts and things like that too keep my cals up on days when I eat like four cups of salad XD My doctor said he's fine with me eating 1200 as long as I keep my exercise up and eat my calories back that I work off. Is that okay? Thanks for the tips on strength training! What I've been doing exercise wise (well trying to) is running Tuesday, Thursdays, Saturdays and weight lifting Monday and Wednesday. Plus just generally a lot more walking around. :) My gym has closed down so I may have to start going to my friends to work out. :(

    Do you even read your own answers? You stated earlier that you heard 1 lb per week was safe, now you claim 2 is "okay for anyone" ... you claim you find it easy to stay in your calorie limit when just last night you claimed you were way over on Wednesday (although your diary doesn't show that). You have days that are far below your caloric need (i.e. Tuesday's 715 total intake) ... but now you claim your doctor says it's ok for you to eat so little.

    Two pounds per week is for those with large amounts to lose ... normally in the triple digit range. 50 lbs to lose (or less since you have no real clue what your goal is ... weight, bf%, lean mass % .. more all over the place posting from you) usually falls in the closer to 1 lb per week goal with the last few pounds in the .5 per week.

    Do whatever you want. Be as healthy or unhealthy as you want. Your ability to answer your own questions in this thread and recognize that what you're doing is unhealthy indicates that you know the difference yet choose the unhealthy path. Frankly, the fact you want into a police academy where you could be in position to make life or death decisions for other people scares the hell out of me when your demonstrated decision making here shows a willingness to take the unwise course of action.

    I said i heard that losing 2lbs a week is okay for anyone. And I wouldn't say going over my calorie intake for 1 day means that I have trouble staying under my calorie goal. The one day where I only had 715 cals was to make up for the day before which I've already said, just as I've already said I forgot to log everything I had the day before. My doctor did say it was okay for me to eat 1200. So instead of being a prick why not read everything that I'm actually saying. This is supposed to be a supportive community. And I said that I wanted to get down to 130 but if I was heavier due to muscle I wouldn't keep trying to get lower, which I think is a healthy goal. Just because I don't have it set in my mind that I want to have such and such body fat % or be exactly xxx weight doesn't mean I'm an idiot. And honestly I think that is a healthy way to look at things. I'm not making some outrageous unreasonable goal for myself. And as for choosing the "unhealthy path" I ate severely under my calorie goal once, and I've already explained at least three times now, why. At least I'm actually asking for help with this stuff. I'm trying to be better. So sorry for eating way under my calorie goal for one day, and so sorry for asking for help and motivation. There is no reason to be a jerk about it and insult me or my ambitions and aspirations. You don't know me so you have no right to say whether or not I would make a good cop. Everyone else who has posted on this has replied with helpful advice in a nice way. If you're oh so disgusted with who I am or what I'm doing then don't read this topic.

    Thank you to everyone else for your help. :)
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Why is 2lbs a week too aggressive? I thought generally it was okay for anyone to lose this amount a week.I finding it generally pretty easy to stay within my calorie limit now, I'll make sure too keep it at 1200 now and not go under! I tend to eat a lot of really low cal foods so it allows me to feel full without all the extra calories, but I suppose I could eat more nuts and things like that too keep my cals up on days when I eat like four cups of salad XD My doctor said he's fine with me eating 1200 as long as I keep my exercise up and eat my calories back that I work off. Is that okay? Thanks for the tips on strength training! What I've been doing exercise wise (well trying to) is running Tuesday, Thursdays, Saturdays and weight lifting Monday and Wednesday. Plus just generally a lot more walking around. :) My gym has closed down so I may have to start going to my friends to work out. :(

    Do you even read your own answers? You stated earlier that you heard 1 lb per week was safe, now you claim 2 is "okay for anyone" ... you claim you find it easy to stay in your calorie limit when just last night you claimed you were way over on Wednesday (although your diary doesn't show that). You have days that are far below your caloric need (i.e. Tuesday's 715 total intake) ... but now you claim your doctor says it's ok for you to eat so little.

    Two pounds per week is for those with large amounts to lose ... normally in the triple digit range. 50 lbs to lose (or less since you have no real clue what your goal is ... weight, bf%, lean mass % .. more all over the place posting from you) usually falls in the closer to 1 lb per week goal with the last few pounds in the .5 per week.

    Do whatever you want. Be as healthy or unhealthy as you want. Your ability to answer your own questions in this thread and recognize that what you're doing is unhealthy indicates that you know the difference yet choose the unhealthy path. Frankly, the fact you want into a police academy where you could be in position to make life or death decisions for other people scares the hell out of me when your demonstrated decision making here shows a willingness to take the unwise course of action.

    I said i heard that losing 2lbs a week is okay for anyone. And I wouldn't say going over my calorie intake for 1 day means that I have trouble staying under my calorie goal. The one day where I only had 715 cals was to make up for the day before which I've already said, just as I've already said I forgot to log everything I had the day before. My doctor did say it was okay for me to eat 1200. So instead of being a prick why not read everything that I'm actually saying. This is supposed to be a supportive community. And I said that I wanted to get down to 130 but if I was heavier due to muscle I wouldn't keep trying to get lower, which I think is a healthy goal. Just because I don't have it set in my mind that I want to have such and such body fat % or be exactly xxx weight doesn't mean I'm an idiot. And honestly I think that is a healthy way to look at things. I'm not making some outrageous unreasonable goal for myself. And as for choosing the "unhealthy path" I ate severely under my calorie goal once, and I've already explained at least three times now, why. At least I'm actually asking for help with this stuff. I'm trying to be better. So sorry for eating way under my calorie goal for one day, and so sorry for asking for help and motivation. There is no reason to be a jerk about it and insult me or my ambitions and aspirations. You don't know me so you have no right to say whether or not I would make a good cop. Everyone else who has posted on this has replied with helpful advice in a nice way. If you're oh so disgusted with who I am or what I'm doing then don't read this topic.

    Thank you to everyone else for your help. :)

    I'm not going to apologize for failing to candy coat things for you. If you cannot handle honest feedback, don't put your life in public. The only day you ate substantially over your goal was three weeks ago ... I just looked back further ... not the day you cited earlier as an excuse for your 715 calorie intake day. Two pounds per week is a 1000 calorie deficit per day built in ... a deficit you routinely exceed by several hundred ... with a couple of 600+ additional calorie deficit days over the past few weeks. Few days have exercise logged ... although you claim an extensive workout program (5 days a week claimed ... not 5 days a week logged resulting in an even more skewed diary).

    Let's look at what others said about your posts in this thread ....
    "Your instinct is correct. What you are doing is very unhealthy."
    "Yes,this IS severely unhealthy"
    "You absolutely will not be able to lose weight until you begin eating more. You're drifting into Anorexia territory."
    "My guess is that you already know what this will do so I'll save my breath."
    " ... then you're giving your body half of what it burns...and less than what it needs for your organs to function properly. Does that sound safe to you?"
    "Please consider seeking counseling if you've been doing this 'diet' for a long period of time."
    "My guess is that you already know what this will do so I'll save my breath. " "QFT" - both replying to question in the topic title
    "You obviously haven't done your this and apply it and it will work! No quick fixes...sorry!"
    " Don't do this to yourself because you will end up in a deep spiraling hole of self hatred and in the end all you'll have is an eating disorder. Stop now and realize that eating 1200+ calories is healthy."
    "If you have to ask.. it probably isn't. You already know the answer."

    Keep doing unhealthy things .. keep trying to rationalize ... keep shifting your story and not paying attention to even what you post ... your body suffers, not mine.