Birth control and struggling with weight loss

I've been on the BC pill for about 10yrs now. Changed prescriptions here and there. I gradually started putting on weight and since I started the pill, and have never been able to get back to my original weight. Now 50lbs heavier, It feels like not matter what I do I can't get back down. I'm currently 220lbs. The heaviest i've ever been. I started at 170lbs. I can sometimes get down to 205lbs, but that is it. I haven' t been under 200lbs in years.

I've seen therapists, nutritionists, dietitians, personal trainers. I've gotten tested for thyroids, diabetes, digestive issues, every weight gaining illness you could think of. I have perfect cholesterol, perfect blood pressure. I'm just overweight! As my doctor puts it "your body is just dense!"

As of the beginning of this year, I have been incredibly diligent with my regimen. I am very active. Black belt in martial arts, i love crossfit, i lift weights. I walk to and from work (6 miles). Work out 3x a week. I run all those fun mud races (Spartan, Warrior Dash, Tough Mudder) I sweat, i'm sore, i'm tired, i'm hungry. All the while, my pants aren't getting any looser and the scale isn't changing. Everyone around me is always shocked how active i am and wonders how i could still be overweight?

I feel like I'm missing something.... could it be my birth control pills??

My doctor said its not the pills, because its not high in estrogen. My RX is microgestin 1.5/30

I'm thinking about going off the pill and getting an IUD (i'm in a happy monogamous relationship, not quite ready for kids). Have any females had a similar experience? Any ladies have an IUD, does it hurt? Do you like it?

TL;DR: I feel like i tried everything to lose weight and the one thing i haven't tried is getting off birth control pills. Anyone else have a similar story?


  • akeden
    akeden Posts: 2 Member
    I am struggling with the same questions and decisions. I really feel that it is my birth control pills that are keeping me from being able to lose weight even though I am trying. I would like to switch to IUD but have heard so many horror stories that I'm not 100% comfortable with it. Would love to hear from others about their experiences with IUD/Birth Control and weight loss.
  • laurenawolf
    laurenawolf Posts: 262 Member
    What are your eating habits like?
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I had the same issue. I switched to the nuva ring and lost all of the weight I gained on the pill. My doctor said the same thing that the medicines were similar so it shouldn't have been the cause. Any thing that messes with your hormones or thyroid can totally change your weight.
  • TinaLauritsen
    TinaLauritsen Posts: 52 Member
    I asked my doctor about this, since many people put on weight when they start those pills, and the only thing the pill or any other kind of birth control does, is make you feel hungry, what you choose to do with that hunger, is completely up to you. :smile:
  • FaithfulJewel
    FaithfulJewel Posts: 177 Member
    There's also the (subconscious?) stress of having to take the pill at the same time every day, if that's the sort you're on...

    Have something like an IUD or Implant and you no longer have to worry, so you can immediately lose any stress related water retention.

    As for everything else, I don't pin anything on my BC habits, as to me it's not a major factor, but I understand it can be significant for other people.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I started birth control at 14 (for acne reasons) and I didn't gain weight until I was 20. I switched birth control from the pill to nuva ring then back to pill thinking they were they cause. Got an IUD after having kids and still didn't lose weight. Wasn't until I got serious about accurately tracking what I ate (not having fast food every day) that I started losing.

    It has nothing to do with your birth control and everything to do with calorie intake.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    I started birth control at 14 (for acne reasons) and I didn't gain weight until I was 20. I switched birth control from the pill to nuva ring then back to pill thinking they were they cause. Got an IUD after having kids and still didn't lose weight. Wasn't until I got serious about accurately tracking what I ate (not having fast food every day) that I started losing.

    It has nothing to do with your birth control and everything to do with calorie intake.

    I don't think the OP liked your (correct) answer. She deactivated...
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I started birth control at 14 (for acne reasons) and I didn't gain weight until I was 20. I switched birth control from the pill to nuva ring then back to pill thinking they were they cause. Got an IUD after having kids and still didn't lose weight. Wasn't until I got serious about accurately tracking what I ate (not having fast food every day) that I started losing.

    It has nothing to do with your birth control and everything to do with calorie intake.

    I don't think the OP liked your (correct) answer. She deactivated...

    I would LOVE to blame my weight on something else. When you blame something/someone else you give your power away. When you accept responsibility for something you gain the power to change it.
  • elvensnow
    elvensnow Posts: 154 Member
    Yea sorry, it's easy to try and blame weight on something like hormones or medication, but truth is 99.99% of the time it's just your eating habits. I've been on the pill over 10 years, I struggled with my weight and still do but I know it has nothing to do with the pill. I do know I gain ~5lbs if I go on the pill (had a few times where I stopped and started it again) but it's just water retention and doesn't impact my measurements.

    I have also lost a lot of weight while still on the pill. Now it may be true that the hormones from it affect your hunger - so okay it might be HARDER to lose weight, but certainly not impossible.

    You mention how active you are but say nothing of your calorie intake so I can only assume you don't eat very healthy. It won't matter how active you are if your calorie intake is not less than expenditure, simple as that.

    Track your food, see how many calories you eat every day. Calculate your TDEE and go from there.
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    It's not the pills. I gained wait on Depo-provera in the early '00s and lost it when I went back on the pill. Focus on your nutrition for the answers for sure. Maybe work with a nutritionist again?
  • EmbryK128
    EmbryK128 Posts: 18 Member
    I have had a IUD for over 5 years. I thought it was the reason I was gaining weight but I was the reason i gained weight. I have been at MFP for 2 years and have lost 60 lbs. It is very possible to lose weight and be on birth control. Inserting the IUD, honestly, does kinda hurt. It is over in like 5 mins. The first one i had, i laid there for awhile afterwards and they gave me orange juice and crackers, the second one hurt worst bc you are removing the first one! but the temporary pain is definitely worth it especially if you are not ready for a child. You will cramp for a few days afterwards, but after that you dont even know its there!
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    I know OP deactivated, but if any women here are thinking about getting an IUD, maybe my story will help in their decision.

    I've never had a baby, so it was *really* painful. I got the Paragard, it doesn't have any hormones in it. I can't take hormones because I get migraines.

    It literally took me 9-10 months to feel completely myself again. Though I was walking every day, I had a distended belly and limited mobility for practically the entire 9 months of healing.

    Now that it has been almost 2 years, I don't even feel it ever. I LOVE the IUD. I am back to full motions, I can even do a back bend! Before, trying to do a back bend was really painful because of my tummy.

    I blame weight gain because of the IUD for ONLY ONE REASON: it was painful to run or do high intensity exercise while I was healing. So, I didn't do it, so, I gained weight. I didn't change my eating habits either. I'm sure if I ate considerably less, I wouldn't have gained so much.

    All in all, it has been a fantastic decision and I'm happy it'll be sitting there for 10-12 years :) But, for 9 months or so you may retain a LOT of water because your body is healing and weight loss may be difficult for the first year you have it put in. But that's just MY experience...
  • spmcavoy1
    spmcavoy1 Posts: 60 Member
    I got the Skyla IUD last summer and I LOVE it.

    It's actually smaller than traditional IUDs and is geared towards younger women who haven't had kids yet. I never have to think about it. I'm in a monogamous relationship and it just makes ahem, everything so much more relaxing (no worrying if I didn't take my pill, etc).

    It was a little painful getting it inserted, but I'd categorize it more as EXTREME discomfort (like it didn't make me go "owww" but it gave me the willies and made me go "ahh! yikes!").

    It took me about 2-3 weeks to feel active again, and about 6 months for my hormones to re-regulate themselves (So I wasn't an uber-b***h).
  • grandloves
    grandloves Posts: 18
    I am losing fine on the pill. It does affect your appetite, but that doesn't mean you should eat more. Just stay in a deficit and the weight will come off. The reason many women gain on birth control is because they are hungrier on it, and therefore eat more calories.
  • knt6742
    knt6742 Posts: 36
    It definitely made me hungrier but I was able to lose the 5 pounds I gained the first month I started it.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I am 40...started the pill at 14...high hormone levels...

    No issues

    Started Depo in my mid 20's...used it for over 10 issues

    Used Mirena for 7 years (until the 2nd one slipped) no issues

    Back on Dep for almost a issues

    And when I say no issues I mean with weight loss...any weight I gain was too much food and not enough movement.

    My exp with Mirena was great...(except for the first insertion) that was fine it was the after...I reacted oddly apparently but I always did with cramps...almost fainted...:noway:

    I recommend depo, Mirena or the ring (due to friends experiences) to anyone who asks...and if they say "what about the weight gain I hear about"...I tell them to eat at maitenance and bam you are good...or just look at me...I lost all my weight using depo and mirena.